VHT/Fryette amps - best high gain tones....ever?

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I liked my wizard more than my vht . The wizard is almost like a harmonically super rich vht . Especially my MTL2 6l6 . It’s very much on the vht side but richer .
The Wizards definitely sound more raw & organic to me. I’d say using my goofy go-to OJ analogy, the wizards are fresh squeezed and the vht’s are maybe Florida natural (not from concentrate, but not fresh squeezed)
The Wizards definitely sound more raw & organic to me. I’d say using my goofy go-to OJ analogy, the wizards are fresh squeezed and the vht’s are maybe Florida natural (not from concentrate, but not fresh squeezed)
I get that fr . What about if the ultra lead 2 comes? You trying that out?
I get that fr . What about if the ultra lead 2 comes? You trying that out?
I doubt it unless I hear some clip that really impressed me or someone I trust says it sounds amazing or if I try one in person and love it, but all unlikely scenarios imo. Also guys seem to not like the V2 Deliverances as much, so I’m not too optimistic here either, but who knows. I’m still keeping my ‘90’s VHT 2150 & Fatbottom though. I know also clips are sometimes misleading. For example. I was very impressed with the Hermansson’s in person, but haven’t liked still any of the clips I’ve heard at all honestly
I liked my wizard more than my vht . The wizard is almost like a harmonically super rich vht . Especially my MTL2 6l6 . It’s very much on the vht side but richer .
I can see the 6L6 version being more vht-like. I’d imagine the KT versions being like them even more so
I can see the 6L6 version being more vht-like. I’d imagine the KT versions being like them even more so
And strangely enough I like el34s best in them . I only like el34s in Marshall’s until them . Wizard got me into el34s into other amps now
And strangely enough I like el34s best in them . I only like el34s in Marshall’s until them . Wizard got me into el34s into other amps now
I’ve always been mostly an EL34 guy myself for high gain (I like their mids), but I agree Marshall’s especially imo benefit from them. The 6L6 high gain amps for me so far have just been the Boogie Mark amps, SLO, and Protoype VH4
I doubt it unless I hear some clip that really impressed me or someone I trust says it sounds amazing or if I try one in person and love it, but all unlikely scenarios imo. Also guys seem to not like the V2 Deliverances as much, so I’m not too optimistic here either, but who knows. I’m still keeping my ‘90’s VHT 2150 & Fatbottom though. I know also clips are sometimes misleading. For example. I was very impressed with the Hermansson’s in person, but haven’t liked still any of the clips I’ve heard at all honestly
Hermanson are amazing in person . I can’t wait to get back home . I’m finally going to blend both my Hermansons at once . Make my main tone out of both
Hermanson are amazing in person . I can’t wait to get back home . I’m finally going to blend both my Hermansons at once . Make my main tone out of both
What are the 2 Hermansson’s you have? Both Marshall’s as the donor amps? Or is one a recto? I’ve only tried 2 with JMP’s as the base amps
What are the 2 Hermansson’s you have? Both Marshall’s as the donor amps? Or is one a recto? I’ve only tried 2 with JMP’s as the base amps
I have an 800 5 gain stage and a dual rectifier. The Marshall will be the main bulk of the tone while the recto will add some aggression on top
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With the right cab I would take a original 1992 single channel 6505 over any of the vht amp lines. That "thing" just won't happen in the same way with a fryette/vht unless you run a boost...and they still run stiff.

I've never played a wizard but everone who knows say it doesn't happen for them unless it's a 100w el34 head and it has to be cranked for that real bark/punch definition they are known for. That's why some people hear what they want in a 50w bc it gets there faster and is certainly my experience. I always used 100 watters until I experienced it for myself. No complaints since...and I still have 100 watters and have no problem with a ton of volume but there's a difference in the power sections and it's pure magic.

No way is a vht the greatest high gainer ever made imho and it seems many agree.
With the right cab I would take a original 1992 single channel 6505 over any of the vht amp lines. That "thing" just won't happen in the same way with a fryette/vht unless you run a boost...and they still run stiff.

