What amps are currently in your stable?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MadAsAHatter
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74 100W Marshall chassis/iron with a JCM800 board. Completely rebuilt. Footswitchable solo boost, footswitch true bypass metroloop, footswitch hi/lo input select. It’s currently torn apart being tuned and getting more feature upgrades.

Metroplex #001. The very first production amp George made. It’s the same amp in his metroplex features video of the metroplex series on his YouTube channel. I actually don’t play it very much but keep it around for its ability to do 68 plexi tones accurately.

Bogner XTC 101B. She’s a beast and runner up for most playtime.

First year Laney GH100S. I do play it a lot but it’s got a wonky artist tuned tonestack I don’t like. Too scooped for my preference. I will be modding it to a Marshall value tonestack once I finish my 74.

5150 II made in USA. Retrofitted Mercury magnetics JCM800 output transformer, converted to EL34s, choke installed, preamp has been tuned. I don’t play it much anymore.

My heavily modded 74 gets all of the playtime.

Things have changed a bit for 2024/2025.

I sold the Laney and the Metroplex

Grabbed an Aldrich modded Marshall and a Mark III+/++ coliseum. Both hit like a freight train and bring the heat like nothing else.
Bogner Helios Eclipse since 2019.
KSR Juno 50 that I got from Kyle and crew about 2 years ago.

I got on the list for the Snorkler because I think that’s a pretty exciting amp in the clips, but I’m about 50/50 on whether I’ll follow through.
What if any overlap do you have Derek?
I'd say there's honestly a decent amount of overlap between the 101b, Sabot and Savage. The 101b covers lower to mid gain sounds better than the rest, while the Sabot is the most brutal sounding amp I've ever heard. The Savage can get very close to the Sabot, but also has 3 other channels that can get similarly close sounds to the 101b. The main difference between them all is:

1. The 101b is the first amp I've ever played where it just FELT awesome. It doesn't record as well as the other two for the same sounds, but it is insanely fun to play because it's super responsive to my playing style. I don't know what it is with this specific 101b either. I've owned 2 others and never really cared for them.

2. The Sabot is just insanity if I'm going for heavy sounds. It's not the clearest of the 3 but it's got this aggression that is just unmatched by anything else I've played. The pick attack and chunk of it is crazy, but it's very much a one-trick-pony.

3. The Savage can arguably do everything the other two can, it just doesn't have the feel of the 101b (and it's a bit more modern sounding, though still on the British side IMO) or quite the aggression of the Sabot. However, it has MIDI and fits in perfectly with my pedalboard and it has way more sounds in it than the others. If I could only keep one amp, this would be the one, even though the other two I find more fun to play, this one can cover everything and cover it well.

The Iconic is awesome. The voicing of the original 5150 with the versatility of the EVH amps. I actually use this amp as a pedal platform quite often because its clean channel is great.

The Redbeard is more in the SLO camp, it's less aggressive than the Iconic, but with a boost it'll rip your face off. It reminds me more of the SLO crunch channel though as it's not super gainy. The clean channel on it is FANTASTIC and might be the best clean in a channel switching amp I've ever heard. It's so good that I haven't played my Deluxe Reverb since I got it... And the clean almost seems like it was an afterthought because it's literally just one knob.

The Deluxe Reverb is a Deluxe Reverb. The 101b's clean channel is supposed to be the same preamp, but the magic of these amps is in the power amp and pushing it to the edge of breakup. The 101b sounds good on that channel, but its 100w EL-34 power section isn't the same as the 30w 6V6s in the Fender. I bought this amp as my blues/pedal platform amp. I love it, but I also don't play it as much and have thought about selling it a few times. Still kinda on the fence.

The Heart Attack I got because it was on sale, stupidly cheap, and I figured if it sounded even remotely close to a Recto, I'd be happy, since I like Rectos but they're not a sound I care to have that much money tied up on. I'm happy to say that, it sounds REALLY close to a Recto and it's honestly pretty awesome for $50. Very, very impressed.
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Thanks man. Hear lots of good things about the Iconic. I trust your judgment for sure. Can't say I've heard of the Sabot. Shoot me a clip if you get time.

Sadly not much has changed for me :dunno: I did finally get a Dual Rec tho this past year :yes:

Thanks man. Hear lots of good things about the Iconic. I trust your judgment for sure. Can't say I've heard of the Sabot. Shoot me a clip if you get time.

