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degenaro":76e31 said:No...but I know guys that are hardcore influenced by him, like Henry Kaiser.mentoneman":76e31 said:ed do you know this guy personally?
I almost quit posting on HRI because of Derek Bailey slammage, can't stomach closed minded shit, this is what I post on TGP re closed minded...
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 12,341
Ya know what bugs me?
Closed minded shit!
Threads whining about Henry Kaiser or Derek Bailey. "I can't relate to it, and it doesn't fit my precisely engineered little boxes I use to compartmentalize playing therefore it's garbage". type attitude.
Cuts the other way too...John mayer sucks because...Yngwie sucks because.
yeah, yeah, whatever.
Like all the nonsense about the EVH outta tune you tube clip. Who gives a damn whether he is ouuta tune on one song, all the guessing about the why, yet I haven't heard the most obvious...is it possible that in the flow didn't matter, or the mix was crap enough, yada, yada, yada...
bottom line if every aspiring woulda been a contenter spent a bit more time looking in the proverbial mirror we might have a happier world.
Pat you know I dig your way with words and we had disagreements in the past, I can hang with your take on DB, but what bugs me - A LOT- is with the inter nets lemming approach when it snowballs into the "worst player I ever heard" coming from student level players Dig?
IMHO if you really didnt care that other players dont like or "get" out of the box players and they are close minded then why in the world would you get mad? I like SOME out of the box players that arent popular amongst the norm but seriously there reaches a point to where its so far out that its noise for the sake of noise. Im also a visual artist myself and have studied great artists of the past and understand how they got so good at the art they were paid to make the went out of the box on purpose to come full circle. Yes IMHO there is art that is out of the box that is pure genious but there is art that is so out of the box that a 3 yr old or a trained elephant could do it but I know when its to make a point and not just jsut to be out. Trully I get these players know so much theory and can play circles "in the box" but like it or not "out of the box" can go too far and the dude in the original post was just making noise for the sake of being out of the box. I like contrast and that makes good art IMHO but pace it up against things that arent so far out to give it an anchor to make your point with jsut dont go out of the box for no good reason. And to act like guys who cant or wont understand out of the box players are musical idots comes off a bit elitist. Seriously if that mentality pisses you off then dont read the threads that flame such players or trully not give a shit.