Someone is losing it today!

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There were only a few on here that I suspected were Donnie :dunno:

But because 'some' people change their user names and avatars rather frequently (on purpose I'm sure), it gets confusing. Honestly. That and some think it is funny to just straight up copy his antics. Remember, he came in a blazin' years ago because he felt like R-T and OTC specifically was too one sided to the right. So he wanted to change that come hell or highwater. He made that clear. He successeed to some degree because here we are. He was willing to create alts, invite lefties, and even go so far as to potentially get OTC shut down. Not cool.

Most others here I can disagree with and not consider them a Donnie alt. Bagel & Pizza Beer Dem Nuts had me convinced he was NOT Donnie but now we may never know for sure. Stripped Rights came in low and slow and I never really suspected but the last couple of days of posts has me thinking otherwise. Jaunice I doubt. Schrodinger's Donnie I doubt it but who knows. As a non practicing psychologist beginner guitarist it is all very fascinating.

But I've disagreed with Aynirar27, ShitSquatch, Yabba Dabba Bag Man, CrazyNutz, picasso, MistaGuitah, rsm, ccn, and a bunch others on occasion including PLX so I consider myself pretty middle of road :yes:

I'm just not the type that enjoys coming in and doing a bunch of back and forth put downs and other 7th grade recess shenanigan's. Doesn't mean you guys can't continue :LOL:

And, Wow and interesting fellow… too bad it took so long to get a straight answer hear…

I heard he said some of the same stuff to someone on another site…

Ya, Ok, M-Mate 😂👍

When did I call (just a few examples) Aynirar Dan, Crazy Nutz, Paulyc, Jdel77, ‘Donnie’ ?

Show me.:dunno:😉

Oh, Thanks for the ‘waste of life’ - ‘piece of shit’ compliments,
Very nice touch, my ‘brother’…
Means a lot coming from ‘you’😉

You’re too funny, Dude.

@paulyc is too much on the rotund side to be Donnie. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Look, I'm not singling out conservatives. It's just that the typical 4 Donnie complainers are conservative and I don't think they can admit to themselves that there is more than 1 person here that isn't conservative.
Don’t go getting you’re thong in a twist M-mate… I’m just messin with ya. But yeah I here you!

Who says they don’t have multiple devices? 🤷
Oh yeah. I get that too. Who knows. If you are out of your house, then you'd have to have multiple cell phones (SIM cards). And multiple devices only gets you so far. Unless you have multiple ISPs, which can get expensive. If you have 1 ISP, or even many, you need multiple VPN's, also not cheap (usually). Either way, it takes effort and time and money, all of which do not seem worth it to me, but to some - it is obviously VERY important. Especially for a guitar forum. Serious serious business.
You've never disagreed with me.

Religion for example. Or maybe too much gain on your clips. Or your trolling GIFs. :dunno: Get the idea?

:lol: :lol: :lol: ! !

GIFs are mostly clever tho and clips are pretty good tonally. Great tone bro.
I wouldn't know but I do know that I've read over and over again that one always wants to use less gain when recording than say - just jamming out.
Well, the mistake I was making was when rendering down to a stereo mix to create an MP3..

I was aiming for LUFS -14 (Loudness Units Full Scale) because that's what I read somewhere.

That's a load of malarkey, because when I render at LUFS -20 it does away with that whole "too much gain" problem.