I've never played a wizard but everone who knows say it doesn't happen for them unless it's a 100w el34 head and it has to be cranked for that real bark/punch definition they are known for. That's why some people hear what they want in a 50w bc it gets there faster and is certainly my experience. I always used 100 watters until I experienced it for myself. No complaints since...and I still have 100 watters and have no problem with a ton of volume but there's a difference in the power sections and it's pure magic.

No way is a vht the greatest high gainer ever made imho and it seems many agree.
I think it’s apples & oranges with 6505’s/5150’s & VHT’s, but I might choose it over vht’s too. Yes, even boosted they don’t really get in the ballpark of a 6505. Different flavors

Both Wizard’s I’ve had (still have) were 100w EL34’s. I find the sweet spot on my Wizard MTL to be somewhere around 2.5-3/10 (~10-11 o’ clock), which is quite loud, but not as loud like say the sweet for my 1972 Super Lead 100 lol. Higher than that and I find some sag starts to kick in on my MTL and not in a way that I like

I’ve not tried any 50 or 25 watt wizards, but since wizards are imo more about hard punch and definition over rich tone or nuance, I predict I’d probably prefer the higher wattage Wizards to play more naturally to their strengths
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With the right cab I would take a original 1992 single channel 6505 over any of the vht amp lines. That "thing" just won't happen in the same way with a fryette/vht unless you run a boost...and they still run stiff.

I've never played a wizard but everone who knows say it doesn't happen for them unless it's a 100w el34 head and it has to be cranked for that real bark/punch definition they are known for. That's why some people hear what they want in a 50w bc it gets there faster and is certainly my experience. I always used 100 watters until I experienced it for myself. No complaints since...and I still have 100 watters and have no problem with a ton of volume but there's a difference in the power sections and it's pure magic.

No way is a vht the greatest high gainer ever made imho and it seems many agree.

I had a 50w MC 6L that was absolutely crushing. It definitely hangs with the 100w versions. It definitely sold me in Wizard 50w amps. If I order more Wizards they’ll be 50s mainly because they’re cheaper. They sound just as good and I don’t need all the headroom for my purposes.
IMO Fryette is the most overrated brands out there, but I’m not into super high gain to be fair. Had an older Pittbull and a newer Deliverance—neither stayed long. Internet boards worship the company it seems.

I’ve wanted to try a Wizard for a long time—if I do and it sounds like the Deliverance I will be damn disappointed
I always hear people talk more fondly about the D60 than the D120. In almost every other case, the higher wattage amp is more highly praised. What's so much worse about the D120 that its higher wattage doesn't even make up for?
It's much smoother, a bit darker maybe and just plain sounds more modern, polite...though not like a Friedman in that regard. The 60 is more aggressive, angry like a serrated knife vs a regular smooth kitchen knife. The 120 has HUGE low end though, way more than the 60 and the 60 has plenty.
One common theme I think with VHT and Wizards; they won't get a saturated type level of gain like a Recto, 6505 etc...it's a very 'clean and clear' type of gain, which isn't for everyone. You can boost them to get some grease to the gain, i.e. seem more saturated but they can be picky about the pedal you use, and sound smaller with the wrong one. I had a 2010 MCI 100w that didn't like any boosts unless I left the pull boost off, then it was like 2203 levels of gain and took all my pedals well. That's how I ran it. The Deliverances I had didn't like any of my pedals.
For you VHT guys, I recommend trying KT90s with your amps....they take the 88 tone and make it more EL34-like. Giant EL34s with huge KT88 lows. I bought a pair for my last D60....much more 'less hollow' mids that way. Imo.
Fryettes have a very specific voicing. It's intriguing but everytime I play one, I feel left wanting more. Most recently, I had a SigX and it got some good high gain tones, but I just can't see how the voicing on those amps cuts well in a mix. I know people rave about how great they sound live but they always sound super hollow in the mids with a really extended low and high end to me. It's a super unique sound, but I also didn't find the SigX had enough gain for me, which is how I felt about the UL, too. I also didn't think the SigX was particularly articulate compared to my other amps - but holy moly was that clean/Plexi channel freaking amazing. It's been years since I played a Deliverance but I remember really liking the D60 and would like to pick up one again but prices are crazy balls on Fryettes now.
I don't think prices are crazy, IMO the prices are finally where they should have always been on used Fryette stuff. They're stuff has flown way under the radar for too long and deals were so insane we all got used to it (expected it)

