Throw Away Your Masks

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You're the idiot talking about vapor. lol

Respiratory droplets are expelled when you speak, cough, sneeze, etc... This is what the masks capture.

BTW Grammar Nazi :hys: What a looser.

Please continue, the more you type exposes how ignorant you really are.
Actually, Cuntz, it's LOSER... not looser. Yes, I am talking about vapor as the virus travels with the VAPOR from one's breath... and that is what is going through and escaping through and around a mask. That is why I posted that example with the woman vaping. Get it yet, ignoramus? Duh! I truly believe you are merely a troll having fun on this site, because no one can be that stupid.
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When you think you're losing an argument, call the other person a Nazi (besides twisting an argument, when one person is talking about vapor and you are hell-bent on blabbering about droplets).
Just dawned on me. WTF am I paying for medical insurance, when I can get all my medical advice from some pseudo science dumb shit on the internet, and have my grammar corrected all for free🤔
When will it dawn on you that you took two shots of Gates semen to the face with your mask off, but promptly put it back on for good measure. 🤣

Your homoerotic sexual fantasies are interesting, tell us more about dude semen to dude face. I think we can get to the bottom of this.
Your (you're) are (a) fune one, CoolGuitarDude :ROFLMAO:
I'm a "fune" one? Yes, we all make mistakes, but you seem to be the master of the spelltards and gramtards, only able to put forward an argument based on memes.
Hoke line and sinker every time. :ROFLMAO:
This goes to show how intelligent you are, investing time on such stupidity; it demonstrates you are a troll. And you likely didn't catch those previous errors, but are trying to turn it around to save face and not look so moronic. Regardless, I'm done with you, CUNTZ.
Damn, not playing the game anymore? I'll give you credit, you got me on the ideals, vs ideas. But everything after, what a sucker :ROFLMAO:
Oh and BTW you're investing just as much time, so doesn't that make you just as stupid?