The GOP's attempt to stop voters under 25 years of age ....

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And you guys destroyed the GOP OVER THIS KKKLOWN .....
You MAGA/ Queefe Anon Morons, are pretty much lost souls that invested your whole being into KKKlowns like Trump, Mike Lindell, Alex Jones .... right now you are desperately hanging on to your debunked beliefs and are looking for any excuse to justify your continued delusions .

Your whole beliefs, your whole identity and whole existence as a Moron are long burnt to ashes, in the flames of reality, truth and facts .

The funny part, is that you really want us to take your seriously and you think that you are angering or triggering us .... but truth be spoken .... I love to laugh at you guys.
You guys are much more fun than watching a barrel full of monkeys on meth , trapped in your little echo chamber that really impeded your development and the hopes of being a normal human being .
You Q Anon Morons are like those Reverend Camp followers that predicted the end of the World on May 21st, 2011 ..... never happened .

The GOP was like the Branch Davidian Compound, Trump is David Karesh ..... 2024 , is the big loss needed like the fire in the compound that cleaned the World , a little cleaner ....good ridence, the GOP is finished and never going to be trusted with power again .
Yup, you're retarded alright . WTF are you even talking about LOL.
Most MAGA / Q Anon Morons are people with low self Esteem, low self worth empty souls, hoping to have that void fulfilled by something or some one ..... no self identity .... then PrimaDonald comes along , catering to their fears, racism, hatred, close mindedness .... all guided by their willingful ignorance.
They are willing to dispose rationality and reason, just to belong to something bigger than themselves .
Just like guys like David Karesh, Jim Jones, Heavens Gate or Charles Manson.... they ( Trump ) pray off those poor souls..... fuck, I'd rather laugh at them .
Most MAGA / Q Anon Morons are people with low self Esteem, low self worth empty souls, hoping to have that void fulfilled by something or some one ..... no self identity .... then PrimaDonald comes along , catering to their fears, racism, hatred, close mindedness .... all guided by their willingful ignorance.
They are willing to dispose rationality and reason, just to belong to something bigger than themselves .
Just like guys like David Karesh, Jim Jones, Heavens Gate or Charles Manson.... they ( Trump ) pray off those poor souls..... fuck, I'd rather laugh at them .
Oh look what we have here Axe murderer the psychiatrist , GTFO with that bullshit . Dude , you can't even tie your own shoe's without strangling yourself .
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Oh look what we have here Axe murderer the psychiatrist , GTFO with that bullshit . Dude , you can't even tie your own shoe's because you would strangle yourself with the laces.
It doesn't take an expert to spot a basket case, just like I can see the difference between green and yellow .
Thanks for proving my point.
I really hope that your just trolling and just trying to get people wound up .... if not , I am going to continue laughing at you .

It's really not just political beliefs .... it could be an indicator of a declining mentality .
My wife is a Psychologist, so I got some pretty good source of those issues of Mental Fitness.
With Trump's loses, your slowly being weaned from his delusions that he casts out to his cult .
I bet if you broke your leg .... you would go to a Micro Wave repair man.
Hopefully, you'll come back to reality .
You're eventually get deprogramed from Trump's Cult or until the next Cult thing comes your way to fill the void in yourself worth, self Esteem and your longing to belong to something or some one .
I bet if you broke your leg .... you would go to a Micro Wave repair man.
Hopefully, you'll come back to reality .
You're eventually get deprogramed from Trump's Cult or until the next Cult thing comes your way to fill the void in yourself worth, self Esteem and your longing to belong to something or some one .
You're completely retarded.

Your posts here read like the ravings of an angry 11-year-old.

It doesn't take an expert to spot a basket case, just like I can see the difference between green and yellow .
Thanks for proving my point.
I really hope that your just trolling and just trying to get people wound up .... if not , I am going to continue laughing at you .

