I have been watching this thread intently for a while and hope you don't mind me asking a few questions. First off, I will go and play both of these eventually, but the last time I was in GC, they only had the TM combo hooked up and ready to go and I had run outa time checking out the Mesas. Anyway, there is lots to love about both of these amps - which is a good thing. Ok, the questions:
1) Does the tube blend on the Renegade really make an audible difference?
2) TM - I have read almost everything I can find on this amp and to get a head and 2x12 cab is stretching my original budget, but... I forget which review it was, but it compared channel 2 to a "Vox'ish" sound. That really got my attention. Can anyone elaborate on this? I also remember someone in this thread saying that channel 3 was sorta Marshall sounding. If I were living in fantasy land and could have an amp (let's exclude discussion of the modules here) with all the sounds I wanted, it would be
- Vox clean
- Fender or Mesa clean
- Marshall overdrive/crunch
- Mesa'ish modern high gain
3) Given #2, can both of these amps sorta come close. or how would you describe the sounds of the channels in these amps?
I currently have a Marshall TSL602 and while I love the overdrive channel, the amp is sorta a one trick pony. Thanks for all the wonderful input here.