The GOP's attempt to stop voters under 25 years of age ....

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Since you were so brash in spewing forth ignorance, I should do you the favor of helping you understand how contemptible your logic is:

First, you're trying to make an argument that because a single Republican candidate made such a proposition that it's somehow representative of the entire GOP. Ironically, you use that kind of logic, but when people generalize that all democrats are groomers, you deny the proscription.

Second, you didn't even try to refute Vivek Ramaswany's (the mellinnial candidate who proposed a higher voting age) proposition even though he, being way more intelligent than you, at least gave several logical points why it would make sense (don't be obtuse and assume I support him or agree with him). You don't even bother to cite anything the guy said in context or even try to argue the topic itself because you're evidently inept at saying anything intelligent. If you had the intelligence to debate the topic, you would have done that, so you essentially just used the topic to try and attack an entire political party and offend a nation of supporters. There is literally no intellectual purpose in what you say.

Then, you went and cooked up goofy rationales for why the entire GOP wants to raise the voting age. You couldn't quote a single Republican who ever gave any of those inane reasons because it's such insane gibberish.

Listen to yourself man, "nobody loves them anymore," "democracy is a threat to MAGA," "they are growing desperate," "wreck the economy," blah, blah. No one with a working brain would utter such stupidity. Everything you said is entirely void of intelligence. Not only that but your pathetic attempt to cite statistics is equally inane. To say you don't know what you're talking about is putting it kindly.

The truth is you're a follower, a mindless clone droning on blind hate against a political party you know nothing about, and on the subject of politics which is far beyond your level of comprehension. Instead of coming up with a sensible argument on the topic, you go and twist some obscure story into a silly anti-GOP conspiracy.

It's not just that you do this kind of thing out of ignorance but you delight in slander and offensive speech, and seek negative attention (which is likely one traits that kept you from learning anything in school). You randomly pick things and turn them into retarded narratives as a petty excuse to badmouth people with different political views.

Nothing you said can be validated by any credible source. You even believe propaganda from Jeff Bezos-owned, far-left Washington Post so much that you tout it like some kind of deluded gospel. You prate about things like the "economy," "debt ceiling," and "democracy" which you can't even understand. Go ahead and find the word "democracy" in the Declaration of Independence. LOL! You can't because it's not there. The couple of times it's mentioned in the Constitution, it's described as a right, not our form of government (which is expressly a "republic"). Go ahead and make a rational argument on why you support raising the debt ceiling. Ha ha ha! Tell us then what the effects will be on national debt, government spending, and the inevitable repetition of raising the debt ceiling annually like the Democrats love to do. When they oppose it just to obstruct Trump, you think it's OK, but when Republicans do it to thwart out of control spending, it's somehow a terrible conspiracy to wreck the economy. Man, you're incapable of making sense.

If you had any decency, you would question, at some point, what kind of person does these things. What kind of person conducts themselves with ferocious mendacity? Certainly not a good person with any good intentions or good will towards his fellow man, but a noxious social presence bent on stirring caustic rhetoric. You are miserably predictable, and also perfectly predicted and described thousands of years ago:

"Their throat is an open grave;
With their mouths they keep deceiving; The poison of asps is under their lips:
Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
Their feet are swift to shed blood:
Destruction and misery are in their path: And the way of peace have they not known:
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
Your Party's track record speaks for itself, doesn't matter what kind of shit swill the Party tries to pedal .

Hell, the shit was solid when Reagan began the Age of Austerity on the Working Class ( now reduced to Working Poor ) and Working Poor .
Then Reagan Crashed the economy in October 1987, Iran - Contra Scandal and set up the 1989 -1990 S and L scandal .

Then G.H.W. Bush covered up Reagan playing both sides of the War on Terrorism and Drugs and having Iran hold the Hostages until the 1980 Election and enabling the S and L scandal.

Bill Clinton repair the Economy damage that both Reagan Bush 1 committed against the dwindling Middle Class and Working Poor.

