What amps are currently in your stable?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MadAsAHatter
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Way too many…. I’ve got serious problems!

1.) Mesa MKII C++
2.) Mesa MKII C+
3.) Mesa MK III
4.) Mesa MK IV (2x)
5.) Mesa MK V
6.) Mesa Dual Rec (Rev C)
7.) Mesa Triple Rec
8.) Mesa TC 100
9.) Diezel Herbert MK III
10.) Diezel VH4
11.) Diezel VHX
12.) Diezel D Moll
13.) Fortin NATAS
14.) Fortin Marshall VM 2466
15.) Fortin Marshall Knuckle Mod
16.) Fortin Carl Roa JCM 800
17.) Revv Generator 120 MK III
18.) Framus Cobra
19.) Framus Dragon
20.) Peavey 5150 Block letter
21.) Peavey Invective
22.) Bogner Shiva 20th Anniversary
23.) Bogner Twin Jet
24.) Bogner Ecstasy 20th Anniversary
25.) Bogner Ecstasy 101B
26.) Engl Savage 120
27.) Hughes & Kettner Triamp MK II
28.) Hughes & Kettner Triamp MK III
29.) Hughes & Kettner Coreblade (2x)
30.) Wizard MTL MK II KT120
31.) Driftwood Purple Nightmare
32.) Randall Warhead X2
33.) Randall Century 200
34.) Randall RG100ES
35.) VHT Pitbull Ultralead

I’m sure I’m missing some… don’t even get me started in rack gear/ power amps etc 🤣
Bogner XTC 101B
Budda TwinMaster
Friedman Dirty Shirley
Friedman JJ100
Komet Constellation
Marshall Major
Marshall '72 Super Tremolo
Marshall '72 Rosemary JMP50
Marshall '80 JCM800 2203
Marshall JCM900 MKIII
Marshall JCM2000 DSL50
Marshall JTM1
Marshall SIlver Jubilee 2555x
Mesa ElectraDyne
Mesa Mini Rectifier
Mesa MKIII Coliseum
Mesa Tremoverb
Metropoulos DVL-1
Last edited:
PRS Archon 50 (fist gen)
EVH 5150iii 50 watt
Mesa DC5
EVH 5150 Iconic
Peavey 6505-USA made (if that matters)
Wizard SteveK Tribute MCII 6V6
Wizard SteveK Tribute MTL Mk2 6V6
Wizard MC1 50w 6L
Wizard VC100
Diezel VH4
Fryette D60-II
KSR Ares KT88
Woah how does the Ares sound with KT88's? And fu k after all these post remind me I need a Wizard.
28 right now with over 100 others I had before. No favorites, just different flavors. I like diversity:

1995 Alessandro Redbone Special
Alessandro Hound Dog
2002 Bogner Uberschall Rev 1
2011 Cameron ccv
1997 Diezel VH4 Blueface
Diezel VH4 Purpleface ptp
1964 Fender Vibroverb
2018 Gjika 10N
1981 Hiwatt DR103
1980 Jim Kelley
1967 Marshall Tremolo 50
1972 Marshall Superlead 100
1979 Marshall JMP2203
2020 Mesa/Boogie Badlander
Mesa/Boogie Mark iic+ hrg combo
Mesa/Boogie Mark IIC+ Coliseum
Mesa/Boogie Mark iii++ coliseum No Stripe
Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier Rev D
Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifier Rev F/C
2020 MI Audio Megalith Beta-
1995 Naylor SuperDrive 60
2017 Naylor SuperDrive 100
Reason SM50
1989 Soldano SLO
2021 Schroeder DB
1963 Vox AC30 TopBoost
Xits Piper 30
2016 Wizard MTL 100
Some thoroughbreds in that stable
I'm pretty simple, I only have an Engl Powerball II with an Engl slanted 4x12 and a Kemper Power Rack. The Kemper is just for fly-in gigs, plug & play gigs and home demos. I profiled all 4 channels of my Engl and that's all i use on it. I've already got a mild guitar hoarding problem. Don't need to also have an amp hoarding problem 😂😂😂😂
Bogner XTC 101B
Budda TwinMaster
Friedman Dirty Shirley
Friedman JJ100
Komet Constellation
Marshall Major
Marshall '72 Super Tremolo
Marshall '72 Rosemary JMP50
Marshall '80 JCM800 2203
Marshall JCM900 MKIII
Marshall JCM2000 DSL50
Marshall JTM1
Marshall SIlver Jubilee 2555x
Mesa ElectraDyne
Mesa Mini Rectifier
Mesa MKIII Coliseum
Mesa Tremoverb
Metropoulos DVL-1
I forgot to add my Mesa Electrodyne . I use if for cleans a lot . How you feel about it
Think title should be played ....
‘Whats grabbing your ears these days?’
Way too many…. I’ve got serious problems!

1.) Mesa MKII C++
2.) Mesa MKII C+
3.) Mesa MK III
4.) Mesa MK IV (2x)
5.) Mesa MK V
6.) Mesa Dual Rec (Rev C)
7.) Mesa Triple Rec
8.) Mesa TC 100
9.) Diezel Herbert MK III
10.) Diezel VH4
11.) Diezel VHX
12.) Diezel D Moll
13.) Fortin NATAS
14.) Fortin Marshall VM 2466
15.) Fortin Marshall Knuckle Mod
16.) Fortin Carl Roa JCM 800
17.) Revv Generator 120 MK III
18.) Framus Cobra
19.) Framus Dragon
20.) Peavey 5150 Block letter
21.) Peavey Invective
22.) Bogner Shiva 20th Anniversary
23.) Bogner Twin Jet
24.) Bogner Ecstasy 20th Anniversary
25.) Bogner Ecstasy 101B
26.) Engl Savage 120
27.) Hughes & Kettner Triamp MK II
28.) Hughes & Kettner Triamp MK III
29.) Hughes & Kettner Coreblade (2x)
30.) Wizard MTL MK II KT120
31.) Driftwood Purple Nightmare
32.) Randall Warhead X2
33.) Randall Century 200
34.) Randall RG100ES
35.) VHT Pitbull Ultralead

I’m sure I’m missing some… don’t even get me started in rack gear/ power amps etc 🤣
No overlap there... :LOL:
You guys with Pittbulls. Talk about them. They're supposed to be big, open sounding amps that are unforgiving.

That's my jam these days.
