WE HAVE A WINNER!! RushCentrale. NEW UPDATE! CAB INCLUDED!Time for another giveaway. Raffle 4 kids fighting cancer. UPDATE: WIZARD CONTENT!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tone Monster
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  • Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 4.32.47 PM.png
    Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 4.32.47 PM.png
    58.4 KB · Views: 50
Bump it up!! Just a hair over two weeks from the drawing! If you're feeling froggy, you better jump. Time is running out!

Good luck to everyone that has entered and thanks again to @Tone Monster and Rick from Wizard for getting behind this and giving us all an opportunity to score a truly top tier amp and cab!! Your generosity is truly outstanding, and what's even better is that the money is going to a noble cause! It's a win/win no matter how you look at it. Not to mention, this is going to REALLY make some gearhead's day!

@Tone Monster what's the plan for the drawing? Will it be a video sort of thing, or ??
Bump it up!! Just a hair over two weeks from the drawing! If you're feeling froggy, you better jump. Time is running out!

Good luck to everyone that has entered and thanks again to @Tone Monster and Rick from Wizard for getting behind this and giving us all an opportunity to score a truly top tier amp and cab!! Your generosity is truly outstanding, and what's even better is that the money is going to a noble cause! It's a win/win no matter how you look at it. Not to mention, this is going to REALLY make some gearhead's day!

@Tone Monster what's the plan for the drawing? Will it be a video sort of thing, or ??
I’ll make a video and find a random number generator online. I’m not super tech savvy but it shouldn’t be too hard.
For the sake of transparency and easy implementation the drawing could be done in Excel. You make a list of the names that entered, repeating those names that bought more than one ticket (up to your max allowed). Then in an adjacent column assign a number to each entry for a total of N entries. Then you use ‘=RANDBETWEEN(1, N)’ to pick the winner. Makes it easy to record your screen as you scroll through the sheet and generate the number if you aim to make a video to document the drawing. To protect people’s privacy you could just let them know their number(s) ahead of the draw so the name doesn’t have to be displayed (but seems a lot of work to contact everybody). Example: ToneMonster, three entries, say, so you got numbers 49, 50, and 51. Just an idea.
I already won this contest.
My heart grew three sizes the day it was posted.
Now, just five or six more of these and I ought to be on par with normal heart size.
For the sake of transparency and easy implementation the drawing could be done in Excel. You make a list of the names that entered, repeating those names that bought more than one ticket (up to your max allowed). Then in an adjacent column assign a number to each entry for a total of N entries. Then you use ‘=RANDBETWEEN(1, N)’ to pick the winner. Makes it easy to record your screen as you scroll through the sheet and generate the number if you aim to make a video to document the drawing. To protect people’s privacy you could just let them know their number(s) ahead of the draw so the name doesn’t have to be displayed (but seems a lot of work to contact everybody). Example: ToneMonster, three entries, say, so you got numbers 49, 50, and 51. Just an idea.
Excel is like Chinese to me unfortunately. I’ve got a master list with screen names here along with number of entries. I’ll simply number that list and generate a random number…
Here is the master list so far...

One person with the initials of D. H. didn't include their screenname...

1. Deathbybutterslax
2. Alund
3. “”
4. “”
5. “”
6. “”
7. Devin
8. Pipboy90
9. “”
10. Crankyhanky
11. Jackbootedthug
12. Hslaurent
13. “”
14. “”
15. “”
16. “”
17. Gbsmusic
18. “”
19. “”
20. “”
21. “”
22. Staightjacket
23. “”
24. PuritySLG
25. “”
26. “”
27. “”
28. “”
29. Esizer
30. “”
31. Beej
32. “”
33. “”
34. “”
35. “”
36. Drs448
37. “”
38. RedB4Black
39. Rottingcorpse
40. “”
41. “”
42. “”
43. “”
44. Ners
45. “”
46. “”
47. “”
48. “”
49. Chubbs
50. “”
51. Ben_cyr
52. War_n_D
53. “”
54. “”
55. “”
56. “”
57. 311 Splawndude
58. Bram576
59. “”
60. “”
61. “”
62. “”
63. IIBornotIIB
64. “”
65. “”
66. “”
67. “”
68. Exometal
69. “”
70. “”
71. “”
72. “”
73. Bubbastain
74. Grimmtrigger
75. Justincorrible
76. “”
77. “”
78. “”
79. “”
80. Jbru91
81. “”
82. Spiderwars
83. “”
84. Bxlxaxkxe
85. “”
86. Cyndicate
87. “”
88. Revdrucifer
89. “”
90. Rickenbacker198
91. “”
92. “”
93. “”
94. “”
95. GJGO
96. “”
97. “”
98. “”
99. “”
100. Errrrrl
101. “”
102. Klugster
103. Mesa4x12er
104. Mentoneman
105. “”
106. metalheadmike
107. Readyaimfire
108. “”
109. “”
110. “”
111. “”
112. Turltlefingers
113. “”
114. “”
115. “”
116. “”
117. Kurtsstuff2003
118. “”
119. “”
120. “”
121. “”
122. Headlessdeadguy
123. Soundstorm
124. “”
125. “”
126. “”
127. “”
128. Technomancer
129. “”
130. “”
131. “”
132. “”
133. Matrixclaw
134. “”
135. “”
136. “”
137. “”
139. Guitarbilly
140. Metalthrasher
141. “”
142. “”
143. “”
144. “”
145. Metlupass2
146. “”
147. “”
148. “”
149. “”
150. Grimmchaos
151. “”
152. “”
153. “”
154. “”
155. Candiria
156. “”
157. “”
158. Rushcentrale
159. Catrhan
160. “”
161. Drs448
162. Strungout82
163. Elric
164. Nvicious
165. “”
166. “”
167. Sidvicious
168. “”
169. “”
170. “”
171. “”
172. Elric
173. “”
174. “”
175. “”
176. Briel
177. “”
178. “”
179. “”
180. “”
181. Joafink2
182. “”
183. “”
184. “”
185. “”
186. Hulin
187. “”
188. “”
189. “”
190. “”
191. Emg77
192. ""
193. ""
194. ""
195. ""
196. @bugsy5150
197. “”
198. “”
199. “”
200. “”
201. Iff
202. “”
203. “”
204. “”
205. “”
206. Elmuchodingo
207. Ibzprestige
208. “”
209. “”
210. “”
211. “”
212. SBlue
213. “”
214. Cobrahead1030
215. TheGreatGreen
216. “”
217. “”
218. “”
219. “”
220. SomedudeinTX
221. “”
222. RaceU4Her
223. jharpersj
224. “”
225. Drs448
226. Onzabar
227. “”
228. “”
229. Mr Chainsaw
230. Musicislife
Last edited:
I did have an error on the master list. It is fixed. Sorry metalheadmike!!!
I'm bumping this back to the top just so we can get more entries for a good cause let's go guys we can do better!