Then Fox News engineered an Election Steal in 2000 for G.W. Bush , so AmeriKKKan Oligarchs could steal the economic gains made during the Clinton Years .
9-11 saved G.W Bush's Presidency.
Who can forget the Economic Crash that G W. Bush committed in 2008 .
And Bush didn't kill Bin Ladin, because as long as Bin Ladin was alive, it safe guarded his Presidency .

Then Barrak Obama repaired the economic damage committed by G.W Bush' s failure and he had Bin Ladin killed. And he endured Racism was a great success, despite his Race .
He handed Trump a strong Economic Nation .

..... then Trump the bafoon came in, a washed up Fascist Reality TV Idiot .... passed another tax plan that only benefited the Oligarchs , killed 1.3 million Americans with his failed response to Covid 19 Pandemic ( Democratic Corona Virus Hoax ), weakened the American Dollar, ruined America's dependable reputation and downed turned the economy with all that was mentioned above, along with removing provisions of the Dodd Frank Banking act .

Joe Biden, as all Democrats .... always does a good job repairing the damage after Republicans ruin Americans Lives .

Reagan, his shit was solid .... but still, it was shit.
G.H.W Bush 1, it was runny and drying out .
G.W. Bush 2 dried it out ....
And now in the hands of PrimaDonald, it is now dry n crumbly shit .
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Democracy/ the Will of the American People keeps rejecting MAGA ....
Kind of like an old rich man that kills a hooker and blames his erectile dysfunction on the hooker .... he hits her over the head with a shovel, buries her body and keeps lying to himself .... it's the bitches fault's the bitches fault ... as he drives off the scene of the crime .

Do you have any basic common sense AT ALL ? I've never come across more clueless people in my life , don't you understand that the mainstream media have been trying to convince Trump is unpopular for the last 7 years but if you have functioning eyesight take a look around .

Biden and Harris together can't draw more than 20 people to their events Trump draws 20-50 K EVERYWHERE HE GOES .

I mean get a fucking clue OMG LOL.
Your Party's track record speaks for itself, doesn't matter what kind of shit swill the Party tries to pedal .

Hell, the shit was solid when Reagan began the Age of Austerity on the Working Class ( now reduced to Working Poor ) and Working Poor .
Then Reagan Crashed the economy in October 1987, Iran - Contra Scandal and set up the 1989 -1990 S and L scandal .

Then G.H.W. Bush covered up Reagan playing both sides of the War on Terrorism and Drugs and having Iran hold the Hostages until the 1980 Election and enabling the S and L scandal.

Bill Clinton repair the Economy damage that both Reagan Bush 1 committed against the dwindling Middle Class and Working Poor.

Then Fox News engineered an Election Steal in 2000 for G.W. Bush , so AmeriKKKan Oligarchs could steal the economic gains made during the Clinton Years .
9-11 saved G.W Bush's Presidency.
Who can forget the Economic Crash that G W. Bush committed in 2008 .
And Bush didn't kill Bin Ladin, because as long as Bin Ladin was alive, it safe guarded his Presidency .

Then Barrak Obama repaired the economic damage committed by G.W Bush' s failure and he had Bin Ladin killed. And he endured Racism was a great success, despite his Race .
He handed Trump a strong Economic Nation .

..... then Trump the bafoon came in, a washed up Fascist Reality TV Idiot .... passed another tax plan that only benefited the Oligarchs , killed 1.3 million Americans with his failed response to Covid 19 Pandemic ( Democratic Corona Virus Hoax ), weakened the American Dollar, ruined America's dependable reputation and downed turned the economy with all that was mentioned above, along with removing provisions of the Dodd Frank Banking act .

Joe Biden, as all Democrats .... always does a good job repairing the damage after Republicans ruin Americans Lives .
The mainstream media has you whipped .
Your Party's track record speaks for itself, doesn't matter what kind of shit swill the Party tries to pedal .

Hell, the shit was solid when Reagan began the Age of Austerity on the Working Class ( now reduced to Working Poor ) and Working Poor .
Then Reagan Crashed the economy in October 1987, Iran - Contra Scandal and set up the 1989 -1990 S and L scandal .