It's really not just political beliefs .... it could be an indicator of a declining mentality .
My wife is a Psychologist, so I got some pretty good source of those issues of Mental Fitness.
With Trump's loses, your slowly being weaned from his delusions that he casts out to his cult .
No way in hell you're married , even a down syndrome patient with a clubbed foot wouldn't give you the time of day, I mean pleaseeeeeee.
Your Party's track record speaks for itself, doesn't matter what kind of shit swill the Party tries to pedal .

Hell, the shit was solid when Reagan began the Age of Austerity on the Working Class ( now reduced to Working Poor ) and Working Poor .
Then Reagan Crashed the economy in October 1987, Iran - Contra Scandal and set up the 1989 -1990 S and L scandal .

Then G.H.W. Bush covered up Reagan playing both sides of the War on Terrorism and Drugs and having Iran hold the Hostages until the 1980 Election and enabling the S and L scandal.

Bill Clinton repair the Economy damage that both Reagan Bush 1 committed against the dwindling Middle Class and Working Poor.

Then Fox News engineered an Election Steal in 2000 for G.W. Bush , so AmeriKKKan Oligarchs could steal the economic gains made during the Clinton Years .
9-11 saved G.W Bush's Presidency.
Who can forget the Economic Crash that G W. Bush committed in 2008 .
And Bush didn't kill Bin Ladin, because as long as Bin Ladin was alive, it safe guarded his Presidency .

Then Barrak Obama repaired the economic damage committed by G.W Bush' s failure and he had Bin Ladin killed. And he endured Racism was a great success, despite his Race .
He handed Trump a strong Economic Nation .

..... then Trump the bafoon came in, a washed up Fascist Reality TV Idiot .... passed another tax plan that only benefited the Oligarchs , killed 1.3 million Americans with his failed response to Covid 19 Pandemic ( Democratic Corona Virus Hoax ), weakened the American Dollar, ruined America's dependable reputation and downed turned the economy with all that was mentioned above, along with removing provisions of the Dodd Frank Banking act .

Joe Biden, as all Democrats .... always does a good job repairing the damage after Republicans ruin Americans Lives .

Reagan, his shit was solid .... but still, it was shit.
G.H.W Bush 1, it was runny and drying out .
G.W. Bush 2 dried it out ....
And now in the hands of PrimaDonald, it is now dry n crumbly shit .
Man, liberals are so predictably lame when it comes to facts. First, the GOP is not my party. I'm an independent, and just because I oppose Democrat absurdity or vote Republican doesn't mean I am Republican. You have a proclivity to make foolish assumptions because your ability to think is limited to the most accessible relation or outcome your brain can identify (which is a typical liberal trait). Rather than thought and consideration, you spew banal talking points like an MSNBC parrot.

You prate ridiculous, totally uneducated drivel like, "Reagan crashed the economy," "Amerikkkan oligarchs could steal the economic gains," and even more preposterous rubbish like, "Joe Biden, as all Democrats .... always does a good job repairing the damage after Republicans ruin Americans Lives."

Of course your attempt at qualifying and explaining your wacky assertions is limited to face-value Wikipedia scrolling. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Even your vocabulary is limited to profanity and psychotic rambling. You couldn't possibly qualify the crazy assertion that Joe Biden and Democrats fix all the American lives Republicans ruin, blah, blah. No one with a brain can take you seriously.

In fact, when it comes to discussing actual policy, constitutional issues, foreign policy, economics, national debt, etc. you would have to be insane to try and justify what Democrats have done. Like all liberals, you can't understand the simple concept of freedom. You utter words like 'democracy' without understanding what they even mean. Not only that, your level of understanding is limited to glossing over liberal propaganda and peddling it like some kind of twisted gospel.

If you had the capacity to intelligently discuss economic, constitutional, or political issues then I'd be happy to have that discussion but you're not even capable of being rational. You mutter senseless things about the "Age of Austerity, "Iran Contra scandal," "Fox News engineered an election steal," blah, blah. I mean that's insane rambling. you think it makes you sound like you know what you're talking about but it's obvious to those of us who actually know the subject matter that you know nothing except how to parrot radical idiocy - and even that falls apart with your goofy insults and profanity-ridden rants.

