Tom Morello sucks in a big way...

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I was not into the the first part and ending of the solo but that middle part did show some alt picking skills at least to me. Pretty darn clean and I know how much practice goes into that line from the Gilbert Intense Rock tape.
STEEL KAGE":3c2a0 said:
BTW, Im listening to Doug Aldrich's High Centered and Electrovision right now and they friggin destroy!!!!

Doug owns us all!!!

Without a doubt!!! Doug's the man 8)
MrDan666":1425b said:

Without a doubt!!! Doug's the man 8)

+1 :!:
SgtThump":021e3 said:

A great live band doesn't equal innovative. Jesus... And for what it's worth, I never said Warrant was one of the best live bands I've seen. There's no way I said that, because it's not true. Now I did say Firehouse was one hell of a band. Perhaps your love for Morello wank has clouded your mind?

Warrant, Firehouse, i knew it was one of those sucky bands and the fact that you admit that Firehouse is one hell of a band is even worse. Bands like that did more to kill off the 80's than Grunge did.
danyeo":9f865 said:

Warrant, Firehouse, i knew it was one of those sucky bands and the fact that you admit that Firehouse is one hell of a band is even worse. Bands like that did more to kill off the 80's than Grunge did.

In all honesty Danny, You should know that MTV and the music industry killed 80's metal and not the bands. When MTV came into play, it was all about the visual instead of the music. Bands were getting signed by record execs because of their looks and not their musical talent and when that happened you got bands like pretty boy floyd getting SIGNED.
SgtThump":ebcbc said:

A great live band doesn't equal innovative. Jesus... And for what it's worth, I never said Warrant was one of the best live bands I've seen. There's no way I said that, because it's not true. Now I did say Firehouse was one hell of a band. Perhaps your love for Morello wank has clouded your mind?

"Your love for the halflings`weed has clouded your mind, Gandalf!"

:santa: :pal:
STEEL KAGE":70c9a said:

I can see your point but lets face it Paige; This is a guitar players forum and we are guitar players( we hope anyways).... To add to that, I remember thinking that Ace Frehley was as good as Hendrix before I knew how to play... Ya want more Proof? Kirk Hammet, Im convinced that anyone who thinks that hes a great guitar player either doesnt play or sucks, badly..

Ralphie summed up Morello pretty well and My views are in line with him. Morello is all about the rhythm and the groove and he does it well. I dont listen to RATM for solos, I listen for the groove...

Some have talked about how innovative and original he is and I guess I have to give him some props for emulating Turntable scratching with a guitar. Considering the fact that I think Rap/hiphop and scratching is one of the biggest jokes in history, youll have to forgive me for not being that impressed...

People often equate unique or different with good and I dont agree anymore than I think straight ahead stuff is boring or run of the mill...

I like a bunch of RATM but it certainly isnt for Morellos skill...

I'm definetly not Morello's biggest fan, but I think it's wrong to say the guy "sucks". If he was as bad as Chris makes him out to be, then he shouldn't even be in a band. I am a HUGE fan of another 90's rocker, Mike Einziger. Mike is another one that isn't the best soloist, but i love his unique chording and atmospheric use of efffects.

Personallly, Kirk Hamett was the reason I picked up the guitar. I loved his solos and all of the early Metallica shit. Looking back on it, Hammett definetly wrote some great stuff, but I've come to see how average of a guitar player he really is.

I'm sure that Morello has prompted MANY kids to pick up a guitar and start writing music of their own. Isn't that what this is all about....making music? C' many people have actually picked up the guitar because of Firehouse or Warrant? Nigga please...

Personally, i think it's BULLSHIT that Chris is using HIS OWN forum to start negative threads. I came to Rig Talk to escape a lot of the BS that HC has...and now I see this. If he hates HC soo much that he had to start Rig Talk, then why is he still even surfing it?
The best thing Firehouse ever did was writing something for Alex's band to cover :lol: :lol:

Yeah, MTV is the crap that killed the guitar hero.
SgtThump":b0617 said:
- I think Morello's rhythm playing and "groove" are great.
- I think Morello's lead playing is amateurish.
- I don't think he's doing anything great at all with his "tricks" and I see nothing innovative about him.
- I made comments about Firehouse being a good LIVE band and that has somehow made it's way into this thread. Never said a thing about them being innovative, inspirational, etc...

