Not 1 new reservoir was built after Proposition 1 was passed November 4, 2014 by the taxpayers to modernize the water management and fire management. Maybe in another ten years they can ask the taxpayers for more money for projects that will not be built........
November 4, 2014, California voters approved Proposition 1, the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014. Proposition 1 authorized $510 million in Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) funding. Funds are allocated to 12 hydrologic region-based Funding Areas.
Proposition 1 Water Storage Investment Program: Funding the Public Benefits of Water Storage Projects
Proposition 1 of 2014 dedicated $2.7 billion for investments in water storage projects. The California Water Commission is administering the Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP) to fund the public benefits associated with these projects.
Why Have No New Reservoirs Been Built Since Prop. 1 Was Passed in 2014?
Water Commission is ready, but project proponents control the schedule
Teresa Alvarado and Matthew Swanson, February 9, 2022 8:51 am
In November 2014, California voters approved Proposition 1: The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act. The $7.5 billion bond dedicated $2.7 billion for the public benefits of new water storage projects. Some ask, “Why have no new reservoirs been built in the seven years since?” Rest assured, there are projects in the works. All recently passed a key milestone and are moving forward.
Any large-scale water storage project is complex and requires a high degree of planning, engineering, coordination — and significant financing. The
California Water Commission has actively overseen the proposed projects over the past six years to help ensure they meet statutory requirements, progress at the rate dictated by the bond legislation, and meet the public benefits promised to voters.
John Stossel from 4 years ago.....