Well All My Gear May Be Destroyed...

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Climate change as it's presented is complete bullshit. Earth's average temps have always fluctuated from hot and humid all the way to an ice age. So even basic grade school science conflicts with how it's being sold to us by our favorite celebrity musicians and actors.
I appreciate your opinion here, and I may agree in part. I have done a fairly deep dive on the Climate change issue over the last 4 -5 years. I've looked at the data on both sides and I have to admit I'm somewhat conflicted as to how much is "real" and perhaps more importantly how much can directly be attributed carbon emissions and other "man-made" constructs. There are clearly very smart voices on both sides of this issue that seem to present what I see as compelling cases for and against.

Generally, I would say this from my own perspective:

If you are believer in climate change ripening the landscape in areas such Malibu and Pacific Palisades for this type of fire event, then you should be even more concerned...And frankly angered regarding the lack of competent preparation for this very circumstance.

Since Covid, I have grown increasingly skeptical when I'm told that an issue is "settled science", or use phrases like "trust the experts". Such statements and practices are antithetical to the process of experimentation, creative hypothesis and well...Anti-Scientific for lack of a better description.

These are just my thoughts. I will say this: Even if I was 100% convinced that Climate Change was a primary contributing factor to these fires, I would be just as critical of the local and State governance for their lack of preparation and competence....Perhaps even more so.
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Rrrright...so it's purely coincidental that the general rise in average temperatures over the last 100-150 years just happens to be in the exact same time since we had an industrial revolution, a world population that has grew exponentially, CO2 emissions , etc...
Your sample size is too small considering "billions of years of evolution" and weather.

Also, my sources wouldn't be Beyonce and Steve-O... I'm a *liiiittle bit* more inclined to listen to these guys:
Except geniuses like Beyonce and Steve-O agree with you. :LOL:
I appreciate your opinion here, and I may agree in part. I have done a fairly deep dive on the Climate change issue over the last 4 -5 years. I've looked at the data on both sides and I have to admit I'm somewhat conflicted as to how much is "real" and perhaps more importantly how much can directly be attributed carbon emissions and other "man-made" constructs. There are clearly very smart voices on both sides of this issue that seem to present what I see as compelling cases for and against.
Climate has been in a state of constant flux since creation. Therefore any potential man made changes to that are mostly irrelevant. Let me sum it up here:

Your sample size is too small considering "billions of years of evolution" and weather.

Except geniuses like Beyonce and Steve-O agree with you. :LOL:
Fine dude, if actual scientists who studied for this shit, did tests, present evidence etc. cannot convince you, you're obviously smarter than all them folks at Nasa. :LOL:

But your use of "" suggests that you're more on the religious side of things...Earth being only 5000 years old and whatnot and that dinosaur fossils are man-made and planted of course...
Fine dude, if actual scientist who studied for this shit, did tests, present evidence etc. cannot convince you, you're obviously smarter than all them folks at Nasa. :LOL:
Intelligence doesn't negate a man's potential for naivety.
Intelligence doesn't negate a man's potential for naivety.
I wouldn't call "No it ain't true, but I have no evidence to back up my opinion/stance/feelings on this" a sign of intelligence. ?

FWIW I'm not saying 'let's accept everything at face value because the authorities said so' either, but to fully dismiss something this way...nah, that ain't intelligence.
FWIW I'm not saying 'let's accept everything at face value because the authorities said so' either, but to fully dismiss something this way...nah, that ain't intelligence.
You're not able to prove that current weather patterns aren't part of the state of flux the climate has been in since it's inception so I don't take your arguments seriously. The "riiiiiiiiiight" and "liiiiiiiiiiittle" and "dude" comments aren't debate enhancers.
I see that you didn't check my links.
Your stubbornness and lack of sources aren't debate enhancers either by the way. :cheers:

Like I said, I trust Nasa a 'liiiiiittle' bit more than someone on a guitar forum claiming climate change isn't real and can't be proven. :censored:

If 800.000 years data (which includes multiple ice ages) isn't enough for you, I dunno what to say, dude...


This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased since the Industrial Revolution.
Luthi, D., et al.. 2008; Etheridge, D.M., et al. 2010; Vostok ice core data/J.R. Petit et al.; NOAA Mauna Loa CO2 record. Find out more about ice cores (external site).
Mods move to the OT...this is far from where this started. Prayers for all those affected by the fires ?
If 800.000 years data (which includes multiple ice ages) isn't enough for you, I dunno what to say, dude...
Taking ice samples doesn't auto-equate to knowing all of earth's weather patterns for 800,000 years. It assumes too much. When 150-200 years of modern weather data doesn't convince them, hit them with teh core samples. I'm not convinced.

