Tom Morello sucks in a big way...

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I like him,...he can be a bit of a tool in interviews and such but overall I like his style. But I don't try to compare it to players like Lynch, Jake E Lee, Malmsteen, etc. The music, style,..everything is different. I don't consider him a "great player" but I think he has a orginal style and he's good at what he does.

I loved RATM and Soundgarden, and I like Audislave,...what can I say. :D
SgtThump":ecea9 said:
So... Some of you guys actually think this is innovative, huh?

I guess it's "innovative" from the standpoint that he actually incorporates it into songs -- tries to make it sound as rhythmic and musical as possible. But sometimes it does sound a bit silly,...I'll even admit that.

I don't put Morello in the same catagory as EVH, Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert, Vai or any of the insane shredders. RATM came out in the early 90's, they had an orginal sound and his style of playing was a part of that,..that's all.
SgtThump":c03b4 said:

I'm not comparing Morello to insane shredders. I'm saying that what Morello does by scraping the strings, playing with his toggle switch and using a whammy pedal is far from innovative to me. To me, that stuff is some of the easiest stuff in the world to do and he sounds like a talentless ass when he does it. It's the equivelant of tapping your fingers on a desk to music to me. Very, very simple and basic.

Well, that fine and that's your opinion, but I think you're making it sound easier than it really is. Not saying it's "insanely innovative" or overly difficult in anyway, but it does take practice in order to make it mix in well with the song.

All the crazy scratching and sounds aren't what I dig the most about Tom's style,...I like a lot of the riffs that he can up with in RATM,..and the songs from an overall standpoint. I don't think Tom is that influential on his own,...but RATM definitely had an impact as a band.

Not trying to argue bro, I said, I dig it. But I know a lot of others don't, and that's fine by me.
SgtThump":e5950 said:

Oh I know you're not trying to argue. I'm not taking this personally with anyone. :)

I said before that I like his rhythm playing and riffs/grooves. I think that's for sure his strong point. But an innovative LEAD guitarist he ain't, in my opinion of course. :)

I may even try to hook my stuff up and record me doing the string scraping/toggle switch stuff to show how easy it is. lol

I pretty much agree with your assessment Chris -- Great riff's and grooves but as a true lead player he's average,..maybe a notch above IMO. :D

Hahahaha,...I'd love to hear you do some Morello-esque scraping/toggle switch wizardary. That would be aweseom! :thumbsup:
Code001":7e5db said:
I'd rather listen to rehashed A Minor Pent. personally....
Done well? I ll take rehashed Amin pent ALL DAY LONG over any solo of Morellos....
danyeo":9036b said:

Ones like this?

Ugh, god I hated those guys.
SgtThump":adf61 said:

Ya know danyeo, you're just making shit up now to meet your own needs. Nobody in here said a thing about Warrant being anything. I doin't know where you got that.

You did, in another thread. But you won't see me linking threads from another forum to crap on someone else's opinions. I still don't understand your original purpose when you started this thread?

Iv'e seen you call Warrant one of the best live bands you claim to have seen! Did you see me anywhere start any threads about how much i think Warrant sucks ass? NO.
Things I've learned from this thread:

1- If you don't like what Chris likes, you and your taste in music suck
2- If you like something different from Chris, he will start a thread to bash your musical tastes
3- There hasn't been any good rock singers since the 70's and 80's

Am I missing anything?
STEEL KAGE":482a5 said:
Done well? I ll take rehashed Amin pent ALL DAY LONG over any solo of Morellos....

As a guitar player, I agree 100% with you. However, my good friend (who is not a musician) went to see Rage way back when their first album came out. After the show, he called me to say how "awesome" Morello was. His style was "truly amazing" and I "loved the crazy sounds" he makes with the guitar. So from a guitar players point of view, he basically sucks but from a regular "Joe Concert goer" he's amazing.
STEEL KAGE":71978 said:
Done well? I ll take rehashed Amin pent ALL DAY LONG over any solo of Morellos....

I'd rather listen to this than some boring shit we've heard already a million times.
AmpliFIRE":45932 said:

As a guitar player, I agree 100% with you. However, my good friend (who is not a musician) went to see Rage way back when their first album came out. After the show, he called me to say how "awesome" Morello was. His style was "truly amazing" and I "loved the crazy sounds" he makes with the guitar. So from a guitar players point of view, he basically sucks but from a regular "Joe Concert goer" he's amazing.

I can see your point but lets face it Paige; This is a guitar players forum and we are guitar players( we hope anyways).... To add to that, I remember thinking that Ace Frehley was as good as Hendrix before I knew how to play... Ya want more Proof? Kirk Hammet, Im convinced that anyone who thinks that hes a great guitar player either doesnt play or sucks, badly..

Ralphie summed up Morello pretty well and My views are in line with him. Morello is all about the rhythm and the groove and he does it well. I dont listen to RATM for solos, I listen for the groove...

