The ROCKMAN pedal from MXR

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1984 Rockman 2 boards connected w/ ribbon cable full of vintage 70's Texas Instruments & Reticon IC's that haven't been made in 45 years.


MXR / Dunlops "guitar ace" only 1 PCB full of cheap electronics. Those of you who wern't around in 81- 84 There is nite n day difference
I remember reading that too. Something about having it hidden. They had the luxury of trying all kinds of stuff with budgets and time.
The quote, supposedly from Michael Wagener who produced the Album:

About the Lynch guitar tone on Under Lock And Key. There are tons of rumors on how that tone was made, most of them started by people that want to sell amps to guitar players. What we did: we had two Marshalls and two Laneys (again not sure which models). One Marshall and one Laney had speakers in the big room at Amigo. The Laney took care of the low end and the Marshal took care of the higher sounds. I split them up so not one amp had the whole load of the full guitar spectrum, I still do that to the day. The other Laney was in a totally dead room and was fed by a Boss chorus pedal, and just slightly mixed in with the other two amps. The second Marshal (I think it was a 50W Plexi) was send to a cabinet in a small tiled bathroom. Everything was miced with 16 microphones all over the rooms. I then summed it all into one output on the console and send it to a Fostex 4-track cassette recorder and from there into the digital machine. George had mentioned that he always gets a great sound with his Fostex 4-track, so I told him to bring it in. We had it under the console covered with a packing blanket so nobody could see it and it was cranked to 11. That is most of the rhythm tone on ULK.

If i were 30 years younger i might say "maybe" but at this point abandon ye all hope who enter here.
I find the "internet generation" about 75% more dense than the JFK Boomers.
E Musk's rockets blow up paid for by US Taxpayers. Sounds like a "sound" investment strategy.

Hey dipshit....
Since you want to bring up unrelated ignorance.. I'll go ahead and address you.

If you use PayPal, need to stop. Elon invented it. He's also paid more in taxes than any citizen in America ever, officially. He's also exposed and currently exposing why inflation exists thanks to your corrupt shitbum government agencies like USAID. You're talking about a rocket? Shut the hell up. You are one of the most feeble minds on this forum. Openly anyway. You give off vibes that you like being ballgagged, hands tied behind your back, while a liberal smacks your forehead with their removable nutsack.

You want to know what us taxes really was wasted on? It wasn't elons rockets....

I'm sure you're attention span doesn't reach this far, due to lack of common sense...but here's a nice senator laying out a few common sense items...

You think it's "your tax dollers"... hm... when did you pay this much in taxes to be in here mentioning shit?

And from decades ago....
Explaining exactly what has happened now.

And you gotta be insane to glaze over it all and just talk useless trash. Your vagina must be super itchy lately....

Being an old fart, I have no idea what to make of your post. LOL
I'm old too. I was just making random stuff up, lol. I'm going to be 55 years old this year which blows my damn mind....
I'm old too. I was just making random stuff up, lol. I'm going to be 55 years old this year which blows my damn mind....

I'm in my sixties, brother. My Grandpa said it best: "It's hell gettin' old but it beats the alternative!"
I am a fan of Tom's tone on the first album. I felt like his tone got super thin and always seemed to have the cocked wah sound on the second album. I love Third Stage when it comes to the songs but I don't like the Rockman tone. Very one note. It might be fun to play with from a nostalgia standpoint.