Tourmaster or Renegade???

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Here's a question for all you Eggie lovers out there.

I was in GC yesterday checking out all the new Egnater Renegade heads and combos. I heard them in NY last month with Bruce and since then I've been saving. I'm getting ready to make my decision when I walked around the rack to find the GC is now selling the Tourmaster 4212 for the same price as the Renegade 212 combo. I don't know if this is only my local GC or everywhere but what I thought would be a easy decision has just gotten very complicated.

I realize this is not an apples to apples comparison but they are the same price.

So what would you do? Buy the bigger, (really heavy) 4 channel Tourmaster 4212 or the Renegade. I really would like the TM head but that is not at a reduced price. BTW, the price is for a brand new unit not the floor model. I'd like to hear from people who own either amp. I play Rock, Blue and Praise and Worship music in venues from a small classroom to outside on a semi-trailer stage. The though of lugging around a 100lb combo is not my idea of fun, but I do have 2 14yo sons that can be my roadies :lol: :LOL:

:doh: Need to clarify one thing from my last post. The Renegade 212 combo and the 4212 Tourmaster are not the SAME price, the Tourmaster 4212 is $100.00 more!
I think the main question you need to ask yourself is whether you really need 4 independent channels or not. IMO, that would really be the only major reason to go for the TM over the Renegade. That said, with the Tube Mix and boost function on the Renegade, especially if you slap a couple of pedals in front, you really can get close to equivalent flexibility out of the Renegade, and you'll save your back in the process. Plus you get the bonus of being able to mix different types of tubes. I may be biased, but I would go with the Renegade, for sure.
I see your point about the 4 channels. I think there are probably a lot more people that "want" 4-channels vs. people that actually "need" 4-channels. The tube mix feature is nice but for me that might be a set it and forget it knob, don't know for sure. What I'm looking for opinions about sound, versatility and overall bang for the buck.

Thanks for your opinion.

One vote Renegade! :thumbsup:
There are many differences between these amps, but there is one factor that many people don't talk about much but is really important to me:

The Tourmaster has front-mounted controls where you can look at the amp and actually see where it is set. Some many amps don't do that, and it drives me nuts. I'm getting to the point where that might acually be a deal breaker for me on an amp. That was one thing I didn't like about the 212 Renegade- top mounted controls. My favorite Renegade was the head with the TM 212 cabinet, partially because you could look at the controls and see where they were set.

:confused: :rock:
"Bang for the buck" has to go to the Tourmaster. It is a LOT of amp for the money. The power grid is a great feature as well!

:yes: :rock:
Len Rabinowitz":1hhndrzf said:
"Bang for the buck" has to go to the Tourmaster. It is a LOT of amp for the money. The power grid is a great feature as well!

:yes: :rock:

I would agree with that. But I really like the ability to run two different types of tubes in each channel on the Renegade, and the fact that it doesn't weigh a ton. Tough choice for sure. Each has their pros and cons, and neither is a complete replacement for all the features of the other.

I guess tones is another aspect. I haven't played a Tourmaster, but was assuming that the tone-age would be similar, just with the ability to have 2 more dedicated flavors. But maybe this isn't true. Are the tones in the TM truly different than the Renegade?
Great opinions coming through. The top panel controls on the Renegade 212 ride me crazy too. That combined with the fact that you can't actually see where anything plugs in because they are tucked under the rear of the amp. Even though they are labeled it might be a PIA trying to find a socket bent over the amp on a dark stage. I love the Renegade head but the price of the head with a TM212 cabinet would be almost $300 more than the TM.

Tone is an important consideration. I know how clean the Renegade sounds. What about the cleans on a TM. The videos I've seen the clean sounds a little dirty, definitely not fender clean anyway. Any opinion on that?
The tones in the Tourmaster are different from the Renegade, and the Renegade probably gets a slightly better clean, but the Tourmaster channels 1 and 2 can definitely get spanky Fender cleans- It all depends on how you set them.

I wish the Tourmaster had the independent reverb controls that I think the Renegade has, and it is heavy, no doubt. Still, it is probably the best amp I have ever owned, all around.

:D ;) :rock:
I think the renegade is a better sounding amp and surprisingly versatile. Just my 2 cents
Either way you can't go wrong. To me though the Renegade just seems like a better fit for you application.
Keep in mind that the Renegade has 2 separate master volumes.

So you can have clean, dirty, clean louder, dirty louder.

Add in a good overdrive pedal like an OCD, and you can theoretically have 4 channels with the Renegade too.
Just got the GC email about the 15% trade up offer. I'm sure I can find some gear I can part with to get the discount. The promotion ends on Nov. 15th so I have until then to decide.

So far the Tally is;

Renegade votes = 3

Tourmaster votes = 1

More opinions please. :rock:
Rob, where are you from? I have a renegade if you'd like to stop by and jam on it. :rock:
I owned the tourmaster and have played the renegade. If it were me...I'd get the Renegade. I think it has more "gig worthy" efx loop on / off...reverb on / off...etc. With a pedal like the BB could totally turn it into a "4 channel" monster. The tube mix between 5881s and EL34's is awesome too!!

RockStarNick":1k35pun6 said:
Keep in mind that the Renegade has 2 separate master volumes.

So you can have clean, dirty, clean louder, dirty louder.

Add in a good overdrive pedal like an OCD, and you can theoretically have 4 channels with the Renegade too.
+1 to everything Nick said.

I've played the Renegade next to the Tourmaster, and I believe the Renegade sounds better.

You also might want to look at the Renegade head, and then a couple different sized cabinets for more versatility. Those trailer stages are so wide & narrow, they can be bitch with only one cab.
If money weren't an issue: Renegade head and 212 cab.

- You can carry the head to gigs where there is a house 412 or 212 cab.
- For recording, you can put the speaker cab in an iso-booth, with the head in the control room. No fan noise, no heating problems.
- For praise/worship IN a church, you could theoretically have the cab in a completely different room.
- 2 separate moderately-heavy things to lift, instead of one REALLY heavy thing.

If money WERE an issue: Renegade 112 combo.

- Light enough to carry by yourself. No need for a road crew.
- Easy and small enough for small gigs, even coffehouse size.
- Mic'd up, MORE than you need for the bigger gigs that you described.
- Always the option to add a 112 cab underneath it, for down the road, and make a mini-stack.

Personally, I think 212 combos are inconvenient. They're just WAY way too heavy. You'll save money upfront, but have to pay more $$$ in doctor bills when you get a hernia or throw your back out. Seriously.
"like efx loop on / off...reverb on / off...etc."

The Tourmaster has both of those on the footswitch.

The Renegade wasn't available when I bought my Tourmaster. Had it been I might have gone for that, but those front mounted controls really help.

Great feedback, Thank you!

The Renegade is moving ahead in votes. Let's see what happens over the weekend.