Some have talked about how innovative and original he is and I guess I have to give him some props for emulating Turntable scratching with a guitar. Considering the fact that I think Rap/hiphop and scratching is one of the biggest jokes in history, youll have to forgive me for not being that impressed...

People often equate unique or different with good and I dont agree anymore than I think straight ahead stuff is boring or run of the mill...

I like a bunch of RATM but it certainly isnt for Morellos skill...
danyeo":8d3ad said:

I'd rather listen to this than some boring shit we've heard already a million times.

Knock yourself out then :2thumbs: While youre at it, please tell me what is so unique about this? :?
I'm listening to Death Alley Driver by Rainbow right now on Pandora!!!!!!!!!!!!!
STEEL KAGE":1e2bf said:

Knock yourself out then :2thumbs: While youre at it, please tell me what is so unique about this? :?

Nothing unique about that but i think it shows that if he wanted to be a better player and play more leads then he could be. If someone posted that clip on the forum i bet everyone would go ga-ga over it. He's not my hero like Thump claims, I often listen to Yngwie and all the other 80's stuff then RATM and other post 1991 stuff. And I'll tell ya, playing some angry Rage songs live gets people going insane.

And if his stuff is soooo easy and boring and non-innovative as Thump claims then how many people before him sounded like him? I just think he is OK as a lead player. But as a musician he's pretty damm good because he came up with something that not many other people did. Countless hacks are using whammy pedals to sound like video games but at least the guy is fitting it into his songs.
I still don't get why some people are acting like i offended them by starting a thread about Morello on a different site. Some of you guys don't like him and that's fine but i don't get why some of you are sooo determined to try and state your opinions as fact. A fact is that Morello probably has enough money for his great great grandkids to buy homes in the Bahamas and he did it from playing guitar so he did something right.
" And if his stuff is soooo easy and boring and non-innovative as Thump claims then how many people before him sounded like him?"

Reminds me of a time in my Aikido class. I was chosen to help the higher belts (I recently joined) train for their next belt. I think they were going for brown (I despise the entire belt system but that's another topic). Anyway, the object was for the other person to take me down. The fact of the matter is, he couldn't unless I let him. The instructor mentioned that you can never predict how beginners will act during a fight because they're inexperienced and use unconventional techniques. It's similar with Morello. He uses unconventional techniques. Whether or not you like it is up to you, but to call him skilled at lead playing is just plain silly.

(BTW, I quit the Aikido dojo because those fucktards didn't know a damn thing about REAL fighting and were giving out belts left and right to make more $, but again, another topic. ;) )
danyeo":ee421 said:

Nothing unique about that but i think it shows that if he wanted to be a better player and play more leads then he could be. If someone posted that clip on the forum i bet everyone would go ga-ga over it. He's not my hero like Thump claims, I often listen to Yngwie and all the other 80's stuff then RATM and other post 1991 stuff. And I'll tell ya, playing some angry Rage songs live gets people going insane.

And if his stuff is soooo easy and boring and non-innovative as Thump claims then how many people before him sounded like him? I just think he is OK as a lead player. But as a musician he's pretty damm good because he came up with something that not many other people did. Countless hacks are using whammy pedals to sound like video games but at least the guy is fitting it into his songs.
I still don't get why some people are acting like i offended them by starting a thread about Morello on a different site. Some of you guys don't like him and that's fine but i don't get why some of you are sooo determined to try and state your opinions as fact. A fact is that Morello probably has enough money for his great great grandkids to buy homes in the Bahamas and he did it from playing guitar so he did something right.

I dont know Danny, If someone posted that, Id say good job at copping morello... I didnt see anything great about it.... Ill even agree that he fits the song but again, I dont listen to RATM to hear good guitar. To me that band is the sum of its parts coupled with some decent songwriting. Id go to a Rage show in a heartbeat but if someone said that Morello was fronting a band, Id yawn and pass....

People say that its easy and boring ( his soloing) because basically it is.. That in and of itself doesnt make it bad ... I dig his use of effects but again, I dont find it to be crazy involved...

Fitty cent and Nsync have impressive bank accounts as well, When did $$$ become synonymous with talent?!?!?!?
BTW, Im listening to Doug Aldrich's High Centered and Electrovision right now and they friggin destroy!!!!

Doug owns us all!!!
Code001 said:
" And if his stuff is soooo easy and boring and non-innovative as Thump claims then how many people before him sounded like him?"

. Whether or not you like it is up to you, but to call him skilled at lead playing is just plain silly.


What do you mean by skilled in lead playing? Listen to the solo in song that i just posted. He certainly sounds like he has skill in alternate picking as he picks pretty clean with single coils. Of course he ain't much compared to the guys like Lynch, Yngwie, Sykes, etc. but i don't think he's the hack that some people think he is.
The link doesn't work for me, but my brother has all the RATM CDs so I've heard a good bit of his stuff. I've also heard the first Audioslave CD. It's all stuff someone playing for about 2-3 years can play, IMO.