Floyd Eye
Well-known member
Whatever you say Dan Inman.Nope
Whatever you say Dan Inman.Nope
So you think you can keep the nut cases from owning guns? How has that worked for you so far?
Part of the problem is that the gun bois don’t think access is easy. They fancy themselves a minimized group that are constantly having their rights trotted upon.
It’s some weird self fulfilling prophesy where they play the victim so they can in turn cry that they need guns to protect themselves.
Background checks are deemed unconstitutional, when in reality most of the country is just sick of lunatics shooting up school children.
And both of you sheep are bleating on about school children getting "Shot up" but are dead fucking quiet about all the school children who get sold into sex slavery, killed by drunk ass piece of shit parents, killed by drunk driving illegal aliens, raped and murdered by "Migrants" or wind up dead of drug overdoses thanks to you voting for people who force "Multiculturalism" down our throats. Which happens about 20 times as often.Spot on.
Any society that tolerates those kind of numbers is broken.
Well we know he had felony gun charges on his record. So much for your fucking background checks mattering.Well, it's kinda like restricting access to cars for drunk people.
Control the availability, heavy penalties and do it in a way that tries not to ruin it for everyone else who isn't a lunatic.
Now, I know the first thing you'll bleat is that "Guns are a right, driving is a privilege", but a dead school kid in a shooting massacre doesn't care about the difference. Sometimes in life we have to unfortunately cater to the lowest common denominator.
Regarding this latest episode with old mate trying to shoot Trump on his golf course, it's a clear case of some fuckwit have free and easy access to an AK-47. As much as I despise Trump, having him shot but a nutcase is as much of a crime as an innocent child being taken out in a shooting spree.
That's why I don't buy any of this BS..And both of you sheep are bleating on about school children getting "Shot up" but are dead fucking quiet about all the school children who get sold into sex slavery, killed by drunk ass piece of shit parents, killed by drunk driving illegal aliens, raped and murdered by "Migrants" or wind up dead of drug overdoses thanks to you voting for people who force "Multiculturalism" down our throats. Which happens about 20 times as often.
He was felon and shouldn’t legally have been able to purchase a gun.Well, it's kinda like restricting access to cars for drunk people.
Control the availability, heavy penalties and do it in a way that tries not to ruin it for everyone else who isn't a lunatic.
Now, I know the first thing you'll bleat is that "Guns are a right, driving is a privilege", but a dead school kid in a shooting massacre doesn't care about the difference. Sometimes in life we have to unfortunately cater to the lowest common denominator.
Regarding this latest episode with old mate trying to shoot Trump on his golf course, it's a clear case of some fuckwit have free and easy access to an AK-47. As much as I despise Trump, having him shot but a nutcase is as much of a crime as an innocent child being taken out in a shooting spree.
And both of you sheep are bleating on about school children getting "Shot up" but are dead fucking quiet about all the school children who get sold into sex slavery, killed by drunk ass piece of shit parents, killed by drunk driving illegal aliens, raped and murdered by "Migrants" or wind up dead of drug overdoses thanks to you voting for people who force "Multiculturalism" down our throats. Which happens about 20 times as often.
He was felon and shouldn’t legally have been able to purchase a gun.
Shocker….the leftist lunatic with a mental disorder still managed to get a gun.
Grow up.
Christianity is an institutionalised reworking of the Osiris story, done in a way to benefit the elite.
Fueled by guys like you who pay your tithes and offer your donations.
How about if someone can’t be trusted to have a gun they shouldn’t be trusted in society. I know you koalas prefer your murdering scumbags to use knives, but if you’d lock the mother fuckers up people wouldn’t have to die so you could feel all inclusive and tolerant.So amend your amendment to make it harder for lunatics to gun up.
No matter the “amendment” you suggest, criminals will get guns.So amend your amendment to make it harder for lunatics to gun up.
Ha ha.Stop propagating the myth about migrants and crime. It's patently false.
Believe it if you want, but understand you're talking pure shite.
So amend your amendment to make it harder for lunatics to gun up.
Loving others doesn't mean only loving people who think like you. That's what the pagans do.You have several self-professing Christians in here always sucking off Aynirar while he defends and promotes drag queens and openly denies Christ.
Stop propagating the myth about migrants and crime. It's patently false.
Well we know he had felony gun charges on his record. So much for your fucking background checks mattering.