Throw Away Your Masks

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Hey, that's my pic from the other day, bro'. :LOL:

virus is .16 nanos... holes in masks 6 nanos...
I think it's more like 50+ nanos for the virus and 60+ microns for masks.

IOW, roughly 1000x-bigger holes than would theoretically be required for 100% effectiveness.
I think it's more like 50+ nanos for the virus and 60+ microns for masks.

IOW, roughly 1000x-bigger holes that would theoretically be required for 100% effectiveness.
Could be... it's what I 'recall' from a video with a surgeon, but memory and all...
Preach, brother. :LOL:

Now, what was I saying? Oh yeah... nothin'. :confused:
Cuntz got Bill Gates' vaccine in the ass?

That explains everything.
Let's talk about bacterial pneumonia and other health disorders from breathing in that crap. Medical professionals change masks after only an hour or so, whereas people are wearing those face diapers for several hours on end. Also, I think I can see an anagram in your user name, Cuntz.
You think surgeons change masks mid-way through a four hour surgery?
You think surgeons change masks mid-way through a four hour surgery?
The surgeon's I know personally do. I'm well acquainted with oncologists, general GPs, and specialists. I work with them, have lectured with them, and I'm a contributor to the Merck Manual (found in every doctor's office in North America). You can find my name in the hardcover or Net editions, Brian D. Johnston. Have a good one.
Mask protection

Vape, and smoke particles are much smaller than respiratory droplets. This is one of the dumbest attempts at science I've ever seen, no wonder you guy's are so duped.

Could you imagine when people talk just vape constantly coming out of their mouths like this :hys: :ROFLMAO:
Vape, and smoke particles are much smaller than respiratory droplets. This is one of the dumbest attempts at science I've ever seen, no wonder you guy's are so duped.

Could you imagine when people talk just vape constantly coming out of their mouths like this :hys: :ROFLMAO:
Are you a moron? It already was established that we're not talking about DROPLETS, but VAPOR. Then again, anyone with the grammar of "you guy's" and "ideals" tells me much. You're not a cuntz, but a twat. You should go over the MetalMusicians; I was banned just for posting a few relevant videos on vaccine deaths and side effects (so much for discussion).
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Are you a moron? It already was established that we're not talking about DROPLETS, but VAPOR. Then again, anyone with the grammar of "you guy's" and "ideals" tells me much. You're not a cuntz, but a twat. You should go over the MetalMusicians I got banned just for posting a few relevant videos on vaccine deaths and side effects (so much for discussion).

You're the idiot talking about vapor. lol

Respiratory droplets are expelled when you speak, cough, sneeze, etc... This is what the masks capture.

BTW Grammar Nazi :hys: What a looser.

Please continue, the more you type exposes how ignorant you really are.
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