The IIC+reissue goes live Dec. 3rd. $3599

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The VII and the new JPs use the same big PT and it runs around 465 pV, I'd be suprised if the new C+ didn't also use this PT. Of course if Big G was paying attention and wanted to give us what we wanted, it'd be a PT with a 500 pV. ..and a GEQ that's operating at high voltage. ..and big thick traces on the PCB. ..and 100% solder connections, not push-ons. ..and actual lead solder. and and and! That said I know the guts of this one are going to look like the modern amps, so we'll see.
Here's what Murphy Aged footswitches might look like.
Personally, I highly doubt the reissue will sound half as good as the original one. I'm 99,9% sure it will sound more compressed and less raw - in your face. I've sold both my original SRGX and HRGX ++ modded since I tend to prefer my Wizard MTL for the metal rhythm stuff I am into, but I gotta say having been able to own and play these amps was pure bliss. The harmonics and definition they have is outta this world.
I've owned/played a ton of nice amps, but never even sniffed a IIC+. Owned an old Mark IV, but that was it for Mark series. First tube amp I owned, after buying it from the other guitarist in a group I used to jam with. Felt like king of the world after getting it, never heard the other guitarist again, lol. Will be saving to try this, unless RT deems it dookey.
I don’t buy the idea that they cannot make this as good as the originals. Several different companies have made the SLO transformers I believe, and there’s not a whole lot of talk about how SLO’s just don’t hold up anymore. It’s just parts and if they match them that’s it. Schumacher is making Mesa’s transformers again which was the company that made those older transformers. Possibly just wishful thinking but it would make sense that Gibson would want this to be a home run for them
I don’t think it will hold a candle to an original but that doesn’t mean it will sound bad either. I want it to be a better sounding JP2C with less top end fizz.
Personally, I highly doubt the reissue will sound half as good as the original one. I'm 99,9% sure it will sound more compressed and less raw - in your face. I've sold both my original SRGX and HRGX ++ modded since I tend to prefer my Wizard MTL for the metal rhythm stuff I am into, but I gotta say having been able to own and play these amps was pure bliss. The harmonics and definition they have is outta this world.
You're exaggerating a bit my friend, your expectations are too sad. It was at least created and built while Randall was still there and I doubt it will sound that bad.
How good are they ?
Tone wise,? No idea.

I've been wanting one as my first Mark, so have been keeping an eye on used prices, but right now I'm leaning towards finding and modding an old IIB or III since that'll be cheaper and VII prices keep dropping.
Im not expecting the reissue to blow my dick off, tbh im not expecting it to be much better than the mark vii, so i guess if it sucks i wont be disappointed, but… if it sounds great, then i will definately buy one and have a smile on my face while playing some badass riffs, sometimes its best not to expect too much and then be pleasantly suprised. Mesa has had plenty of chances over the years to nail the feel and tone of the original and always comes up short, its no secret that this is a grail amp in their history, but they never seem to do it right, so thats why im not expecting it to be great even though it could be very good. We need to assume its not gonna be exactly the same. Each person has different expectations.

Theres too many things that can lead to people being unhappy with the amp, the tone, the feel, too much compression, the voicing of the mids, the sound of the gain, the amount of gain, harmonics, touch sensitivity, or what if its too modern sounding or too tight, etc.

so at that point, would we be happy if it was 90% as good, or do we need it to be 95% as good, or 98% as good, for everybody to be truely happy and say they produced a great reissue.
Tone wise,? No idea.

I've been wanting one as my first Mark, so have been keeping an eye on used prices, but right now I'm leaning towards finding and modding an old IIB or III since that'll be cheaper and VII prices keep dropping.
My 3++ greenie killed my love for 2c++
You should get a greenies . I get modern 8 string tones even . I was surprised by this amp
I spoke with my sweetwater rep yesterday to get a status update. Apparently prepaid will get first ones then it’s in order. He said they only get batches of 10-15 at a time. He said I’d be somewhere after the first of the year.

At least that’s what he believes at this point.
To be honest I’m kinda happy. That way if they get lukewarm reviews I can cancel. If not no worries I’ve got one with my name on it.
Well many don’t believe mark 3 can be modern

I've played many shows ( thrashy/ dm) with my Simuclass III Red Stripe and another guitarist using a 5150. Both using 7string. He was so surprised how it held up to our more modernized material and ended up picking up a Mark III. Yeah, the Mark III blew the doors off that 5150 amp and continues to put on some big ole smiles still. lol These amps were so ahead of their time.
Honestly you can get any of these amps to sound great on a recording. Even in the bedroom where you're not pushing a lot of volume. I don't hate the VII at all, I think for a lot of home / studio guys it's a great tool for the job.

The thing is, mics don't pick up feel and how much air an amp is moving. And TBH, this really only matters to the guitar player- *mostly. But, that can be important as for example I am more inspired & play better when an amp hits me in the tone AND the feels. If it doesn't I just don't dig in as hard and things feel flat.

*I will say when I A/Bd the VII in the (loud metal) band, both of my guys complained that the sound was mush, lacked definition, and they couldn't hear me. This was the case in every channel and various settings. I agreed so off it went. Only had the amp 6 days, which is the shortest amount of time I've kept any amp (due to not liking it) aside from the Splawn Nitro that lasted 1. I did a whole series of comparos of the VII to the OGs when it came out. The differences were huge for me, and I respect that they may not be for the next guy.

I think this C+ reissue will settle the debate if modern amps CAN be made to do what vintage amps do. I think it's possible because I really liked the single channel Cali Tweed a lot in terms of feels. Generally speaking I think the simpler the amp, the better the tone. If it doesn't pull it off, IMO it's time to stop trying.

Yo Jeremy let me in your fb Coli group ?
I've played many shows ( thrashy/ dm) with my Simuclass III Red Stripe and another guitarist using a 5150. Both using 7string. He was so surprised how it held up to our more modernized material and ended up picking up a Mark III. Yeah, the Mark III blew the doors off that 5150 amp and continues to put on some big ole smiles still. lol These amps were so ahead of their time.
Who knew having a pre gain, tone stack would work so well for completely different applications than intended. Part genius, part excellent blind luck.
I've played many shows ( thrashy/ dm) with my Simuclass III Red Stripe and another guitarist using a 5150. Both using 7string. He was so surprised how it held up to our more modernized material and ended up picking up a Mark III. Yeah, the Mark III blew the doors off that 5150 amp and continues to put on some big ole smiles still. lol These amps were so ahead of their time.
That’s awesome to hear fr ! You have any clips ? I’d love to hear