The IIC+reissue goes live Dec. 3rd. $3599

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I've played many shows ( thrashy/ dm) with my Simuclass III Red Stripe and another guitarist using a 5150. Both using 7string. He was so surprised how it held up to our more modernized material and ended up picking up a Mark III. Yeah, the Mark III blew the doors off that 5150 amp and continues to put on some big ole smiles still. lol These amps were so ahead of their time.
I’ve always thought that as the Marks moved along they got better at low tunings, where the V actually works the best for the 7 string thing.

The IIs personally don’t work for me below about D std. I can see the III working better for lower tunings and just better as the gens go on.

That said I’d be really curious to hear a III go head to head with a 5150 for low tunings since that’s square in their wheel house.
Let’s see your Coli!!
I just picked up this Cauli head!
I’ve always thought that as the Marks moved along they got better at low tunings, where the V actually works the best for the 7 string thing.

The IIs personally don’t work for me below about D std. I can see the III working better for lower tunings and just better as the gens go on.

That said I’d be really curious to hear a III go head to head with a 5150 for low tunings since that’s square in their wheel house.
You heard my mark iv 8 string tone ?
I’ve always thought that as the Marks moved along they got better at low tunings, where the V actually works the best for the 7 string thing.

The IIs personally don’t work for me below about D std. I can see the III working better for lower tunings and just better as the gens go on.

That said I’d be really curious to hear a III go head to head with a 5150 for low tunings since that’s square in their wheel house.

Though the III is the tightest amp I own ( on its own), I still always clean boosted with a gate after. Used it with an Orange PPCHP8 412. Tightest, fattest chugs. The Mark III has this really nice elastic, chewy tone while the 5150 was just very sterile. However, I was not the one operating the amp. lol
You heard my mark iv 8 string tone ?
Can you post a link? I don’t recall.

We play in D Std to match my vocals even though it’s not my favorite tuning. So far my favorite Marks live have been the III+ green followed by the IVb in terms of how they sit in the mix. The most powerful and immersive is for sure the IIb Coli though.

TBH I’ve always been underwhelmed by the C+ live.
Though the III is the tightest amp I own ( on its own), I still always clean boosted with a gate after. Used it with an Orange PPCHP8 412. Tightest, fattest chugs. The Mark III has this really nice elastic, chewy tone while the 5150 was just very sterile. However, I was not the one operating the amp. lol
I totally agree about chewy vs sterile, just thinking more about the tone in the crowd where that is less impactful. When I see other bands play I’m always impressed with the live tone of Peaveys (even VTMs) and JCM800s more so than anything else. Interestingly I’m always underwhelmed with the live tone of Rectos. That said even thouhg I know Marks don't have the best mids for live, I'm still addicted to how they feel to play & chug, and I'll take it over the sterile feel of the Peaveys I've tried even though they may have sat better live. Since we're a 1 guitar band (Like Metallica LOL) I don't have to compete with anyone for sonic space! Well, maybe the bass player...

For years I gigged Marks with a clean boost, and there’s a couple songs in our set where I turn it off. When we’d record the set and I listen to it I could always tell that from the crowd, unboosted the tone just sounded better (personal opinion?) even if there was less gain. I fought this for a long time bacause m0Ar GaIN!! but I'm slowly coming around to keeping the boost off in the band to improve the clarity.
Though the III is the tightest amp I own ( on its own), I still always clean boosted with a gate after. Used it with an Orange PPCHP8 412. Tightest, fattest chugs. The Mark III has this really nice elastic, chewy tone while the 5150 was just very sterile. However, I was not the one operating the amp. lol
I still love both amps . But Mark III is special. My Mark III ++ greenie is top left
Can you post a link? I don’t recall.

We play in D Std to match my vocals even though it’s not my favorite tuning. So far my favorite Marks live have been the III+ green followed by the IVb in terms of how they sit in the mix. The most powerful and immersive is for sure the IIb Coli though.

TBH I’ve always been underwhelmed by the C+ live.


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I was curious to see what you guys were hearing as far as the Mk VII compressing at higher volumes.

It for sure can. When loud the bass dial compresses the sound as it is turned up. Running the presence on 10 and the bass on 0 the amp comes alive at high volume.
Nothing on the Mesa Website..
I have spoken to a few EU vendors, they say it’s not in their catalogue for new products and are unable to comment on potential future products. Same with Mesa Boogie themselves.

Meanwhile Sweetwater is taking orders left and right.
Mesa should just make a post. They must have a few finished amps already ready to ship to youtubers.
Running an 8ohm amp into a 16ohm speaker shouldn't produce any issues, if that's your concern.
Definitely no safety issues as Mesa transformers are very tolerant of impedance mismatches. But there's always a loss of efficiency, attack and articulation running a 16 ohm cab off of a Mesa 8 ohm tap. Moreso than doing the same on Marshall amps IMO.
It would be interesting to see if mesa just like alot of there other amps and other manufacturers have the 16 or 4 ohm lead sometimes not connected, inside the amp...
I’m curious if they will have any mods or it will be 100% true to the original design. Example: bringing the presence knob to the front.

I sure hope they don’t stuff a cab clone/speaker load in it… in that case… leave the the presence knob in the back instead, I won’t complain