I mean a D60 for $700 when a used QR was $1300-1500 during the same time period...C'mon. Those low Fryette prices were great for a buyer, but the sellers were getting hosed because new amp cost was never really cheap by any stretch. IMHO, A used D60 today for $1600-$1700 is still a hell of a lot amp for the coin when a used 2203x is $2500 or more.
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With the right cab I would take a original 1992 single channel 6505 over any of the vht amp lines. That "thing" just won't happen in the same way with a fryette/vht unless you run a boost...and they still run stiff.

I've never played a wizard but everone who knows say it doesn't happen for them unless it's a 100w el34 head and it has to be cranked for that real bark/punch definition they are known for. That's why some people hear what they want in a 50w bc it gets there faster and is certainly my experience. I always used 100 watters until I experienced it for myself. No complaints since...and I still have 100 watters and have no problem with a ton of volume but there's a difference in the power sections and it's pure magic.

No way is a vht the greatest high gainer ever made imho and it seems many agree.
Hmmm….I didn’t know Wizards need cranked to get the goods, never tried it. Is there some secret handshake I don’t know to get this kind of info? ?

Seriously though, I think people mistake the UL for a high gain metal amp. Its a much better mid gain fusion amp imo. The second channel is where it was at for me. And I used a TS-9 with it. Had to sell mine to fund the MC1 figuring I would pick up another down the road. Too expensive now. Like everything is…
One common theme I think with VHT and Wizards; they won't get a saturated type level of gain like a Recto, 6505 etc...it's a very 'clean and clear' type of gain, which isn't for everyone. You can boost them to get some grease to the gain, i.e. seem more saturated but they can be picky about the pedal you use, and sound smaller with the wrong one. I had a 2010 MCI 100w that didn't like any boosts unless I left the pull boost off, then it was like 2203 levels of gain and took all my pedals well. That's how I ran it. The Deliverances I had didn't like any of my pedals.
For you VHT guys, I recommend trying KT90s with your amps....they take the 88 tone and make it more EL34-like. Giant EL34s with huge KT88 lows. I bought a pair for my last D60....much more 'less hollow' mids that way. Imo.
Thats what I like about them. Can’t stand an amp that the single notes sound like they have gain on them…that “hair” like those Jose type amps have.
I never use the pull boost on my MC either. Keep it cleaner and use a TS9 I modded, Sd-1, TS5 or DOD 250 with it for various things.
Same way I used the UL. Second channel was it…never used the other two..
One common theme I think with VHT and Wizards; they won't get a saturated type level of gain like a Recto, 6505 etc...it's a very 'clean and clear' type of gain, which isn't for everyone. You can boost them to get some grease to the gain, i.e. seem more saturated but they can be picky about the pedal you use, and sound smaller with the wrong one. I had a 2010 MCI 100w that didn't like any boosts unless I left the pull boost off, then it was like 2203 levels of gain and took all my pedals well. That's how I ran it. The Deliverances I had didn't like any of my pedals.
For you VHT guys, I recommend trying KT90s with your amps....they take the 88 tone and make it more EL34-like. Giant EL34s with huge KT88 lows. I bought a pair for my last D60....much more 'less hollow' mids that way. Imo.
That's interesting about the MCI and boosts. The 2016 MTL I had wasn't the greatest with boosts either, but wasn't horrible. Every other model I've owned took boosts really really well...I'd say better than any other amp I've owned. Especially the MCII which absorbs boosts like they're part of the circuit IMHO. The KT150 I have now absolutely loves boosts regardless of ch or whether onboard pull boost is engaged or not.