Then G.H.W. Bush covered up Reagan playing both sides of the War on Terrorism and Drugs and having Iran hold the Hostages until the 1980 Election and enabling the S and L scandal.

Bill Clinton repair the Economy damage that both Reagan Bush 1 committed against the dwindling Middle Class and Working Poor.

Then Fox News engineered an Election Steal in 2000 for G.W. Bush , so AmeriKKKan Oligarchs could steal the economic gains made during the Clinton Years .
9-11 saved G.W Bush's Presidency.
Who can forget the Economic Crash that G W. Bush committed in 2008 .
And Bush didn't kill Bin Ladin, because as long as Bin Ladin was alive, it safe guarded his Presidency .

Then Barrak Obama repaired the economic damage committed by G.W Bush' s failure and he had Bin Ladin killed. And he endured Racism was a great success, despite his Race .
He handed Trump a strong Economic Nation .

..... then Trump the bafoon came in, a washed up Fascist Reality TV Idiot .... passed another tax plan that only benefited the Oligarchs , killed 1.3 million Americans with his failed response to Covid 19 Pandemic ( Democratic Corona Virus Hoax ), weakened the American Dollar, ruined America's dependable reputation and downed turned the economy with all that was mentioned above, along with removing provisions of the Dodd Frank Banking act .

Joe Biden, as all Democrats .... always does a good job repairing the damage after Republicans ruin Americans Lives .
Reagan, his shit was solid .... but still, it was shit.
G.H.W Bush 1, it was dry and runny .
G.W. Bush died it out ....
And now in the hands of PrimaDonald, it is now dry n crumbly shit .


Favorite time of the day😂

If he actually believes what he wrote he's totally brain dead but I'm not convinced human beings are capable of that level of sheer idiocy but he may prove me wrong .
I think these clowns just post whatever they think is going to trigger conservatives ..

.. which shows you how little they understand about conservatives.

Since you were so brash in spewing forth ignorance, I should do you the favor of helping you understand how contemptible your logic is:

First, you're trying to make an argument that because a single Republican candidate made such a proposition that it's somehow representative of the entire GOP. Ironically, you use that kind of logic, but when people generalize that all democrats are groomers, you deny the proscription.

Second, you didn't even try to refute Vivek Ramaswany's (the mellinnial candidate who proposed a higher voting age) proposition even though he, being way more intelligent than you, at least gave several logical points why it would make sense (don't be obtuse and assume I support him or agree with him). You don't even bother to cite anything the guy said in context or even try to argue the topic itself because you're evidently inept at saying anything intelligent. If you had the intelligence to debate the topic, you would have done that, so you essentially just used the topic to try and attack an entire political party and offend a nation of supporters. There is literally no intellectual purpose in what you say.

Then, you went and cooked up goofy rationales for why the entire GOP wants to raise the voting age. You couldn't quote a single Republican who ever gave any of those inane reasons because it's such insane gibberish.

Listen to yourself man, "nobody loves them anymore," "democracy is a threat to MAGA," "they are growing desperate," "wreck the economy," blah, blah. No one with a working brain would utter such stupidity. Everything you said is entirely void of intelligence. Not only that but your pathetic attempt to cite statistics is equally inane. To say you don't know what you're talking about is putting it kindly.

The truth is you're a follower, a mindless clone droning on blind hate against a political party you know nothing about, and on the subject of politics which is far beyond your level of comprehension. Instead of coming up with a sensible argument on the topic, you go and twist some obscure story into a silly anti-GOP conspiracy.

It's not just that you do this kind of thing out of ignorance but you delight in slander and offensive speech, and seek negative attention (which is likely one traits that kept you from learning anything in school). You randomly pick things and turn them into retarded narratives as a petty excuse to badmouth people with different political views.

