Vintage TS9 and TS808 vs. Modern Variants

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I like ts9 more than the 808 . The 808 has a weird mid thing for me .
They all kinda do, but you're right. The voicing of the 808 is a bit stuffier while the 9 is a bit raspier.

Depends on the amp too. With a Dual Rectifier, 99% of the time, I prefer other boosts like an SD-1. But if I had to choose a TS, a 9 would certainly fit a Recto better, I think.

With a 5150, it's 808 all day long for me.
Get a JHS Bonsai and you've got them all

They all kinda do, but you're right. The voicing of the 808 is a bit stuffier while the 9 is a bit raspier.

Depends on the amp too. With a Dual Rectifier, 99% of the time, I prefer other boosts like an SD-1. But if I had to choose a TS, a 9 would certainly fit a Recto better, I think.

With a 5150, it's 808 all day long for me.
I agree about the 5150 . I’d do the same
If you already have an SD-1 you have the Boss angel covered. The standard Reissue Maxon OD808 kicks alot of ass, I really liked mine because after I sold my first one I missed it and bought another, they do sound and feel different compared to an SD-1, you can't go wrong with a Maxon OD808 in the stable of pedals and they are super reasonable used.

My SRB OD808 has asymmetrical and symmetrical clipping for when I want OD808 tones so I eventually sold my second Maxon OD808 but I swear the Maxon had a little something my boutique SRB OD808 plus misses.

I recently picked up a new Maxon ST9Pro+ because of that Killertone YT video and that also is a killer hard rock, metal pedal that gives whatever extended midrange attack you want, it lives up to the Killertone video IMHO.

I also have a Duncan OD805 which is a good pedal and can be dialed in any way you want but I feel the Maxon has more character. I know alot of people swear the Ibanez TS-9 is different enough from the Maxon OD808. I have not played an Ibanez TS9.
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So many wonderful choices and pedals that come recommended by many. It definitely helps narrow it down to a select few so that I’m not aimlessly wandering in the pool of boost pedals wondering if there’s something better
Personally, if it's your first Tube Screamer, I'd just grab an off-the-shelf standard Tube Screamer to see what you like about it, what you don't, and then take it from there.

I think the plain jane TS9 would be a good starting point.

There's a few of the modern modded ones that are very application-specific.
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I honestly like the MXR GT-OD over the TS-9 for a TS style. I really like The Fortin modded TS-9 though.
The GT-OD is a cool one. It's actually kind of in between an SD-1 and a TS. Plus it has an internal switch to change it into a more straightforward slightly tweaked SD-1 vibe.

But I still think there is no way of knowing if you'll like it better than a stock TS if you haven't tried a stock TS.

The first OD pedal that I ever got was an MXR Classic Overdrive (same as the MXR GT-OD internally), and I loved it. I still have it as well as a Wylde Overdrive (same pedal as well). It's still one of my favorites, but I always kept wondering "this is great... but is it better than a TS?" or "this is great, but I wonder what a Tube Screamer actually sounds like."
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JHS Bonzai. 9 era tubescreamers in one pedal. I own it, sounds own the SD1 already always a must, J Rockett archer for a Klon style pedal and you’re covered….

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I got a Maxon OD-9 on Reverb earlier for $60. Seller painted it silver but i needed a good one to replace my old TS9.
Tons of great info in this thread, for sure. I’ve owned most of the recent production TS variants. Never owned one of the original production ‘square button’ TS808s - but had a ‘reissue’ for a bit. To my ear, the TS Mini is my preferred green pedal. It supposedly uses the same JRC4558D chip in the TS9. I find it has a bit more clarity (?) and doesn’t seem to ‘round off’ the highs like some green stomps tend to do.

PS - I know I’ve said this before, but if you absolutely love the tone of your amp and just want a touch more volume and sustain for leads, it’s hard to top the TC Spark Mini. Hands down the most transparent boost I have ever used. Doesn’t lop off the low end, doesn’t push the mids, let’s your amp sound like your amp - just more.
Don't forget the Electro Harmonix East River Drive. A direct clone of the old 808, exact circuit and parts.
Thinking some more on this… I really love my first version Timmy pedal. It’s basically a tube screamer with a treble and bass control.
With level up and drive off, they are all pretty much the same. Just pick up whichever one is available.
When I was at GIT my single string teacher Dan Gilbert had an original 808 and it was pretty killer. My favorite believe it or not is the TS5 Soundtank. The TS9 I have after I teaked it abit is good too.
With level up and drive off, they are all pretty much the same. Just pick up whichever one is available.
With the drive up, they're all pretty much the same too. The difference between the 808 and 9 variations is a couple of resistors towards the output stage. The clipping stage is the exact same.

Not sure what the Maxon OD808 is. I've read TS10 too, but I've also read it's actually based on the original 808 (the one with the narrower box and the ugly artwork on the sides). Whatever it is, in my experience, it's slighly less mid-pushed and broader compared to the current RI TS808. That being said, it's still like 98% the same. Only if you compare them side by side, do you really hear the difference. And it's certainly not as open as some of the current more modern tweaked TS-types.

The Maxon OD9 is the TS9, but with the output buffer removed. Still very similar-sounding, but slightly more open, IME. It's also true bypass.

I'm not sure about the TS Mini. But AFAIK, it's close to the TS808 circuit, just with SMD components and in a smaller enclosure. It's also true bypass, so not sure what they did circuit-wise for the switching compared to the Maxon OD9.

But it's only if you're actuall A/B'ing them that you notice the differences. A TS9 and a TS808 are way closer to each other than a TS9 or 808 is to a Boss SD-1, for example, even if the Boss SD-1 is relatively similar in the grand scheme of things.
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FWIW, the Turbo Tube Screamer (TS9DX) and the ToneLok TS7 are also worth looking at. They have modes that are fatter, but also have the stock TS9 mode.

I'm not sure what the Jet Driver JD9 is exactly, circuit-wise, but it's also a tweaked Tube Screamer with a midrange control.
I'm big on that od9pro+, but you can't be afraid to use a bit of gain from the pedal because at gain-0 it is cleaner than the typical ts.