The Rise of youtube musician channels

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Can we get a sneak peak? ??
I posted a video on YT a while back and someone thought I was demoing an acoustic. It was just a shitty song I wrote at the time. He got bent out of shape when I told him he was an idiot.

P.S. I'm up to 40 subs. I'm almost to the big time. :LOL:
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Unless someone else had your handle and avatar I realized the other day that I have been interacting with you off and on in online guitar forums since 2007....almost 18 years......we are growing old together, apart. Good luck with the channel.
Jesus fuck- 2007 is almost 18 years ago?
One of the most disingenuous displays of master-click-bating on such Youtube channels is when some of these content creators make videos with pseudo existential crisis themes such as "we need to talk", as you pointed out, or "is this the end of my channel" and "contemplating selling EVERYTHING", etc. Then the next time it's back to business, shilling as usual with no follow up, action or even mention of the previous week's "life altering decisions".
The thing that makes it worse is that clickbait titles like this can result in people buying a piece of shit amp because a YouTuber said it was good - just for views
One of the most disingenuous displays of master-click-bating on such Youtube channels is when some of these content creators make videos with pseudo existential crisis themes such as "we need to talk", as you pointed out, or "is this the end of my channel" and "contemplating selling EVERYTHING", etc. Then the next time it's back to business, shilling as usual with no follow up, action or even mention of the previous week's "life altering decisions".
The thumbnail that just says IT’S OVER…

with a sad facial expression.
2007 is almost 18 years ago?
Yeah, almost. I got my first computer in late '06 and got to work trolling those pre-TGP-teens over at Harmony Central. Some dude named Zachman had invited me here way back then. I looked and was like "naw that place is all metaheads". Still ain't figured out who Zachman was but I regret not taking him up on his suggestion to join here sooner. You get those D's in the mail yet?
Yeah, almost. I got my first computer in late '06 and got to work trolling those pre-TGP-teens over at Harmony Central. Some dude named Zachman had invited me here way back then. I looked and was like "naw that place is all metaheads". Still ain't figured out who Zachman was but I regret not taking him up on his suggestion to join here sooner. You get those D's in the mail yet?
Zachman was the rack king longer than most IIRC; out in Hawaii. I think his rack was CAE designed or built?

I also participated in huge racks - about rack gear way back when, when I first joined RT.

@SgtThump ran this place when I joined before Brad took over...
Zachman was the rack king longer than most IIRC; out in Hawaii. I think his rack was CAE designed or built?
Whatever became of him? That's what I'd really like to know. I've asked a few times around here and my question just got ignored.
I get what your saying but we just got to ignore what we don’t like . We on RT have a lot of great gear so for us the channels are not interesting . But we got to remember some people can’t afford this amps and just love seeing all the amps .
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You can always pick the "Don't recommend this to me" option and the algorithm will start showing you different types of videos.

I've never had an issue with getting alot of something I don't want. There are hundreds of thousands of people showing off gear or playing and I seem to enjoy them all :)
Shit, you think it’s bad in guitar channels. Fucking Sports, entertainment and political commentary is full of this shit. The ones that are real funny are the guys with, what they think is their cool, sportscaster set up. The big mic, the fancy cans and an inability at decent public
Usually doing 10 minute videos with a clickbait title of a definite thing that is revealed at minute 9 to be the vaguest rumor or wishful analysis from the most benign post or interview with someone. Usually regurgitating the same short clip that has been circulating everyone’s channel for the last 3 weeks…?
It is pretty wild thinking how long some of us have been around, really the only constant thing in my life for about the last 25 years has been a couple forums lol. Cheers to 25 more lol
I have been around the forums since Harmony Central around 1996.

... and people talk to me like I dont know gear, lol.