Of course you completely ignore things like the Bay of Pigs, Solyndra, the housing loan crisis, Arab Spring, ISIS, Benghazi, Afghanistan, Uranium One, and the endless list of Democrat corruption and blunder. You don't even know what a fascist is. You sound like a lunatic calling President Trump a fascist. If you learned basic history then you'd know people like Mussolini are actual fascists. But since you're so ignorant of even rudimentary facts, you spew virulent gibberish about Reagan, Trump, Republicans, etc.

Your entire blurb is totally void of facts, logic, rationality, sanity, or even basic decency. Your rhetoric is like a crazed parrot that eats a chili pepper and starts frantically echoing senseless jabber. There's absolutely nothing respectable in what you say because you don't speak as a rational, intelligent person, rather, you gab on and on maniacally without any interest whatsoever in actual conversation.

Whatever it is you think you said, in reality, is just an acrimonious outburst of bizarre cogitations. No one in their right mind can expect ratiocination from a liberal, and you pretty much just underlined that fact for us. There's no objectivity or balance in anything you say. It's like you signed a permanent contract for a meager spot in the liberal collective.

You COULD be objective enough to hold corrupt democrats like the Biden crime family and Nancy Pelosi equally contempt but of course you won't because you don't have the capacity for independent thought or reasoning. It's like you're hard-wired with liberal narratives. You venerate people like the Clintons but go tell that to the people of Haiti who the Clintons ripped of for hundreds of millions of dollars.

You babble so foolishly about Osama Bin Laden, blah, blah, but so ignorant about the topic that you don't even know it was Bill Clinton that gave him 9 lives by preventing our own government from taking him down. Of course you wouldn't know that because you're simply bent on blaming Republicans, George Bush, President Trump, etc.

No one can take you seriously man. You can't even discuss the economy or employment rate because you're ignorant of how Democrats manipulate data rules to inflate employment numbers. When you look at the real numbers, for example job creation, you'll find tons of government jobs not industry or private sector jobs because all Democrats do is inflate government, tax and spend. That's barely scratching the surface.

Then sold-out liberal clones cheer democrats on, raving about what a great job they're doing. Then you go to the store and have to spend $8 for a gallon of milk or $3,000 for guitars that cost only $1000 prior to Biden/Harris. Low-income and middle-class are paying more taxes than before, plus Democrats took away our tax cuts, so the result is excessive taxation and terribly diminished tax returns.

Oh yeah, and of that's not enough, Democrats, and their Mayorkas traitor, boast about their deportation numbers, yet you liberals don't even understand the simple logic that we wouldn't have to spend taxpayer money, let dangerous criminals and drug smugglers stroll across the border and kill Americans, any of that if they just keep people from crossing the border illegally. It's like bragging about how much water you're throwing out of the ship though no one had even tried to fix the breach. You want to talk about killing the economy, go ahead and justify 25,000,000 - MILLION - illegals in this country costing us taxpaying citizens $800,000,000,000 - BILLION - annually.

Grow up man. You don't know what you're talking about at all. You spew all the craziness you can to avoid that realization that you signed your life over to the wrong team. You want to prattle about 'gun violence' and mass-shooting but the reality is such crimes are perpetrated by LIBERALS and mostly in liberal states and sanctuary cities. Yet for some retarded reason, you want to take away gun rights from lawful citizens to solve the problem... Only liberals don't have any interest whatsoever in reducing crime and violence because your agenda is disarming the people and gaining absolute power over the people.

Go ahead and tell us all the wonderful things the Democrats have done. How about putting us $TRILLIONS more in debt to spend the bulk of it on woke identity politics (i.e. "Climate Justice") and aid to foreign nations that hate and want to destroy us. Nope, you just can't see the truth in anything because you're a total sellout to the liberal collective. You won't be honest about it either so you eagerly turn a blind eye to endless Democrat corruption.

