Shots just fired in Trumps vicinity. Part II

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How about if someone can’t be trusted to have a gun they shouldn’t be trusted in society. I know you koalas prefer your murdering scumbags to use knives, but if you’d lock the mother fuckers up people wouldn’t have to die so you could feel all inclusive and tolerant.

Australian knife laws are tougher than American gun laws.
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edit: besides, that's not how inalienable rights work; unless you're a tyrant or support tyranny. since you're not American, don't worry about it; didn't your government take your guns already?

Then you’ve got nothing to complain about next time there’s a school shooting, have you?
Must make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing your gun rights are worth more than the lives of innocent kids.
What’s your point?
One example outweighs the data?
That’s not how statistics work.
Bikies in Australia are linked to middle eastern crime gangs.

Most of the gang violence in Sydney is in ethnic places like Cabramatta, Milperra, Bankstown, Liverpool, Merrylands.

Black African gang crime in Melbourne in particular and even in Sydney.

None of this used to happen in the same way in the 70s when we weren't "diverse".

Hell pretty sure the Police even have a middle east crime squad.

What about all the "ethnics" attacking the police when that Orthodox priest was stabbed. Disgusting bastards.

Anti Jewish ethnics having a perpetual carry on over Israel attacking the police here.

Man a lot of this stuff is just the most recent stuff. I could go on forever.

Foreign signs pervading some suburbs shops. The government translating things into 100 languages when English is our official language. What has happened to this country?

Every show on TV has to have "inclusive" cast members worked in. FFS give me a break. This never used to happen because we weren't diverse.

Then there is the dismantling of things that were treasured in Australian culture because it might offend people that should adopt our culture - not the other way around.
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Yup - just like in the Osiris story…
This is delusional. Maybe do a search on this and rather than trying to confirm your little conspiracy theory do the opposite search and see why Jesus is nothing like Osiris. Read the arguments against as well.
This is delusional. Maybe do a search on this and rather than trying to confirm your little conspiracy theory do the opposite search and see why Jesus is nothing like Osiris. Read the arguments against as well.

I guarantee you I know more about this than just about anyone here on this forum.

The long and short of it is, approximately:

* 3000BC Osiris and Horus merged from 2 gods into a Father/Son/Ba (spirit) Trinity

* Cyclical holidays based on Nile flooding and rebirth of the Dying Sun on Dec 25th and concurrent December rise of the 14 stars in the Sirius constellation

* Merged with Greek Mysteries religion around psychedelic death/rebirth rituals at Eleusis - Christian Communion is based on shared drinking of psychoactive ergot

* 332 BC to late 2nd Century BC Alexander The Great tries to unite pantheistic religions of Zeus-Amon and Amen-Ra into one to unite his kingdom.

* Osiris/Zeus (Jesus) and Amen (Amen) enter the lexicon

* Roman unification of this under Nero introducing Osiris worship around 50AD and early Gnostic sects combine Old Testament Judaism with Osiris/Jesus figure worship

* Constantine locks in monotheism in 325AB, removing a bunch of apocrypha (banned Gospels/books) into a homogenised Bible under The Nicean Creed.

* The Osiris story is renewed of his birth, death, mummification, being cut into 14 pieces and then baptismal resurrection and ascencion under the Catholic Jesus figure comprising 14 components of Jesus, Mary and 12 disciples.

* The “Dark Ages” is simply the 700 year genocide up till the Norman Conquest by the Catholic Church of any now illegal pantheistic cults, Gnostics and indigenous pagan belief systems which threaten the geo-political and economic domination of the Catholic Church.

* Tithing and taxes is used to fund the Church/Monarchy Feudal hegemony, with things like Christmas Trees and holly wreaths, holy water, Christmas/Yule and Easter (death/rebirth/fertility cycle holiday sticking around

* Holy Roman Empire and Vatican City run Europe until Protestant Reformation whereby Catholics torture and murder any competition under the Inquisition, heretic burnings targeting women leading to the English and European Wars of Religion and establishment of the Commonwealth in the 17th Century.

So yeah, that’s Jesus for you.
Anytime anyone prays to him, they’re also talking to Zeus and Osiris.

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Australian knife laws are tougher than American gun laws.
Doubt it. I’m sure they’re tougher than what your TV tells you about gun laws.

Oddly, you still have plenty of knife crime. Strange.
Fat lot of good they did. Tighten them up then.
You reckon some sort of computer chip that makes their head explode when they touch a gun ?

