What albums or bands would you re-amp??

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I'd re-amp like 90% of newer records by older bands. Replace the high-gain amps they use on their current records with stuff they used to use back in the day (like Plexis for instance) and it'd immediately sound much better sonically.
Big time…tired of the super distorted and compressed tones they’re getting that just pale compared to the plexi’s and 2203/4’s they used with pedals or slight mods back in their early days. I first noticed this with Priest in the 90’s. Just went the JMP1 route and then Rocktron Pirahna’s after that and their tone became this thick, gooey sludge. Never recovered from that.

I would say most of Megadeth’s catalog (leaving the original drums alone…Dave). He’s a riff master but his ear is shit for tone.

Anything Jake E. Lee has done. To hear that playing with a good tone would be sweet. He already used a Marshall and a pedal (don’t know how he fucked that up) but I would choose the right Marshall and the right pedal. Actually maybe just use his sig amp as it sounds OK.

Everything Zakk has done accept for Pride and Glory, which is decent. With a regular LP (no EMG’s) and no F’n chorus pedal.

There’s some random Southern rock bands from the 70’s (not Skynyrd) where I would like to re-amp with a Marshall on 6-7 vs the 2 setting it sounds like they used. Someone like Molly Hatchet or The Outlaws.
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Big time…tired of the super distorted and compressed tones they’re getting that just pale compared to the plexi’s and 2203/4’s they used with pedals or slight mods back in their early days. I first noticed this with Priest in the 90’s. Just went the JMP1 route and then Rocktron Pirahna’s after that and their tone became this thick, gooey sludge. Never recovered from that.

I would say most of Megadeth’s catalog (leaving the original drums alone…Dave). He’s a riff master but his ear is shit for tone.

Anything Jake E. Lee has done. To hear that playing with a good tone would be sweet. He already used a Marshall and a pedal (don’t know how he fucked that up) but I would choose the right Marshall and the right pedal. Actually maybe just use his sig amp as it sounds OK.

Everything Zakk has done accept for Pride and Glory which is decent. With a regular LP (no EMG’s) and no F’n chorus pedal.

There’s some random Southern rock bands from the 70’s (not Skynyrd) where I would like to re-amp with a Marshall on 6-7 vs the 2 setting it sounds like they used. Someone like Molly Hatchet or The Outlaws.
Yeah I agree MegaDave's tone is pretty terrible, I don't really mind it on Killing is My Business but everything after is too scratchy sounding.
That's typically the case with flangers and ring mods. Too bad they didn't use it as a punch-in effect for occasional coloring, but the whole track has this flangy crap going on.... Good singer tho'... (and a rather scrumptuous bosom on that album cover, methinks. :p )
If I recall, I think that cover is Tawny Kitaen of Whitesnake cartop lore
As much as I love Motörhead I would re-amp most of their post Wurzel catalog. It just loss the aggressive edge when it was just Phil. It was Lemmy’s bass now providing the aggression. Would re-amp with just a Les Paul and a good cranked, 6 knob 800 and boost of choice.
I think a lot of the albums I have a gripe with the tone it’s everything about the entire mix lol. As originally stated lamb of god, dig their music but nearly everything production wise on majority of their stuff bugs me. I think some of the early death metal releases would be cool to hear produced better with better gear. But then part of me loves the sound the old crates and shit bring. Maybe hear breeding the spawn by suffocation, none so vile cryptopsy, scream bloody gore death, deicide self titled.
Scream Bloody Gore is more just an awful, harsh mix. The sound of the cymbals reminds me of my band’s old practice space which was a 20 x 20 concrete box. Just the loudest, nastiest wash of high frequencies all over the place.

Breeding the Spawn is bottom of the barrel but modern day Suffo has terrible tone too. I tried to listen to their most recent one and you can’t even tell what the guitars are doing, they’re just scooped out noise totally drowned out by the fake sounding drums.
The entire Death catalog prior sound of perseverance with a silver jubilee or 6505
The tones are never great in and of themselves but the overall mixes were good enough it never bothered me. I love those albums so much I don’t think changing them would do anything positive for me.

That's just crazy talk right there. :loco: I would however like to hear it without all the Phase 90 on the solos.

And yeah, Blizzard & Diary with Randy's live tone.