Sorry dude but you're just so far out of your depth trying to spew hateful nonsense and engage in ludicrous arguments. Spare yourself the humiliation of trying to qualify or justify any of the insane things you espouse because it's useless. You just don't have the basic ability or knowledge to actually converse about anything.
Man, liberals are so predictably lame when it comes to facts. First, the GOP is not my party. I'm an independent, and just because I oppose Democrat absurdity or vote Republican doesn't mean I am Republican. You have a proclivity to make foolish assumptions because your ability to think is limited to the most accessible relation or outcome your brain can identify (which is a typical liberal trait). Rather than thought and consideration, you spew banal talking points like an MSNBC parrot.

You prate ridiculous, totally uneducated drivel like, "Reagan crashed the economy," "Amerikkkan oligarchs could steal the economic gains," and even more preposterous rubbish like, "Joe Biden, as all Democrats .... always does a good job repairing the damage after Republicans ruin Americans Lives."

Of course your attempt at qualifying and explaining your wacky assertions is limited to face-value Wikipedia scrolling. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Even your vocabulary is limited to profanity and psychotic rambling. You couldn't possibly qualify the crazy assertion that Joe Biden and Democrats fix all the American lives Republicans ruin, blah, blah. No one with a brain can take you seriously.

In fact, when it comes to discussing actual policy, constitutional issues, foreign policy, economics, national debt, etc. you would have to be insane to try and justify what Democrats have done. Like all liberals, you can't understand the simple concept of freedom. You utter words like 'democracy' without understanding what they even mean. Not only that, your level of understanding is limited to glossing over liberal propaganda and peddling it like some kind of twisted gospel.

If you had the capacity to intelligently discuss economic, constitutional, or political issues then I'd be happy to have that discussion but you're not even capable of being rational. You mutter senseless things about the "Age of Austerity, "Iran Contra scandal," "Fox News engineered an election steal," blah, blah. I mean that's insane rambling. you think it makes you sound like you know what you're talking about but it's obvious to those of us who actually know the subject matter that you know nothing except how to parrot radical idiocy - and even that falls apart with your goofy insults and profanity-ridden rants.

Of course you completely ignore things like the Bay of Pigs, Solyndra, the housing loan crisis, Arab Spring, ISIS, Benghazi, Afghanistan, Uranium One, and the endless list of Democrat corruption and blunder. You don't even know what a fascist is. You sound like a lunatic calling President Trump a fascist. If you learned basic history then you'd know people like Mussolini are actual fascists. But since you're so ignorant of even rudimentary facts, you spew virulent gibberish about Reagan, Trump, Republicans, etc.

Your entire blurb is totally void of facts, logic, rationality, sanity, or even basic decency. Your rhetoric is like a crazed parrot that eats a chili pepper and starts frantically echoing senseless jabber. There's absolutely nothing respectable in what you say because you don't speak as a rational, intelligent person, rather, you gab on and on maniacally without any interest whatsoever in actual conversation.

Whatever it is you think you said, in reality, is just an acrimonious outburst of bizarre cogitations. No one in their right mind can expect ratiocination from a liberal, and you pretty much just underlined that fact for us. There's no objectivity or balance in anything you say. It's like you signed a permanent contract for a meager spot in the liberal collective.

You COULD be objective enough to hold corrupt democrats like the Biden crime family and Nancy Pelosi equally contempt but of course you won't because you don't have the capacity for independent thought or reasoning. It's like you're hard-wired with liberal narratives. You venerate people like the Clintons but go tell that to the people of Haiti who the Clintons ripped of for hundreds of millions of dollars.

You babble so foolishly about Osama Bin Laden, blah, blah, but so ignorant about the topic that you don't even know it was Bill Clinton that gave him 9 lives by preventing our own government from taking him down. Of course you wouldn't know that because you're simply bent on blaming Republicans, George Bush, President Trump, etc.

No one can take you seriously man. You can't even discuss the economy or employment rate because you're ignorant of how Democrats manipulate data rules to inflate employment numbers. When you look at the real numbers, for example job creation, you'll find tons of government jobs not industry or private sector jobs because all Democrats do is inflate government, tax and spend. That's barely scratching the surface.

