I've got another band in my rehearsal studio that has a stupid amount of higher end tube amps, and custom one off-hand built heads... they run freaking Sunn Beta leads to sound like Red Fang...
Some one posted in the thread previously" Get the right amp for the situation/tone" (Seriously three pages of comments, couldn't find the comment,lol) I think thats spot on. If your area is full of inept sound men who can't handle stage volume or won't let you use a 100/50 watter... Then modeling is probably your best bet. If you've got your own sound guy or a rotation of clubs with great in house sound guys... run the 100 watters. In my area its still common practice for the 100 watt half or fullstack.
Some one posted in the thread previously" Get the right amp for the situation/tone" (Seriously three pages of comments, couldn't find the comment,lol) I think thats spot on. If your area is full of inept sound men who can't handle stage volume or won't let you use a 100/50 watter... Then modeling is probably your best bet. If you've got your own sound guy or a rotation of clubs with great in house sound guys... run the 100 watters. In my area its still common practice for the 100 watt half or fullstack.