The dumb Biden and Trump debate

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bad Brain
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Wait, isn't that you?

I built a small stick frame place and used corrugated metal for the siding and a metal mart metal roof on top to keep the fire chances down since I don't carry insurance. I'm too close to I-35. I'm ready to move out of this rat race to someplace that has actual water on it. Since I ain't filthy rich that means not Texas.
Two words..

rainwater harvesting

Western Kentucky would be a great place to live for you two.

Speaking of Western KY I have a friend that lives there and I'm telling you that song is prophetic. I've warned him to stop drinking but he's so poor, his wife is in jail - his liver will fail soon pretty sure... I don't know what to do for him - it's incredibly depressing.

West Kentucky sucks.

Great music but it's pretty desperate there.
Speaking of Western KY I have a friend that lives there and I'm telling you that song is prophetic. I've warned him to stop drinking but he's so poor, his wife is in jail - his liver will fail soon pretty sure... I don't know what to do for him - it's incredibly depressing.

Great music but it's pretty desperate there.
Sorry about your buddy. I like parts of Kentucky but the western portion is my least favorite part. Don't care for west TN either. If a man chooses self destruction there is nothing you can do for him. He has to do it for himself. I knew a regional musician who died a few years ago at 35. By the time he realized he needed to cool it it was too late. He was a fatter guy and I saw a benefit concert for him and some skinny dude was playing the guitar. It was him. His liver was failing and he checked out not long after.
Sorry about your buddy. I like parts of Kentucky but the western portion is my least favorite part. Don't care for west TN either. If a man chooses self destruction there is nothing you can do for him. He has to do it for himself. I knew a regional musician who died a few years ago at 35. By the time he realized he needed to cool it it was too late. He was a fatter guy and I saw a benefit concert for him and some skinny dude was playing the guitar. It was him. His liver was failing and he checked out not long after.
I have told him many times - I just can't seem to get through to him. I'd love to wave a magic wand and make him wake up. I have another mate that lives an hour out from Nashville that is always drunk too. I've told him as well. I love them both (not that way - but you know what I mean - they mean a lot to me).
I have told him many times - I just can't seem to get through to him. I'd love to wave a magic wand and make him wake up.
I've fired a few alcoholics who I couldn't get through to. Ain't nothing you can do. I mentioned one of them in the drummer thread. He was a reliable, good musician but the booze made him shoot his mouth and he was always pissing people, mostly other people, off, so I fired him. Another guitar slinging dude hired him and canned him about a month later. He was hitting the skids with booze and crack but he managed to get cleaned up but he had to quit playing the club scene to do it.
Yup, nothing we can do for these folks except, IMHO, throw strategic pearls of wisdom / seeds their way in the hope that maybe, just maybe one of them will take root.

Spent 25 years and 12 years respectively trying to save consecutive best friends who had raging alcohol problems. One went batshit crazy, regularly threatening to kill me and the other, my housemate, died at 31. There've been others of course.

So yeah, I reckon I've spent about as many years as anyone listening to bullshit, blowing smoke up peeps' asses and casting pearls ad-nauseum... all to no avail.

One has to at least try 'though 'cause everyone deserves to be exposed to solutions at least once. IMHO. I feel the same way about health advice in-general - tell 'em once and if they don't wanna hear anything on the matter again, so be it.
Yup, nothing we can do for these folks except, IMHO, throw strategic pearls of wisdom / seeds their way in the hope that maybe, just maybe one of them will take root.

Spent 25 years and 12 years respectively trying to save consecutive best friends who had raging alcohol problems. One went batshit crazy, regularly threatening to kill me and the other, my housemate, died at 31. There've been others of course.

So yeah, I reckon I've spent about as many years as anyone listening to bullshit, blowing smoke up peeps' asses and casting pearls ad-nauseum... all to no avail.

One has to at least try 'though 'cause everyone deserves to be exposed to solutions at least once. IMHO. I feel the same way about health advice in-general - tell 'em once and if they don't wanna hear anything on the matter again, so be it.
Yes I agree but it’s just so sad. It has to come from within yourself to want to beat it.