Then sold-out liberal clones cheer democrats on, raving about what a great job they're doing. Then you go to the store and have to spend $8 for a gallon of milk or $3,000 for guitars that cost only $1000 prior to Biden/Harris. Low-income and middle-class are paying more taxes than before, plus Democrats took away our tax cuts, so the result is excessive taxation and terribly diminished tax returns.

Oh yeah, and of that's not enough, Democrats, and their Mayorkas traitor, boast about their deportation numbers, yet you liberals don't even understand the simple logic that we wouldn't have to spend taxpayer money, let dangerous criminals and drug smugglers stroll across the border and kill Americans, any of that if they just keep people from crossing the border illegally. It's like bragging about how much water you're throwing out of the ship though no one had even tried to fix the breach. You want to talk about killing the economy, go ahead and justify 25,000,000 - MILLION - illegals in this country costing us taxpaying citizens $800,000,000,000 - BILLION - annually.

Grow up man. You don't know what you're talking about at all. You spew all the craziness you can to avoid that realization that you signed your life over to the wrong team. You want to prattle about 'gun violence' and mass-shooting but the reality is such crimes are perpetrated by LIBERALS and mostly in liberal states and sanctuary cities. Yet for some retarded reason, you want to take away gun rights from lawful citizens to solve the problem... Only liberals don't have any interest whatsoever in reducing crime and violence because your agenda is disarming the people and gaining absolute power over the people.

Go ahead and tell us all the wonderful things the Democrats have done. How about putting us $TRILLIONS more in debt to spend the bulk of it on woke identity politics (i.e. "Climate Justice") and aid to foreign nations that hate and want to destroy us. Nope, you just can't see the truth in anything because you're a total sellout to the liberal collective. You won't be honest about it either so you eagerly turn a blind eye to endless Democrat corruption.

Sorry dude but you're just so far out of your depth trying to spew hateful nonsense and engage in ludicrous arguments. Spare yourself the humiliation of trying to qualify or justify any of the insane things you espouse because it's useless. You just don't have the basic ability or knowledge to actually converse about anything.
Well said, but again, the bots and the programmed sheep don't care. But we appreciate your input.
Man, liberals are so predictably lame when it comes to facts. First, the GOP is not my party. I'm an independent, and just because I oppose Democrat absurdity or vote Republican doesn't mean I am Republican. You have a proclivity to make foolish assumptions because your ability to think is limited to the most accessible relation or outcome your brain can identify (which is a typical liberal trait). Rather than thought and consideration, you spew banal talking points like an MSNBC parrot.

You prate ridiculous, totally uneducated drivel like, "Reagan crashed the economy," "Amerikkkan oligarchs could steal the economic gains," and even more preposterous rubbish like, "Joe Biden, as all Democrats .... always does a good job repairing the damage after Republicans ruin Americans Lives."

Of course your attempt at qualifying and explaining your wacky assertions is limited to face-value Wikipedia scrolling. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Even your vocabulary is limited to profanity and psychotic rambling. You couldn't possibly qualify the crazy assertion that Joe Biden and Democrats fix all the American lives Republicans ruin, blah, blah. No one with a brain can take you seriously.

In fact, when it comes to discussing actual policy, constitutional issues, foreign policy, economics, national debt, etc. you would have to be insane to try and justify what Democrats have done. Like all liberals, you can't understand the simple concept of freedom. You utter words like 'democracy' without understanding what they even mean. Not only that, your level of understanding is limited to glossing over liberal propaganda and peddling it like some kind of twisted gospel.

If you had the capacity to intelligently discuss economic, constitutional, or political issues then I'd be happy to have that discussion but you're not even capable of being rational. You mutter senseless things about the "Age of Austerity, "Iran Contra scandal," "Fox News engineered an election steal," blah, blah. I mean that's insane rambling. you think it makes you sound like you know what you're talking about but it's obvious to those of us who actually know the subject matter that you know nothing except how to parrot radical idiocy - and even that falls apart with your goofy insults and profanity-ridden rants.