Don't like my comments? Wah, wah. You'll get over it.

Crying? Drama Queen? You're the drama queen for starting a thread just so you can bash someones opinions.

here are some answers to your previous post:

1- How could you think his rhythm and groove playing are great, but think he sucks overall? :?
2- I agree
3- Neither do I, but there are A LOT of people out there that do
4- Firehouse sucks :wink:
danyeo":a523e said:

IMHO, this is a good lead. It's off the new Audioslave CD. Sure it's simple but remember that millions of people are going to buy this CD and they will get a small dose of a little shreddy lead.

Lets not forget that any guitarist can sound great with endless amount of takes in the studio to achieve perfection. Personally I don't care for his leads or all the annoying effects and noises. I'll give him credit for some interesting riffs such as the rhythm part in "Show Me How To Live", but thats about it. Highly overrated player in my book. As far as Soundgarden goes, my favs are "Fresh Tendrils" and "Kickstand" off of Superunknown. Those tunes rock! I also think that unless you need to get "under" your guitar to shred(which he doesn't), wearing your guitar that high up looks totally gay. :lame:
Gainfreak":ba267 said:

In all honesty Danny, You should know that MTV and the music industry killed 80's metal and not the bands. When MTV came into play, it was all about the visual instead of the music. Bands were getting signed by record execs because of their looks and not their musical talent and when that happened you got bands like pretty boy floyd getting SIGNED.

I still think the bands had as much to do with it. There were still some good bands like Badlands that were out there but bands like Firehouse, Bulletboys, Warrant, etc ruined it by putting out the same crap over and over. How many more power ballads did the world need?
SgtThump":5b405 said:

Jesus... What a Drama Queen. This thread doesn't hurt a soul. Get over it already. :o :? :oops: :roll:

Didn't you start this thread to start shit, as you said earlier? And i guess you never got HC out of your system. Maybe I'll go start a thread about how much Firehouse sucks ass, just to start shit.
SgtThump":43770 said:

Man Danny, I didn't think you'd cry so much about this. Wow... Oh well.

Who's crying. I'm still on a high from the Giants win over the Eagles.
this man is gonna kick your butt



wait, this is better:


STEEL KAGE":6be03 said:
:|::QBB:LMAO!!!! 14 pages later and Morello still sucks!!!

I agree. But maybe he's been practicing his ass off since this thread died last September and now he rips. Stranger things have happened. Wait, no they haven't. He still sucks.
GloryHog":f18a4 said:

Lets not forget that any guitarist can sound great with endless amount of takes in the studio to achieve perfection. Personally I don't care for his leads or all the annoying effects and noises. I'll give him credit for some interesting riffs such as the rhythm part in "Show Me How To Live", but thats about it. Highly overrated player in my book. As far as Soundgarden goes, my favs are "Fresh Tendrils" and "Kickstand" off of Superunknown. Those tunes rock! I also think that unless you need to get "under" your guitar to shred(which he doesn't), wearing your guitar that high up looks totally gay. :lame:

The only difference is that Morello can bring it live. Extremely impressive that he can do all the shit that he does live and make it sound just like the studio. RATM was an EXTREMELY tight band.
STEEL KAGE":4b18c said:
:|::QBB:LMAO!!!! 14 pages later and Morello still sucks!!!

FWIW, i was into the last Audioslave cd for about 2 weeks but i got sick of it really fast afterwards. I think it's being used as a level on a chair somewhere.

I guess this thread will get bumped whenever i press a certain button though. :o
SgtThump":ef422 said:

You mean like hitting a whammy pedal, scraping his pick on the strings, flipping his toggle switch real fast, etc...? That's not impressive to me. :)

There's a lot more to it then that but whatever you say. :)