I wish the Ottomans would go Pouffe.The Ottoman Turks did the same to the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire just a few hundred years ago. I don't hear anyone asking Turkiye to give their land back to the Byzantines...because there aren't many Byzantines alive today (the remnants are Orthodox Christians in Turkiye).
edit: history is full of extinct cultures, civilization and peoples. Some areas are abandoned while others are populated with the descendants of the conquerors and the remnants of the conquered
totally fair
I have no sympathy for them. They are hiding in the general populace with their assistance and blessing in a lot of casesand then cry foul when Israel calls their bluff and says "stuff it then we'll get the lot of you". Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Who started it goes back s lot further than October 7, and no, Israelis don’t actually have the same stories.Israelis have the same stories...starting on 7-Oct, Hamas started it; Israel is responding to it.
don't stop believing. Jews in Israel pre-date Palestinians by thousands of years, most like the Philistines of the sea peoples from the bronze age collapse.Who started it goes back s lot further than October 7, and no, Israelis don’t actually have the same stories.
Jews and Arabs both lived there for thousands of years, and majority Arabs in modern times. Really they should all live there with equal rights, but the Jews want a Jewish ethno-state.don't stop believing. Jews in Israel pre-date Palestinians by thousands of years.
Hamas actions get Hamas results. Gaza is finding out. The People of Gaza support Hamas, now they're getting the results for that support.
Let's not forget Palestinians celebrating the 9/11 attacks on the US. Go look it up.