Shots just fired in Trumps vicinity. Part II

He will also be right alongside you and aynirar, roasting in hell for all eternity..

So you've got that goin' for you.

I fully understand the intention and expectation intended for the 2A. I've always believed that 1. an armed society is a polite society and 2. no other country would dare to invade knowing all citizens were armed and at the ready to defend.

I was actually referring to the comment about being armed in classroom. If a staff member doesn't want to be armed they shouldn't be forced into it. (and lets face it, if they were being forced to they'd likely do more harm than good). Those that do choose to be armed should be allowed to do so.

I almost forgot to add #3. Deterrent from tyrannical rule of the few knowing they'd have to fight against the armed masses.
Very much politics in American land.

It seem very bad and the blue people want to wreck your people country and make life hard to live?

This what it seem.

Very much politics in American land.

It seem very bad and the blue people want to wreck your people country and make life hard to live?

This what it seem.


and if the EU has its' way, you will be invaded by islamic hordes too. smh

edit: and no King John III Sobieski available now
Fat lot of good they did. Tighten them up then.
How the fuck can’t you see the correlation between strict so called gun laws and shootings and high crime. Where citizens are free there is much less of both. The guy who just tried to kill Trump has been arrested so many times he should have been locked up for life. Your dumb fuck elected officials don’t enforce the laws that do work. And you dumb fucks just parrot the same idiocy over and over.
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How the fuck can’t you see the correlation between strict so called gun laws and shootings and high crime. Where citizens are free there is much less of both. The guy who just tried to kill Trump has been arrested so many times he should have been locked up for life. Your dumb fuck elected officials don’t enforce the laws that do work. And you dumb fucks just parrot the same idiocy over and over.
c'mon man logic, reason, facts, truth and reality are not consistent with the woke message and mission, and are summarily ignored.

wish I was kidding.
