Shots just fired in Trumps vicinity. Part II

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That's the great thing about freedom. You don't have to be armed if you don't want to. Those that do, can.
that's what's also misunderstood. The Founding Fathers expected 2A freedom would also result in 2A responsibility.

The whole of the adult male citizen population was considered the militia, and expected to keep and bear arms to defend the country, and themselves from government tyranny.

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few public officials." - George Mason

Of course, ruling parasite tyrants don't support that idea or intent, and the woke leftist useless idiots are happy to give their rights away to the government for security...not working out for some in those crime-ridden blue demoncrat dystopian sanctuary cities, but that's what they wanted and asked for, I say let them have it.

meanwhile, let's all enjoy the decline and remember the US is luckier than western Europe, our invaders are only criminals not an islamic army.
He will also be right alongside you and aynirar, roasting in hell for all eternity..

So you've got that goin' for you.

Sure Arch. It’ll be a party. And there will be coke, hookers and violence. Don’t threaten me with a good time.
This was your original statement: "Stop propagating the myth about migrants and crime. It's patently false."

I posted 4 examples of illegals killing US Citizens in the last year... there are hundreds more. Therefore your claim is false

Gotcha. Only one link came up originally.
Sure, migrants commit crimes.
There’s migrant assholes with mental issues for sure.
But the data says that US citizens commit more crimes than migrants do per equivalent population sample.

Then you want to change the topic to "statistics".
You are wrong. Period. Stay in Australian,

Can do, cheers

stay vaxed, get a few more boosters

Got my vaccinations, I’m good thanks

and believe everything your socialist government feeds you.

I don’t think you know what Socialism is. We still have money here and private enterprise, private health insurance and i have private social media profiles.
These are some things that wouldn’t exist within a Socialist state…
Gotcha. Only one link came up originally.
Sure, migrants commit crimes.
There’s migrant assholes with mental issues for sure.
But the data says that US citizens commit more crimes than migrants do per equivalent population sample.

Can do, cheers

Got my vaccinations, I’m good thanks

I don’t think you know what Socialism is. We still have money here and private enterprise, private health insurance and a private social media profile
These are some things that wouldn’t exist within a Socialist state…
So socialism only exists in complete form ? There’s no socialism unless the state controls everything ?

This is the argument all socialists use when they’re vociferously defending themselves from being called socialists.
Listen man, if you like getting your saddle blazed, that’s your business.
Just leave me out of your homoerotic fantasies, thanks.
And another completely typical and boring response. You and Dan both do the same thing. Which ironically is intended to be a backhanded insult, calling your accuser gay. Strange coming from guys who claim to be offended when others use calling someone gay as an insult. Kind of hypocritical isn’t it ?
These are classic words of a captured leftist.

Who's "we"? I bet there's a large percentage of your population that would gladly own a gun.

Mass shootings are done by crazy people....just like mass stabbings are done by crazy people. Sane people that aren't broken, heavily medicated, and usually corrupt by toxic ideology, don't shoot, stab, or blow up innocent people. Provide me a story of a normal, law abiding citizen doing something evil like killing innocents. I'll wait.

You do you down there my friend....I'll keep my guns and ammo up here.

For what it's worth, Australian is a lovely is the United States. Unfortunately, there are crazy people everywhere.

I grew up with guns in the house. I like guns. But I recognise that we live in a world where the dream of individual rights taking precedent over public safety doesn’t work.

Why stop at guns though?
Why don’t you go get a battery of Tomahawk missiles? Or a tank?
Or a fleet of drone bombers?

Want open slather on those for the crazies who can afford them too?
My only response to this would be to ask you to show me data where there’s a positive correlation between stricter gun and increased public shootings.
And then look at the stats for the USA compared to the rest of the world.

America’s background checks on high powered weapons are comparatively laughable, hence why Trump recently got his ear redecorated in public and nearly ventilated the other day just prior to the 6th hole.

You can look at some of the states with more restrictive gun laws. Those laws have really done nothing at best to decrease the amount of gun crimes. You have to remember, criminals don't care about the law.
Truth and inalienable rights are immutable; except for leftists with flexible, conditional morality and lack of fortitude and consistency.

Don't worry, you're in your safe space; you can always practice using a thick hardcover book if you find yourself in a knife fight. Good luck in a gun fight though, anyone gets shot because you're afraid to be legally armed to protect yourself and others will be on you...

just like US ruling parasites and their supporters who want open borders and sanctuary for illegal invaders are responsible and accountable for every crime the invaders commit in the US, starting from when they illegally cross the border. Just like women, leftists never take responsibility nor are they ever held accountable for the destruction they cause.

the violence is all around us, one day it will come for some of us; those who are prepared to defend themselves and their loved ones will be fine (unless they're in a blue state where defending yourself is illegal)

enjoy the decline.

So if these gun laws are working so well, why the death tolls?
Why the two times Trump has been nearly executed?
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I grew up with guns in the house. I like guns. But I recognise that we live in a world where the dream of individual rights taking precedent over public safety doesn’t work.

Why stop at guns though?
Why don’t you go get a battery of Tomahawk missiles? Or a tank?
Or a fleet of drone bombers?

Want open slather on those for the crazies who can afford them too?
There you go, why stop at guns ? Why not cars, booze, promiscuity, adultery, freedom of speech and everything else you think is responsible for death or misery other than the actual people causing it.

Your argument about cruise missiles and the line is another tired old ploy buy commies and anti gun morons. No one on our side is out here bitching about our right to own nuclear weapons. And your comparison of a standard handgun or semi auto rifle to a jet fighter is retarded.
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So if these gun laws are working so well, why the death tolls?
Why the two times Trump has been nearly executed?
None of us are claiming gun laws work. You are. Always just one more. Your end goal is clearly banning them or making it where only the elite and government controlled people have them. Every time there has been a compromise and we’ve accepted some new gun law, even though we knew it wouldn’t do anything, when it predictably doesn’t work, you simply dream up another one that allegedly will. And on and on until we’re all at the mercy of our rulers. Like you.

See my avatar for my response.
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So if these gun laws are working so well, why the death tolls?
Why the two times Trump has been nearly executed?

Liberty isn't free. But totalitarians like you won't understand that, or accept it.

Remember, when seconds count, your police and government are minutes (or more) away. Enjoy victimhood; it's something many on the left seem to want; for attention, as do many modern women.
You can look at some of the states with more restrictive gun laws. Those laws have really done nothing at best to decrease the amount of gun crimes. You have to remember, criminals don't care about the law.
You mean like Chicago ? Muser capitol of the world ? Illinois gun laws must be pretty lax huh? ??
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that's what's also misunderstood. The Founding Fathers expected 2A freedom would also result in 2A responsibility.

The whole of the adult male citizen population was considered the militia, and expected to keep and bear arms to defend the country, and themselves from government tyranny.

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few public officials." - George Mason

Of course, ruling parasite tyrants don't support that idea or intent, and the woke leftist useless idiots are happy to give their rights away to the government for security...not working out for some in those crime-ridden blue demoncrat dystopian sanctuary cities, but that's what they wanted and asked for, I say let them have it.

meanwhile, let's all enjoy the decline and remember the US is luckier than western Europe, our invaders are only criminals not an islamic army.

I fully understand the intention and expectation intended for the 2A. I've always believed that 1. an armed society is a polite society and 2. no other country would dare to invade knowing all citizens were armed and at the ready to defend.

I was actually referring to the comment about being armed in classroom. If a staff member doesn't want to be armed they shouldn't be forced into it. (and lets face it, if they were being forced to they'd likely do more harm than good). Those that do choose to be armed should be allowed to do so.