Well-known member
You couldn't tell if he was looking at the right amp, or for it.He probably preferred the Marshalls and cued up the wrong tracks with his condition and all.
You couldn't tell if he was looking at the right amp, or for it.He probably preferred the Marshalls and cued up the wrong tracks with his condition and all.
Almost all my keeper guitars have a Nitro finish (not just the 2 Charvel's). I've got 16 guitars at the moment with Nitro (my 4 vintage Gibsons, 2 McInturff's, 2 Charvel's, 2 Novo's, Ronin, Riggio, Dean Gordon and a few others). I have thought actually about how the '84 and white Schecter would compare if Nitro. They have good things going for them tonally (84 has that growl, density from being heavy and vintage rawness), but otherwise imo pales to my aged nitros. Has nowhere near the detail, breathe, less 3D/flatter. Lots of guitars use Nitro, just sadly many of these famous brands don't use it typically (Charvel, Suhr, Tom Anderson, PRS, Mayones, Carvin, etc)One thing I wonder is, the Nitros you own are all Custom Shop Charvels? I wonder if my 08/09 ProMods, if refinished in Nitro would compare. They are nice and resonant; tone wise pale a little to the 84 Charvel I traded you but not that far off. My 08/09s though are damn near mint; maybe I can find a 'slightly beat' 08/09 and send it out for a Nitro refin; and compare.
Bob Dylan is horrible. Everyone I know that likes him just likes him for his lyrics, but strip that away and just listen to purely the musical content (melodies, riffs, harmony, rhythm, counterpoint, etc) and he's a a zero in my book with a terrible voice to bootNever listened to an "unplugged" album or concert video, ever. When I see the word "unplugged" I run a mile.
Bob Dylan is 100% unlistenable to me. I've tried but never lasted more than a few seconds. Like sex, really.
Master of Puppets sounded spectacular and is still my fave Metallica album.
Grunge does my head in and I blame it for initiating the downward spiral of pop music.
Mesa has balls but lacks mojo whereas Marshall has it.
I absolutely love this thread and the V1 as well. OK, this is probably a popular opinion, but the thread deserves it.
Agreed 100%!
That's me mate.![]()
I would also add (maybe you already meant this, but I misunderstood) that different tone woods have different textures to the notes. For example good mahogany tends to have that great growl on power chords, while other woods like maple or rosewood tend to be smoother on chords. Rosewood body guitars can sound almost piano like for cleans from their quality of tone-Mahogany and maple on one side, Swamp ash and maple on the other. In the hands of competent players = 1 point for team tonewoods.
-It is not just the frequency response but the attack and transient shape and feel a different type of wood could contribute to the overall character of the guitar.
-Some players just bang out the note and it is what it is. Some players try hard to articulate what they are playing.
-Springy out of tune vibratos and bends are never cool.
-9 gauge strings are too wobbly even at standard tuning.
-I've been having more fun with Amplitube 5 than with my Kemper or Marshalls.
I think that's partly from the push for players today to be so technically precise and polished that they focus on that and often lose the raw emotion and energyToo many people try to become their favorite player instead of being themselves
Buy a modeler if you want bedroom volumes
Modern gutiarists lack "fuck you" energy and it shows.
Weirdounpopular opinions you say? here we go:
-having the wrong tubes will make you sell an amp, especially the wrong power tubes.
-having the wrong cab will make you sell an amp.
- slant cabs sound better than straight cabs and oversize cabs will make you become an rt all star flipper of heads.
-“mids” are not what “cuts”. what cuts is highs and presence.
- the reason digital, including irs, sounds bad is due to sample rates above 44.1kHz and bit depth rates above 16bit. the human ear cannot handle more “definition” than that.
-a tube head plugged into a bugera ps1 attenuator will deliver a better recording sound using the line out than any other much more expensive “reactive” loads. assuming you are running it into a 44.1kHz, 16 bit ir. (see above) the ir loader must be also set at the lowest bit rate possible.
-no bass amp sim sounds better than recording the bass direct into the daw with no plugins.
- low impedance cables make a huge difference.
- the emg 81 is the king of pickups
- widening the nut and bridge slots so the strings slides freely as you tune has a huge impact on tone.
-guitar strap locks negatively affect tone. the remedy is to use those rubbery things
- “creeping death” does not need to be played ever again. by anyone, including Metallica.
-guitar strap locks negatively affect tone. the remedy is to use those rubbery things
Am not!Most guys who secretly read the OT and are offended, drink soy.
More alarmingly, a significant percentage are religious and deny Covid, either partly or outright. Talk about putting stock in the wrong invisible entity. It's hard to imagine (and they're experts in imagining things), that such a staggering level of incredulousness is even possible.One more, most guys who post in the OT likely believe wrassling is real