Rodney King --> Reginald Denny

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Giga.Blast":1gh88kvt said:
Picasso":1gh88kvt said:
Giga.Blast":1gh88kvt said:
Anyway, with that enlightening vision, check out Candace Owens. She's a tough cute cookie and a true conservative spitfire. :)

I love her to death, why? Because she makes a lot of sense. Funny how the "white liberals" who care so much about race don't care for her. I love watching white "so called journalists" challenging her about what it is like being black :loco: ... 1923667968
:yes: I with you my UK brother from another mother with some type of pigment of a off-white color or colors. :)

I'm not much of a twitter guy but thanks for Candace link and I'm sure she's out there busting some balls. Here's vintage Candace at work wiping the floor with Leo Terrell.


That Leo is quite a character, usually no one can get a word in with him, typical yelling lefty.
Giga.Blast":b0465tg2 said:
It was one of the most surreal days of my life in L.A. when the 2 got probation and the other 2 went to Martha's Vineyard for some time.

I kind of felt the same way on the day of the O.J. verdict which was obviously given to avoid rioting and mayhem. White woman and white male brutally murdered but turns into a trial about race discrimination, how convenient.
Mailman1971":3oyqejxb said:

White cops shoot white male. This happened on a house I deliver mail to.
No one rioted or gave 2 shits.
Why is this new case any different.
If the asshole was hanging with his friends. And wasn’t doing crime.
None of this would of happened. Am I wrong?

That doesn't fit the MSM narrative.
Mailman1971":2kasj9i7 said:
Picasso":2kasj9i7 said:
psychodave":2kasj9i7 said:

Never heard about that one.
Because he wasn’t black.
Watching MTV ridiculousness now.
They are showing commercials.

‘#black lives matter. Stop the racism. ‘

I kid you not.
So if your white... Asian.... hispanic... indian...
Your life don’t matter???
Sickens me.

and you won't hear too much about the other cop involved with six allegations either, his name is Tao Thao. That wouldn't fit the narrative either.

Picasso":2j4m6sk2 said:
Giga.Blast":2j4m6sk2 said:
It was one of the most surreal days of my life in L.A. when the 2 got probation and the other 2 went to Martha's Vineyard for some time.

I kind of felt the same way on the day of the O.J. verdict which was obviously given to avoid rioting and mayhem. White woman and white male brutally murdered but turns into a trial about race discrimination, how convenient.
Yep! I've heard/read so much legal disinformation about this case over the years since it makes my head spin. The last junk I heard was that Nicole was murdered as a result of owing drug dealers back-money and OJ was just OJ. Whatever. I'd give anything to have one more conversation with my mother about all the nefarious activities behind the desk by rogue cops with the knowledge that I have now about just life in general, we were very close until her last breath.
This country is going to hell on the back of a negro. Fuck em
Well, that's a bit unfair don't you think, mate?

I mean, it seems to me that this has been the perfect opportunity for frustrated (from being house-bound) SJWs, both black and white, to get out there and vent their grievances, which we all know they just love to do. The more noise they make the more it feeds their thirst to make themselves heard. The more leeway you allow them, the more they take.
Krull":23rmui3c said:
SALIVA :rock:

Monkey Man":23rmui3c said:
Well, that's a bit unfair don't you think, mate?

The more noise they make the more it feeds their thirst to make themselves heard. The more leeway you allow them, the more they take.
Take the little plastic camera phones away from the little ants and we Wag the Dog. :yes:
Krull":2r221q8w said:
Just quoting a pseudo-intellectual over at Crazy stupid.

”I still can't find this. If the riots are turning deadly, I'd like to hear about it and I'm surprised it's not being reported widely enough for me to find it on google.”

This quote proves these morons know nothing outside of what Google tells them.

Just show them this vid :shocked:

Arrest protocols are grossly antiquated. To avoid issues during an arrest, those who are exhibiting resistance should be incapaciated via tranquilizer; administered via projectile dart and/or a hand-held pneumatic injection device.
JackTripper":19qt5mqu said:
Giga.Blast":19qt5mqu said:
Some of you may remember 1992 Los Angeles riots. I lived though the entire tragedy being located next door in Venice California.


I moved out of LA in 1988. These guys nailed the mood with this song.


Those were some spooky times back then. Now we got this same shit 28 years later. CHAOS and Anarchy are a tough "state of mind" to socially attenuate its influences and ultimately control. ... hyxiation/ ... id/970006/ ... cted-today
Then this shit came along, didn't help matters.

That fed ex roll over made my day. :lol: :LOL:
I had some guy circle my mail truck at a stop. I saw him. All mirrors. I went to go forward. He pounded on the side my truck. Said ‘yo man!! You bout rolled me over!!’

I shut the truck off. Hopped out.
Said ‘fuck you! I knew where you were at! If your so stupid to walk in front a moving vehicle then god help you ! If I wanted to roll you over. Trust me you would be dead!’

He stared at me blank face. I didn’t flinch. Toe to toe with this thug. Dude walked off.
Pussy. :lol: :LOL:
Mailman1971":2mxxwtmz said:
That fed ex roll over made my day. :lol: :LOL:
I had some guy circle my mail truck at a stop. I saw him. All mirrors. I went to go forward. He pounded on the side my truck. Said ‘yo man!! You bout rolled me over!!’

I shut the truck off. Hopped out.
Said ‘fuck you! I knew where you were at! If your so stupid to walk in front a moving vehicle then god help you ! If I wanted to roll you over. Trust me you would be dead!’

He stared at me blank face. I didn’t flinch. Toe to toe with this thug. Dude walked off.
Pussy. :lol: :LOL:
You're a very bad Mailman, Mister Aggressor! :no: :thumbsup:

"What are you worried about? If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already." The Godfather (1972) ... 1d71f493fa