Like I said, I trust Nasa a 'liiiiiittle' bit more than someone on a guitar forum claiming climate change isn't real and can't be proven. :censored:
You have faith in it like it was the gospel of Christ. You seem utterly convinced but are you living a low carbon lifestyle to demonstrate the fruits of your faith? If so please verbalize those steps you are taking to do your part in mitigating climate change. After all "we're in this together".
When 150-200 years of modern weather data doesn't convince them, hit them with teh core samples. I'm not convinced.

Of course you're not. Because, why would you, right? It doesn't fit your narrative. o_O
I still don't see any credible links/sources from you, supporting your 'not being convinced' by the way...

You seem utterly convinced but are you living a low carbon lifestyle to demonstrate the fruits of your faith? If so please verbalize those steps you are taking to do your part in mitigating climate change. After all "we're in this together".
OMFG. So everyone who does believe the scientists' concensus about climate change should never board a plane and sell their car, but all the naysayers can continue? Is that your point?! Bullshit argument if I ever saw one... Even if I drive a hybrid, don't fly, use solar panels, it wouldn't sway you, it wouldn't make a dent in emissions, since the real big polluters are the industry.

Here are some more sources, read 'em, don't read 'em. I don't care. You obviously don't. :whistle:




I'm off dude, have fun being in denial and knowing it better than 80-90% of the world's scientists. :sleep:
If 800.000 years data (which includes multiple ice ages) isn't enough for you, I dunno what to say, dude...

View attachment 381737

This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased since the Industrial Revolution.
Luthi, D., et al.. 2008; Etheridge, D.M., et al. 2010; Vostok ice core data/J.R. Petit et al.; NOAA Mauna Loa CO2 record. Find out more about ice cores (external site).

The only problem with that set of data is it doesn't give the whole picture. 800,000 years is pretty short term in the history of the earth. CO2 levels may be up in this time frame, but are at a historic low when you take the entirety into account. This is just another example of how to lie with statistics.

Of course you're not. Because, why would you, right? It doesn't fit your narrative. o_O
I don't have a narrative. You are pushing a narrative "man made climate change"

OMFG. So everyone who does believe the scientists' concensus about climate change should never board a plane and sell their car, but all the naysayers can continue? Is that your point?! Bullshit argument if I ever saw one... Even if I drive a hybrid, don't fly, use solar panels, it wouldn't sway you, it wouldn't make a dent in emissions, since the real big polluters are the industry.
Correct, it's called putting your money where your mouth is and living what you claim to believe in. It's called MAN made climate change. Aren't you a man? You're devout in the mouth but not in your daily walk. Please verbalize what YOU have done to reduce your impact. You sound like someone who talks a good game of church but hasn't even been baptized.
Fine dude, if actual scientists who studied for this shit, did tests, present evidence etc. cannot convince you, you're obviously smarter than all them folks at Nasa. :LOL:

But your use of "" suggests that you're more on the religious side of things...Earth being only 5000 years old and whatnot and that dinosaur fossils are man-made and planted of course...
That’s the appeal to authority logical fallacy. Did you see the movie - Don’t Look Up! ? When the stripper president’s son played by Jonah Hill, belittled the Michigan STATE education and said “let’s get some Ivy Leaguer’s to weigh in on this!” And all they did was corroborate the findings… you don’t have to work at nasa to be smart. Doing your own research used to be just called reading.
Please verbalize what YOU have done to reduce your impact. You sound like someone who talks a good game of church but hasn't even been baptized.
1) I don't owe you shit
2) already told you. If only you did the same.

So you can just dismiss anything because you don't feel like believing science, but I should defend myself against such low blows? Fuck off man.
The only problem with that set of data is it doesn't give the whole picture. 800,000 years is pretty short term in the history of the earth. CO2 levels may be up in this time frame, but are at a historic low when you take the entirety into account. This is just another example of how to lie with statistics.

View attachment 381743
What source is this from? Just curious.

I don't mind discussions with actual sensible nuanced adults, but these "you can't believe in climate change if you ever flew a plane or drive a car" moronic arguments without any sources whatsoever that would support THEIR arguments, no sirrey. I don't play that BS game.