Of course you completely ignore things like the Bay of Pigs, Solyndra, the housing loan crisis, Arab Spring, ISIS, Benghazi, Afghanistan, Uranium One, and the endless list of Democrat corruption and blunder. You don't even know what a fascist is. You sound like a lunatic calling President Trump a fascist. If you learned basic history then you'd know people like Mussolini are actual fascists. But since you're so ignorant of even rudimentary facts, you spew virulent gibberish about Reagan, Trump, Republicans, etc.

Your entire blurb is totally void of facts, logic, rationality, sanity, or even basic decency. Your rhetoric is like a crazed parrot that eats a chili pepper and starts frantically echoing senseless jabber. There's absolutely nothing respectable in what you say because you don't speak as a rational, intelligent person, rather, you gab on and on maniacally without any interest whatsoever in actual conversation.

Whatever it is you think you said, in reality, is just an acrimonious outburst of bizarre cogitations. No one in their right mind can expect ratiocination from a liberal, and you pretty much just underlined that fact for us. There's no objectivity or balance in anything you say. It's like you signed a permanent contract for a meager spot in the liberal collective.

You COULD be objective enough to hold corrupt democrats like the Biden crime family and Nancy Pelosi equally contempt but of course you won't because you don't have the capacity for independent thought or reasoning. It's like you're hard-wired with liberal narratives. You venerate people like the Clintons but go tell that to the people of Haiti who the Clintons ripped of for hundreds of millions of dollars.

You babble so foolishly about Osama Bin Laden, blah, blah, but so ignorant about the topic that you don't even know it was Bill Clinton that gave him 9 lives by preventing our own government from taking him down. Of course you wouldn't know that because you're simply bent on blaming Republicans, George Bush, President Trump, etc.

No one can take you seriously man. You can't even discuss the economy or employment rate because you're ignorant of how Democrats manipulate data rules to inflate employment numbers. When you look at the real numbers, for example job creation, you'll find tons of government jobs not industry or private sector jobs because all Democrats do is inflate government, tax and spend. That's barely scratching the surface.

Then sold-out liberal clones cheer democrats on, raving about what a great job they're doing. Then you go to the store and have to spend $8 for a gallon of milk or $3,000 for guitars that cost only $1000 prior to Biden/Harris. Low-income and middle-class are paying more taxes than before, plus Democrats took away our tax cuts, so the result is excessive taxation and terribly diminished tax returns.

Oh yeah, and of that's not enough, Democrats, and their Mayorkas traitor, boast about their deportation numbers, yet you liberals don't even understand the simple logic that we wouldn't have to spend taxpayer money, let dangerous criminals and drug smugglers stroll across the border and kill Americans, any of that if they just keep people from crossing the border illegally. It's like bragging about how much water you're throwing out of the ship though no one had even tried to fix the breach. You want to talk about killing the economy, go ahead and justify 25,000,000 - MILLION - illegals in this country costing us taxpaying citizens $800,000,000,000 - BILLION - annually.

Grow up man. You don't know what you're talking about at all. You spew all the craziness you can to avoid that realization that you signed your life over to the wrong team. You want to prattle about 'gun violence' and mass-shooting but the reality is such crimes are perpetrated by LIBERALS and mostly in liberal states and sanctuary cities. Yet for some retarded reason, you want to take away gun rights from lawful citizens to solve the problem... Only liberals don't have any interest whatsoever in reducing crime and violence because your agenda is disarming the people and gaining absolute power over the people.

Go ahead and tell us all the wonderful things the Democrats have done. How about putting us $TRILLIONS more in debt to spend the bulk of it on woke identity politics (i.e. "Climate Justice") and aid to foreign nations that hate and want to destroy us. Nope, you just can't see the truth in anything because you're a total sellout to the liberal collective. You won't be honest about it either so you eagerly turn a blind eye to endless Democrat corruption.

Sorry dude but you're just so far out of your depth trying to spew hateful nonsense and engage in ludicrous arguments. Spare yourself the humiliation of trying to qualify or justify any of the insane things you espouse because it's useless. You just don't have the basic ability or knowledge to actually converse about anything.

Excellent name for a band.