It’s hard to get Deshaun up on Hodiamont to comply with BGCs when he’s slinging them out of the trunk of his stolen car. And yes it’s HIS stolen car. Dan told me that if you steal something that makes you the owner of it.
Doubt it. I’m sure they’re tougher than what your TV tells you about gun laws.

Oddly, you still have plenty of knife crime. Strange.

Kinda hard to instantly strafe a room full of school kids with one knife, mate.
You reckon some sort of computer chip that makes their head explode when they touch a gun ?

It’s hard to get Deshaun up on Hodiamont to comply with BGCs when he’s slinging them out of the trunk of his stolen car.

Deshaun ?
Kinda hard to instantly strafe a room full of school kids with one knife, mate.
Despite what your TV tells you it doesn’t happen that often here. And there are several incidents of mass stabbing. And if there were no guns you could buy some fertilizer. It’s ridiculous to think that not having a gun would make a killer into a law abiding citizen.

Either way, when one of your useless gun laws actually gets guns out of the hands of shitbags, some of us might not feel the need to arm ourselves.
You reckon some sort of computer chip that makes their head explode when they touch a gun ?

It’s hard to get Deshaun up on Hodiamont to comply with BGCs when he’s slinging them out of the trunk of his stolen car. And yes it’s HIS stolen car. Dan told me that if you steal something that makes you the owner of it.
But I didn't steal it, I FOUND it.

Well, it's kinda like restricting access to cars for drunk people.
Control the availability, heavy penalties and do it in a way that tries not to ruin it for everyone else who isn't a lunatic.

Now, I know the first thing you'll bleat is that "Guns are a right, driving is a privilege", but a dead school kid in a shooting massacre doesn't care about the difference. Sometimes in life we have to unfortunately cater to the lowest common denominator.

Regarding this latest episode with old mate trying to shoot Trump on his golf course, it's a clear case of some fuckwit have free and easy access to an AK-47. As much as I despise Trump, having him shot by a nutcase is as much of a crime as an innocent child being taken out in a shooting spree.
I like that you have not mentioned the common denominator in all these cases, SSRI's.
Despite what your TV tells you it doesn’t happen that often here. And there are several incidents of mass stabbing. And if there were no guns you could buy some fertilizer. It’s ridiculous to think that not having a gun would make a killer into a law abiding citizen.

You’re right, it won’t suddenly make them law abiding.
But it will help minimise the damage.

Either way, when one of your useless gun laws actually gets guns out of the hands of shitbags, some of us might not feel the need to arm ourselves.

Our gun laws are great. We like them, because they prevent mass shootings of innocent people.

I’m all for gun ownership, but it can’t be free and easy and at the cost of public safety.

Criminals will always get guns, yes, but hopefully they take out a few of each other on the way…
Then you’ve got nothing to complain about next time there’s a school shooting, have you?
Must make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing your gun rights are worth more than the lives of innocent kids.
I don't complain; increase school security; arm teachers, administrators, etc. that want to be armed.

2A isn't killing innocent kids; crazy people are, and they should be in an asylum.


"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." - Thomas Jefferson
Criminals will always get guns, yes, but hopefully they take out a few of each other on the way…

This statement right here completely nullifies your argument. Criminals will always get guns. If someone wants to commit a mass/school shooting they will find a way to get guns. It may not be "as easy" to get one, but they will get one.

The only people restrictive gun laws hurt are law abiding citizens. Why do anti-gun people always act as if firearms are being handed out to everyone like Halloween candy?

Let me put a different perspective on this. We had prohibition in the US. What did that do? Create and underground network for alcohol, the mafia of the 20's and all the violence that came with it. And let's not forget about how unsafe the alcohol being bootlegged was. Do you not think the same would happen if all guns were banned? Create more of an underground network for firearms with unsafe production and mafia style violence controlling it.
You’re right, it won’t suddenly make them law abiding.
But it will help minimise the damage.

Our gun laws are great. We like them, because they prevent mass shootings of innocent people.

I’m all for gun ownership, but it can’t be free and easy and at the cost of public safety.

Criminals will always get guns, yes, but hopefully they take out a few of each other on the way…

wanting safety above liberty means you'll have neither. watching NSW gestapo police treatment of citizens during the pandemic should have been a wake up call, but you and other totalitarians probably supported their tactics. at least some justice is being served years later to those who blindly, willingly and some joyfully followed their orders.

“The securest place is a prison cell, but there is no liberty” ― Benjamin Franklin

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ― Benjamin Franklin