Throw Away Your Masks

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Not for nothing but I'm sure viruses are much smaller than anything coming out of a spray can. Just because you can't smell a spray of Lysol doesn't mean covid can't get through. And if it can in fact get through, then it would be useless and ineffective towards covid.

Yes they are smaller than the pores in the masks.

However when you talk, droplets of saliva fling out of your mouth. Same with a cough, and sneeze.

These droplets are too large to pass through the masks. These droplets are what contains the mass majority of the virus.

So yes while the virus is smaller, the virus is not in an ATOMISED state in your mouth, or noise, it's bound to your saliva.
virus is .16 nanos... holes in masks 6 nanos... like stopping mosquitos with a chain-link fence. Also, how many times have you seen those 'black worms' in masks (videos). Here's one from a doctor who investigated because her kids were watching these videos:
Why are they there and what is their purpose... nanobots for what purpose?
Nice try clown.

What happens when your saliva ridden mask dries up and those nano sized particles float in the air again?

Only way it dries up is if its not on your face. Exhale onto a mirror, or glass to find out why.
Virus is NOT bound to the saliva.. which is why people wear hazmat suits when working with viruses... it is the VAPOR from the breath that carries the virus. This is basic biology that doctors (who are paid off) ignore, which doctors who are bringing this is up is being black-balled.
virus is .16 nanos... holes in masks 6 nanos... like stopping mosquitos with a chain-link fence. Also, how many times have you seen those 'black worms' in masks (videos). Here's one from a doctor who investigated because her kids were watching these videos:
Why are they there and what is their purpose... nanobots for what purpose?

Here's an experiment for you:

Put some flour in a strainer, observe, and take notes.
Now mix flour with water, then put mixture in the same strainer.

Look in the mirror to see the look on your face when you get it (y)
Only way it dries up is if its not on your face. Exhale onto a mirror, or glass to find out why.
Let's talk about bacterial pneumonia and other health disorders from breathing in that crap. Medical professionals change masks after only an hour or so, whereas people are wearing those face diapers for several hours on end. Also, I think I can see an anagram in your user name, Cuntz.
Virus is NOT bound to the saliva.. which is why people wear hazmat suits when working with viruses... it is the VAPOR from the breath that carries the virus. This is basic biology that doctors (who are paid off) ignore, which doctors who are bringing this is up is being black-balled.

Vapor is liquid, which is what your saliva is. haha Jesus
Here's an experiment for you:

Put some flour in a strainer, observe, and take notes.
Now mix flour with water, then put mixture in the same strainer.

Look in the mirror to see the look on your face when you get it (y)
Why not show me with a video, as I'm not about to do what you're asking, which is IRRELEVANT to what is being found in 'sterile' face masks. If you have other evidence, you may want to share that with the medical professionals coming forward. You working with the Demonrats?
Why not show me with a video, as I'm not about to do what you're asking, which is IRRELEVANT to what is being found in 'sterile' face masks. If you have other evidence, you may want to share that with the medical professionals coming forward. You working with the Demonrats?
Thank you... it's called basic grade-school science. You shouldn't have been smoking pot during recess. And I'll watch your video after you watch the one I put up, along with the research on MASKS DON'T WORK.