Nothing you said can be validated by any credible source. You even believe propaganda from Jeff Bezos-owned, far-left Washington Post so much that you tout it like some kind of deluded gospel. You prate about things like the "economy," "debt ceiling," and "democracy" which you can't even understand. Go ahead and find the word "democracy" in the Declaration of Independence. LOL! You can't because it's not there. The couple of times it's mentioned in the Constitution, it's described as a right, not our form of government (which is expressly a "republic"). Go ahead and make a rational argument on why you support raising the debt ceiling. Ha ha ha! Tell us then what the effects will be on national debt, government spending, and the inevitable repetition of raising the debt ceiling annually like the Democrats love to do. When they oppose it just to obstruct Trump, you think it's OK, but when Republicans do it to thwart out of control spending, it's somehow a terrible conspiracy to wreck the economy. Man, you're incapable of making sense.

If you had any decency, you would question, at some point, what kind of person does these things. What kind of person conducts themselves with ferocious mendacity? Certainly not a good person with any good intentions or good will towards his fellow man, but a noxious social presence bent on stirring caustic rhetoric. You are miserably predictable, and also perfectly predicted and described thousands of years ago:

"Their throat is an open grave;
With their mouths they keep deceiving; The poison of asps is under their lips:
Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
Their feet are swift to shed blood:
Destruction and misery are in their path: And the way of peace have they not known:
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
Your Party's track record speaks for itself, doesn't matter what kind of shit swill the Party tries to pedal .

Hell, the shit was solid when Reagan began the Age of Austerity on the Working Class ( now reduced to Working Poor ) and Working Poor .
Then Reagan Crashed the economy in October 1987, Iran - Contra Scandal and set up the 1989 -1990 S and L scandal .

Then G.H.W. Bush covered up Reagan playing both sides of the War on Terrorism and Drugs and having Iran hold the Hostages until the 1980 Election and enabling the S and L scandal.

Bill Clinton repair the Economy damage that both Reagan Bush 1 committed against the dwindling Middle Class and Working Poor.

Then Fox News engineered an Election Steal in 2000 for G.W. Bush , so AmeriKKKan Oligarchs could steal the economic gains made during the Clinton Years .
9-11 saved G.W Bush's Presidency.
Who can forget the Economic Crash that G W. Bush committed in 2008 .
And Bush didn't kill Bin Ladin, because as long as Bin Ladin was alive, it safe guarded his Presidency .

Then Barrak Obama repaired the economic damage committed by G.W Bush' s failure and he had Bin Ladin killed. And he endured Racism was a great success, despite his Race .
He handed Trump a strong Economic Nation .

..... then Trump the bafoon came in, a washed up Fascist Reality TV Idiot .... passed another tax plan that only benefited the Oligarchs , killed 1.3 million Americans with his failed response to Covid 19 Pandemic ( Democratic Corona Virus Hoax ), weakened the American Dollar, ruined America's dependable reputation and downed turned the economy with all that was mentioned above, along with removing provisions of the Dodd Frank Banking act .

Here a hard pill to swallow or in the case of Piccasso ...A hard fist of furry from PLX ....

People keeps rejecting MAGA ....
Kind of like an old rich man that kills a hooker and blames his erectile dysfunction on the hooker .... he hits her over the head with a shovel, buries her body and keeps lying to himself .... it's the bitches fault's the bitches fault ... as he drives off the scene of the crime .

Did you fart out PLX's rings or wrist watch yet ?

Or did he give you a MAGA J6 Laxative and made you do 2,000 sit ups yet ?
I heard, that a Montana license plate, a couple of blown out tires and a boot came flying out 💩👍

Don't give up hope PLX !!!!

Do you have any basic common sense AT ALL ? I've never come across more clueless people in my life , don't you understand that the mainstream media have been trying to convince Trump is unpopular for the last 7 years but if you have functioning eyesight take a look around .

Biden and Harris together can't draw more than 20 people to their events Trump draws 20-50 K EVERYWHERE HE GOES .

I mean get a fucking clue OMG LOL.
You Q Anon Morons are like those Reverend Camp followers that predicted the end of the World on May 21st, 2011 ..... never happened .

The GOP was like the Branch Davidian Compound, Trump is David Karesh ..... 2024 , is the big loss needed like the fire in the compound that cleaned the World , a little cleaner ....good ridence, the GOP is finished and never going to be trusted with power again .