Also, Dio's "Dream Evil". Craig Goldy's tone is terrible on that. Sounds like a solid state amp.
Entombed - To Ride... - Such a disappointment after Wolverine Blues. I'd also cut the cymbals by about 60dB, it's ridiculously loud in the mix.

Morbid Angel - Heretic

Metallica - 72 Seasons

Ozzy - Blizzard and Diary.

Yngwie - anything.

Darkthrone - Panzerfaust - jk, It fits the aesthetic perfectly, but, I'd love to hear them with a solid chunky tone just once.
Entombed - To Ride... - Such a disappointment after Wolverine Blues. I'd also cut the cymbals by about 60dB, it's ridiculously loud in the mix.

Morbid Angel - Heretic

Metallica - 72 Seasons

Ozzy - Blizzard and Diary.

Yngwie - anything.

Darkthrone - Panzerfaust - jk, It fits the aesthetic perfectly, but, I'd love to hear them with a solid chunky tone just once.
The drum mix on To Ride is a shame because they captured a good sound. They didn’t do so great with their drums after not working with Skogsberg anymore. They went too into the small kit, garage sound and it just didn’t cut it with the wall of sound guitars and bass they were doing. They tried a bit for some production on The Morning Star album but they’re still very compressed sounding. Their declining sound is a big reason I lost interest in them in the 2000’s.
That's just crazy talk right there. :loco: I would however like to hear it without all the Phase 90 on the solos.
No i am series, it's so agressive, hairy and overly fizzy it really bothers me when i listen to it.
Maybe not re-amping, but at least remixing.
For everything St Anger and after, totally agree.

For everything before that, heck naw, man.
i kind of dig the raw garage band sound of St. Anger (minus the snare).
But after that, it's get's really hard to listen to. But i don't listen to it anymore, so i don't really care anymore.
Part of it is definitely production.
But that was also the case with AJFA.
The first two Metallica boosted Marshalls are very bad and i would like them re-amped with the 2C+ (and EMG81:D)
The tones are never great in and of themselves but the overall mixes were good enough it never bothered me. I love those albums so much I don’t think changing them would do anything positive for me.
Yep, nothing seriously wrong with the guitar tones on Symbolic for instance.
Sure, Chuck used a ton of chorus and drenched some stuff in verb with those 'ethereal' breaks, but it's not like those albums where you feel there was more to be had. Riffing sounds quite clear and heavy.
No i am series....

I've searched every streaming service I can think of, but can't find a series called "Valve". :dunno:.....:D

Seriously though, when you say VH1, you are talking about the first Van Halen album, right?
I've searched every streaming service I can think of, but can't find a series called "Valve". :dunno:.....:D

Seriously though, when you say VH1, you are talking about the first Van Halen album, right?
Haha, embarrassing spelling error.

Yeah, the first van Halen Album recorded in 1977. i know there are a lot of tone chasers for this particular sound, but to me it's just horrible fizzy and hard to listen to. I prefer the tone of VHII for example. I like VHI, despite the guitar sound.
A big one for me would be Imaginations From the Other Side by Blind Guardian. It’s probably my favorite album of theirs and one of my all time favorites personally, but the guitar tones are muddy and the whole mix is weak. I’ve listened to it a million times anyway.
Entombed - To Ride... - Such a disappointment after Wolverine Blues. I'd also cut the cymbals by about 60dB, it's ridiculously loud in the mix.

Morbid Angel - Heretic

Metallica - 72 Seasons

Ozzy - Blizzard and Diary.

Yngwie - anything.

Darkthrone - Panzerfaust - jk, It fits the aesthetic perfectly, but, I'd love to hear them with a solid chunky tone just once.
Absolute blasphemy about Malmsteen, his tone is fantastic. It works way better for his style than the typical "shredder" tone of back in the day.
I don't disagree, but IOWA is just filthy and massive sounding. Those songs on ST would benefit from that tone imo.
Iowa blew me away so much that I still remember where I was when I heard it. In Hawaii, while in the military, driving back from the Mall in Honolulu. I had it cranked and sounded like a horror movie.
I like the tone and the production on Slaughter of the Soul.

But I would love to hear it through what they're playing right now. I bet that record would sound like it was released 15 or 20 years later than it was.