Soldano SLO 100

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I had a rack head from 89 I think.

It was ok. Not quite a Marshall. I preferred my boosted JMP. I honestly thought it sounded similar to a Mesa Mark (I know the circuits are not related); maybe it was the smooth tone and touch responsiveness. But I preferred the Mark for its chugga chugga ness. I never tried boosting it.

It seemed fine and works for just about anything type of high gain tone. It just didn't wow me.
I liked the normal channel on the SLO30 cranked and boosted. Overdrive channel was tubby for my use. For whatever reason, the Synergy SLO module has been my #1 since I picked it up a few years ago. It's tighter and has more usable gain.
The SLO has so much control I could make it sound like a Plexi by turning down the gain and turning the volume up. The SLO is probably the loudest amp I’ve ever played it will peel the paint off the wall
It smokes a Marshall that’s for sure and I’ve been a Marshall nut for ages
Subjective. Love my SLO. My 4104 with a pedal or two certainly isn't smoked by it, and can be the preferred sound
i stopped criticizing them after my last comment about them sounding bland and having boxy mids caused a full scale meltdown, which was the third or fourth one i caused with similar criticisms.
It's true! The SLO can sound congested in the mids. Works great for singing solos.
A trick to open up the sound is crank the presence close to max, drop the treble and up the mids. Seems to shift the mids, sounds much more Marshally. More aggressive, less polite.
Subjective. Love my SLO. My 4104 with a pedal or two certainly isn't smoked by it, and can be the preferred sound

It's true! The SLO can sound congested in the mids. Works great for singing solos.
A trick to open up the sound is crank the presence close to max, drop the treble and up the mids. Seems to shift the mids, sounds much more Marshally. More aggressive, less polite.

My first SLO was a 2002. At the time, I had a Cam Aldrich, KK 800 and an EVH 50w 6L6. It didn't wow me; and was too smooth. After reading up on it more, settings etc I found EVHs settings and went with them...Presence dimed, Bass dimed, mids 3-4, treble around 1-2. MUCH better..but, still too smooth. On a whim I boosted it with an EQ the time I wasn't really into boosting anything...but, it became less smooth, more raw/jagged and really sounded like a modded Marshall to me. That was the key...boosting it, and getting that presence way up there. Totally changed the amp experience for me.
Not really a metal amp, but boosting it definitely helped it get much tighter.
I've probably owned the SLO 100 more (7-10) than any other amp (except Marshall) First one was early 90's. Eventually sold to Ray Gomez.
This Red one had all the options, but the coolest was a Purple w/ factory-installed KT-66's. You never hear of that but that amp was fat.
I took my SLO-30 to band practice for the first time last week and it really cut like a knife, sounded way better in a band setting than when I crank it at home with earplugs or an attenuator. But I can't imagine 100w would sound better, as I'd not be able to run it any louder than I did my 30w.
The SLO has so much control I could make it sound like a Plexi by turning down the gain and turning the volume up. The SLO is probably the loudest amp I’ve ever played it will peel the paint off the wall
It is loud......very percussive.
I took my SLO-30 to band practice for the first time last week and it really cut like a knife, sounded way better in a band setting than when I crank it at home with earplugs or an attenuator. But I can't imagine 100w would sound better, as I'd not be able to run it any louder than I did my 30w.

Hey Rick,
Bet you my house you’d prefer the 100W if you A/B’d them at equal volumes. 👍

Hope you’re doing great, man!
I did a 69' Marshall 1959 SLP clone build with Merrens that gets compliments every time I take it out. I mean, people always ask me about it. But I can only take it out for theatre or larger venue gigs. And even then I use a Hot Plate or Marshall PB with it AND the amp has a built-in Variac. I just don't see myself liking an SLO 100 as much as that Marshall clone, so it'd be redundant for those kinds of gigs. And anything smaller is likely to see my SLO-30. But I did snag a '77 2204 at Sam Ash's going out of business sale, which I haven't gotten to gig with yet. And I want to try it.
It's a damn good amp, but it doesn't really blow my mind. I lusted after one for about 3 decades so maybe it was impossible to match the built up hype

This is the most accurate.

I preferred savage and a VHT deliverance to the slo that was available to me at the time. Maybe even liked the Satan more than the slo.

It gets hyped beyond its own ass imo.
This is the most accurate.

I preferred savage and a VHT deliverance to the slo that was available to me at the time. Maybe even liked the Satan more than the slo.

It gets hyped beyond its own ass imo.
I sold my vht and Satan. Great amps . Can’t keep them all . lol well I can’t
Danm it. I tell myself this all the time.

Last time I sold an amp I ended up buying a similar model for more than I sold the last one for.

Wasn't apples for apples but it still didnt feel right.
You probably still got some great amps
I know it