"Space Force"

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I left out your obvious TDS affliction but here it all is.

"Prior to the 2016 election, OANN was my favorite news station. Once they jumped on the Trump is our savior bandwagon, all objectivity went out the window. In terms of commenting, I'm in a somewhat odd position, as I am now part of the 30-ish % of people who would (I assume) identify as a Reaganite. Reagan loathed big government vs Trump who relishes big government, and the power that comes with it."

Either way your comment "Reagan loathed big government and the power that comes with it" seems odd.

I mean where would we be without the hundreds of millions of dollars (probably more) that went to Fauci care of Reagan?
Odd, how? Reagan's plan for a "Star Wars" global defense platform did not include expanding bureaucracy, nor did Dr. Fauci's appointment. SES was created by the Carter Administration.

From "TDS" to Reagan to Dr. Fauci in one post... :cheers2:
Have a good night Goatclown. Try and get a few hours of sleep. :2thumbsup:
We do... Rest easy, Shillclown. :thumbsup:

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"Ronald Wilson Reagan (/ˈreɪɡən/ RAY-gən; February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was an American politician who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989. A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as the 33rd governor of California from 1967 to 1975 after a career as a Hollywood actor and union leader."

Democrat until 1962.


Your 'suspicious' emoji is indicates a level of doubt and uncertainty... We fear that which we do not understand, so the following may help you.

Ronald Reagan stated; "I didn't leave the Democrat Party... The Democrat Party left me." What he meant by this was that the DNC had become subjugated by leftist socialists. At one point, the head of the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) admitted that the DNC had adopted their charter. Gee, ya think? Here's the thing... One does not need to be a member of the Communist Party to be a communist.

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Enter the Fabian Society. Fabian Socialists occupy and subjugate... It's what they do. The F.S. crest is that of a wolf wearing a sheep's skin. If you assume they would stop with the Democrat Party, you assume incorrectly. The process is referred to as "Permeation".

Bernard Shaw, one of the most important and readily identifiable members, was proud of how the Society used permeation to achieve its objectives. In Fabian Tract 41 "The Fabian Society: What it has done; and how it has done it." Shaw highlights how the Society's first major target for permeation, the Liberal Party, did not stand a chance. "We permeated the party organizations and pulled all the wires we could lay our hands on with our utmost adroitness and energy; and we succeeded so far that in 1888 we gained the solid advantage of a Progressive majority, full of ideas that would never have come into their heads had not the Fabian put them there"

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Fabians are explicit:

The Fabian Society aims at the reorganization of Society by the emancipation of Land and industrial Capital from individual and class ownership, and the vesting of them in the community for the general benefit. In this way only can the natural and acquired advantages of the country be equitably shared by the whole people.
The Society accordingly works for the extinction of private property in land and of the consequent individual appropriation, in the form of Rent, of the price paid for permission to use the earth, as well as for the advantages of superior soils and sites.[9]

Since its inception, the Young Fabians generally target college-educated youth. i.e. Indoctrination.

The Fabians at first attempted to permeate the Liberal and Conservative parties with socialist ideas, but later they helped to organize the separate Labour Representation Committee, which became the Labour Party in 1906. The Fabian Society has since been affiliated with the Labour Party.

Your 'suspicious' emoji is indicates a level of doubt and uncertainty... We fear that which we do not understand, so the following may help you.

Ronald Reagan stated; "I didn't leave the Democrat Party... The Democrat Party left me." What he meant by this was that the DNC had become subjugated by leftist socialists. At one point, the head of the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) admitted that the DNC had adopted their charter. Gee, ya think? Here's the thing... One does not need to be a member of the Communist Party to be a communist.

View attachment 98252

Enter the Fabian Society. Fabian Socialists occupy and subjugate... It's what they do. The F.S. crest is that of a wolf wearing a sheep's skin. If you assume they would stop with the Democrat Party, you assume incorrectly. The process is referred to as "Permeation".

Bernard Shaw, one of the most important and readily identifiable members, was proud of how the Society used permeation to achieve its objectives. In Fabian Tract 41 "The Fabian Society: What it has done; and how it has done it." Shaw highlights how the Society's first major target for permeation, the Liberal Party, did not stand a chance. "We permeated the party organizations and pulled all the wires we could lay our hands on with our utmost adroitness and energy; and we succeeded so far that in 1888 we gained the solid advantage of a Progressive majority, full of ideas that would never have come into their heads had not the Fabian put them there"

View attachment 98246

Fabians are explicit:

Since its inception, the Young Fabians generally target college-educated youth. i.e. Indoctrination.

The Fabians at first attempted to permeate the Liberal and Conservative parties with socialist ideas, but later they helped to organize the separate Labour Representation Committee, which became the Labour Party in 1906. The Fabian Society has since been affiliated with the Labour Party.

Very interesting post.
On Presidential power... Regardless of who elected as President, I don't believe the President has the power to override SES appointments. You can't fire someone for their personal views. I think a lot of people thought that Trump could just go in and hire and fire whoever he wanted, but that's not the way it works. As far as Space Force goes, I assume such an agency is something the Pentagon has wanted for some time. I don't have a problem with it, as long as we get something out of it.
More "covid-19" deaths under Biden and Fauci than under Trump. And that's with a "vaccine" 🤢 Legendary.
You forgot to credit to Trump for the vaccine. It's one of the greatest miracles in the history of medicine.

Remember, Trump is fake news. The real news was telling everyone a whole different story.

"Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a 'miracle' to be right."

And we all know, that miracle didn't come until after another miracle took place when the most voted President in history, Joe Biden, won the election in November 2020. He was even kind enough to try and make it mandatory.

But we all know who to really thank. 😎

Did ya hear all liberals eat babies?
Also, all Trumpsters first got laid with a blood relative?

We're all freaking doomed I tell ya!
If you're gonna play, at least post something similar and one that isn't obviously fake.
:oops: Fake? The hell you say... Which one?

People accuse of Trump being racist... I call BS!
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Look at the shadows and then look at Obama’s hand, or better, look at both of his hands, one was copied to the other side with the ring on both… Mr. Trump was just added into the picture…
It’s not hard to get fooled, the Internet is full of bullshit, in fact, they are rewriting history with complete internet bullshit.

Here is the real picture…

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