The IIC+reissue goes live Dec. 3rd. $3599

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I've got about 300 - 400 stocked away. Chinese military grade. Beijing's finest.
JP's personal amp the JP2C was based on was a MKIIC+ HRG... no "++".

The shred mode when used on channel 3 of the JP2C is similar as far as the idea goes... but the sound is different. The shred mode is much noisier and doesn't blend in as well with the sound of a HRG MKIIC++... I played them both side to side for year. I do like the shred mode and the JP2C is the best amp MB has release in the last 20 years IMHO. The ++ when on sounds thicker, fuller, less compressed, and not as noisy... even with the gain pot jacked.
The MK7 sounds like ass IMHO. Processed, sterile, flat, unattractive ass.
Thank you OZ for keeping it real. I know there are times when people love to give you shit but you keep it real.

As a JP2C owner, I’ve never been a part of such a polarizing group of fellow owners. In my honest opinion, too many owners over glorify the amp and the other vocal group seems to take a fat garden green shit all over it. The amp fuckin slays…PERIOD! I can’t personally compare it to a real deal MKIIC+/++. My bad people. I guess I’m just inferior. Suck a dick and get over it? ??‍♂️

But seriously, why do people get so defensive and protective over a circuit? I want everyone to be able to experience what they can. I don’t get the sacredness shit. Maybe I’m off base?
It will be exactly like all new amps. Sterile, over-compressed after 1:00 on the dial, dull and lifeless in a band setting.

Of course it will. It's a new amp with Chinese shit for components, duh! Fucking Crap-ola.

If you know, you know. A sm57 in front of a speaker compared to a precision modeler when recording, modeler wins 9 out of ten times. An amp in a band setting is a thing still for some of us players. That is where you find out.
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I love the JP2C, i wasnt a fan of the mark v, the mark vii was ok but i never got to play it at band volume and after reading some of the posts earlier i dont think i want a mark vii anymore, im hoping the new reissue sounds good and maybe i will buy one, or i might grab another mark iv or mark iii, im too cheap to pay the crazy prices for a real 2C+.
I love the JP2C, i wasnt a fan of the mark v, the mark vii was ok but i never got to play it at band volume and after reading some of the posts earlier i dont think i want a mark vii anymore, im hoping the new reissue sounds good and maybe i will buy one, or i might grab another mark iv or mark iii, im too cheap to pay the crazy prices for a real 2C+.
I’ve had a mark III red stripe++, mark V and a mark VII. The VII shared a lot more with the III than the V for me. I found it to be pretty big sounding with a good punch, though I could always want more in that department. The V was totally anemic and lacked any low end that was really usable. So I have had a pretty different experience. I’ve not used it many band situations yet, mostly recording though. I’m on the list for a IIC+ reissue and I’m looking forward to seeing how they compare.

Out of curiosity, everyone that had bad experiences with the VII what where the speakers/pickups that you used with it?
When I had a III serviced a few years ago, it seemed like someone else did the disassembly to get the board out and Mike B did some of the more technical work diagnosing and replacing components.
I think you may have to contact him directly. If you contact Mesa/Boogie they may route your amp to Nashville or other service centers.
My friend has a Mark IV and it recently broke. I honestly can't think of a better person to fix it than Mike B.
Mike said some Mark IV's are unrepairable depending on what caps they have and how much damage they may have caused. I would probably send photos of the board before shipping anything. Shipping w/insurance costs me $150!!!
Mike said some Mark IV's are unrepairable depending on what caps they have and how much damage they may have caused. I would probably send photos of the board before shipping anything. Shipping w/insurance costs me $150!!!
We'll probably do that. Thank you!
Mike B has minions that do his bidding. He diagnoses and calls the shots as far as i know. I'm thinking about having him go over my mark IVa actually. i did a full cap job and swapped some other components during covid, and i know i COULD do all the work i want done, but being a single day to 3 kids half the week, and being a sexy single the other half leaves me with very little time and desire to sit there and try and change out various teeny tiny parts on that board with my aging, alcohol damaged nerves shaking slightly as i try and hold an iron with a tiny point... i have a few bucks of disposable income to burn on a round trip flight to cali for my amp, but not to take a damn vacation myself lol. plus i have this 5150 combo now to tide me over until it comes back.
We'll probably do that. Thank you!
those are most likely those transition models or late A's. The mark IV's from like 94-95 and on should be fine when it comes to those 10,000uf 16v caps.
those are most likely those transition models or late A's. The mark IV's from like 94-95 and on should be fine when it comes to those 10,000uf 16v caps.
Nope, my friend's amp is B. Anyway unfortunately his amp won't go to Mike B. he decided to send it to Scotland.