Well-known member
They're similar in some regards but quite different in others, at least how I perceive it having owned a few D60s and a pile of Wizards. Both articulate, punchy, grinding, and uncompressed. However the Wizard is more articulate, less saturated, more open/uncompressed, hits harder, and sounds MUCH better at lower volumes to me...D60 need VOLUME. As much as I enjoy the D60, I prefer the tone, gain structure, and voicing of the MCII by a wide margin. Actually sold an MCII and grabbed my last D60 convinced it was close enough to the Wizard and would satisfy....not even close, for me anyway.In my experience, the D60 and Wizard MCII sound and feel EXTREMELY fucking similar. Both epic af
Haven't played any other Wizards
The CLX is much closer to the MCII than the D60, and it still doesn't get but maybe 60-70% there for me.
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