Sadly not much has changed for me :dunno: I did finally get a Dual Rec tho this past year :yes:

I'll have to see if I have any Sabot clips up on SoundCloud still. My phone's about to die though LOL! It's a Jose Modded Plexi circuit. Closest I've heard to it is the Fortin Cali, but it wasn't quite there. The Mushuggah is probably closer, or maybe the GZ Hellion from what I've heard of it?

Still got the Splawn! Don't see many of them nowadays, which is unfortunate. I never got to own a QR but am still convinced it'd be my favorite of Scott's amps.

@Erock I still have a pair of GK100s you sold me yearsssss ago, in my Emperor 4x12. Still the best cab I've heard. Sounds monstrous with those speakers!
I'll have to see if I have any Sabot clips up on SoundCloud still. My phone's about to die though LOL! It's a Jose Modded Plexi circuit. Closest I've heard to it is the Fortin Cali, but it wasn't quite there. The Mushuggah is probably closer, or maybe the GZ Hellion from what I've heard of it?

Still got the Splawn! Don't see many of them nowadays, which is unfortunate. I never got to own a QR but am still convinced it'd be my favorite of Scott's amps.

@Erock I still have a pair of GK100s you sold me yearsssss ago, in my Emperor 4x12. Still the best cab I've heard. Sounds monstrous with those speakers!
Glad they are still working for you Derek! I still have the cab they came out of, as well, with the other 2. They broke in niceeeeee. :cheers:

QR is still my fav of Scott's amps, but the Nitro is pretty badass.
Glad they are still working for you Derek! I still have the cab they came out of, as well, with the other 2. They broke in niceeeeee. :cheers:
Awesome! Was that a Mills cab??

What are you playing now? I assume it's not Krank anymore :p
Awesome! Was that a Mills cab??

What are you playing now? I assume it's not Krank anymore :p

honestly wish I kept that Krankenstein, just because I'm still a big Dime fan. Still have all my Mills cabs. I've picked up a couple Marshall cabs, and of course Scotts, but running out of room, lol.

I am such an amp whore these days. I stayed off the internet for a good chunk of years, life has a way of kicking you in the ass every once in a while. After lurking and coming back to the fold though, I've spent a mint. I have a GZ, a JJ, and a MTL on the way. I still have most of my old amps as well.. I have a condition man. :bash:
Soldano X88 IR with Fryette power amp and 100w Mezzabarba M Zero Overdrive Pigglet
Evh 5150 100s el34
Peavey 6505ii
Splawn Quickrod el34
Marshall JVM 410H
Friedman Plex
REVV Generator 120
Mesa Boogie JP2C
1968 Fender Super Reverb drip
How do you feel about the Plex? I’m strongly considering one and I want to hear more reviews / opinions from actual people, not just YouTuber reviews.
Thanks man. Hear lots of good things about the Iconic. I trust your judgment for sure. Can't say I've heard of the Sabot. Shoot me a clip if you get time.

Sadly not much has changed for me :dunno: I did finally get a Dual Rec tho this past year :yes:

Your PEAVEY in the fireplace is blocking Santa from bringing you more goodies...................:LOL:Nice Tiger flame in the pic!
The Peavy Vypyr is ? - especially the tubed version :yes:

...and yeah my Schecter has a decent ? top :D
What amps do you currently own and which one is your favorite/do you play most often?

Currently have:
  • Mesa Mark V:25
  • Mesa Dual Rectifier (Multi-watt)
  • Victory Kraken MkII
  • Marshall DSL40C (first run, not the newer CR)
  • Synergy modules:
    • Soldano SLO II
    • Uberschall
    • Friedman BE-DLX
  • Fender '68 Custom Deluxe Reverb
  • Friedman IR-J
  • Fryette Power Station PS-100 to run it all through
  • Strongly considering a Friedman Plex or Marshall JCM800 2203X to fill this spot. Love both, can't decide.
I can't say I play any one more than the others. They're all a rotating flavor of the week based on what music I'm listening to, it's great.
Randall Thrasher 120
Some solid state stuff and bass amps.
Hoping to add a Wizard MCII 50... :ROFLMAO:

Magnatone Super Fifty-Nine M80
Orange Rockerverb 50 MKIII
Bad Cat Lynx
Bad Cat Hot Cat
Fryette PS-100

I probably play the M80 and RV50 the most at the moment.
I just got the Hot Cat and the PS-100 in the last couple of weeks.