What Happened to 3rd Power Amps?

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So am I chosen by God, or not? And is that a Jehovah's Witness thing?

If I am chosen, that's great! If I'm not, why do I care?

I know that I'd happily choose an HLH 100, a Citizen Gain, or British Dream. Those are all good things that I would have some level of control over.

Jehovah's are the best.. they try and try and try and will literally take notes on you if you spent more than 2 min with them at the door and periodically come back to quote nonsense from their nonsense book of interpretation. The funny thing is, most of them aren't even chosen! Only 144,000 people get chosen lol. So when you consider those that have already died, you've got to think Christ's party room is at least 2/3 filled up. You think old lady Margaret from Virginia is really getting in? Why would she spend her whole life listening to men tell her what to do, potentially watching her kids get brainwashed or abused, and give 10% of her salary to the church? Mind numbing how stupid people can be. I mean when they start throwing out numbers? " Sorry, we are at capacity, maybe knock on the Mormon gate.."
Back to 3rd power.
A week into it I’ll confirm that my 3rd Power Wooly Coats Spanky absolutely kicks ass, stellar and raw Princeton > Tweed type sounds, just a killer small combo amp. I’ve only played one other 3rd Power rock type amp and for that I’ll stick with my Wizard MC25 or Soldano, but damn in its category the Wooly Coats knocks it out of the park
Like they say, wine gets better with age.
Until it turns to Vinegar.

I’m catholic, and we follow Ten Commandments like all other Christians do. I have absolutely no idea where you get your info from…but I’m thinking you are trying to start a cult of some kind.

That way, your utter nonsensical drivel makes sense.
Ahh the entertainment….MG, keep on keeping on. I’ll just continue to laugh at your posts.
Until it turns to Vinegar.

I’m catholic, and we follow Ten Commandments like all other Christians do. I have absolutely no idea where you get your info from…but I’m thinking you are trying to start a cult of some kind.

That way, your utter nonsensical drivel makes sense.
Ahh the entertainment….MG, keep on keeping on. I’ll just continue to laugh at your posts.
It's always good to find out on a hard rock/metal guitar board about how growing up Catholic makes me not a Christian.
When I was an atheist back in the 80's, I was studying philosophy at a secular university. My prof was an atheist too. The logic is simple, when you have no absolute standard, any standard of morality is purely arbitrary. It is whatever you choose. You can't say anything is right or wrong, it merely becomes a matter of preference and enforcing your morality becomes a struggle of power. If you can't see that, oh well. I saw that as an atheist and embraced it wholly back then and lived as a hedonist for many years....
Very well said.
It's always good to find out on a hard rock/metal guitar board about how growing up Catholic makes me not a Christian.
So much bad theology contained in one thread.


Only real question here is; Why hasn't this shit show been dumped into OTC ?
I read somewhere in here that Wikipedia was mentioned . Please stay away from that .

Wikipedia Founder Confesses: ‘We Are Democrat Propaganda’​

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger has confessed that the site has now become ‘pure Democrat propaganda’
Sanger co-founded Wikipedia with Jimmy Wales in 2001. It was originally set-up to be impartial and free from censorship.

Sanger admitted that while the online encyclopedia began with good intentions it is now just another tool to parrot left-wing talking points and censor those who challenge the mainstream narrative.

“Wikipedia made a real effort at neutrality for, I would say, its first five years or so,” said Sanger.
“And then … it began a long, slow slide into what I would call leftist propaganda.”

Wikipedia is run by around 125,000 volunteer editors, the vast majority of whom are leftists, with a further 1,000 administrators who enjoy special privileges to block others who go against the grain.

Sanger explained how Wikipedia now serves not just to skew information, but to viciously demonize anyone on the right or anyone deemed to be a “contrarian.”

After banning sources such as Fox News or the Daily Mail, Wikipedia now relies almost entirely on far-left outlets and legacy media sources to determine truth.

“More recently, they’ve gotten rid of almost all conservative news sources as sources for their articles,” he said

“And so as the news media has shifted, and as the establishment, frankly, has shifted more to the left or to the left, the content of Wikipedia has followed suit.”

As we previously highlighted, a perfect example of Wikipedia’s extreme political bias was evident when the website’s editors deliberately sought to bury links between convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton.

The fact that Clinton flew on Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ private jet at least 26 times, which was reported by the media multiple times back in 2016, disappeared from Wikipedia before it was added back in after an outcry.

Democrats Delete God
Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. —Vladimir Lenin

The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed. —Karl Marx

The socialism of the Democrat Party violates at least three of the Ten Commandments. It turns government into God, it legalizes thievery and it elevates covetousness. But the real core of communism is the hatred of God.

The majority party in the House of Representatives has removed God. It has deleted the Almighty from as many Congressional proceedings as possible, including the swearing in of witnesses.


I think everybody Knows how much democrats love Saul Alinsky , CHECKOUT # 7 BELOW .

I love it when Christians claim they practice their faith and remain as Christ-like as possible while calling people idiots and morons.

“Jesus, I beg of you, please help my sick wife!”

”No. You clearly lack the intelligence to understand how this works, you moron. Get Chosen and we’ll talk, until then, I have no respect for you”

Also get a kick out of the whole ‘let’s not discuss Constantine and the Councils of Nicaea where they cherry picked everything from existing religions to create their own new religion as a means of controlling the people and formed Christianity’ with the majority of it being re-titled pagan gods/stories that existed for thousands of years before Jesus was walking the earth.

My boss is a devout Christian who I’ve spoken to quite a bit about my reasoning for not being a follower, which is primarily because so many “Christians” within my lifetime have used their faith as a way to hate or look down on others and I can’t take it seriously, despite knowing full and well how much value there is within that religion. She merely said “That’s not our job, it’s His” and pointed up. She lightly suggested I go to church with her at one point and my knee-jerk reaction was to laugh and say “Nope!”, but because she has continuously demonstrated someone who truly walks the walk and carries herself with compassion, understanding and love for all, I have no problem going to a service with her. She’s the person God would want representing him.

Personally, I’m a cherry picker myself and snag something from most religions I’ve read about. Buddhism is probably where I get most from (and funnily enough, if you live like a Buddhist, you’re pretty much eliminated from being able to sin from a Christian POV) but there’s great stuff in all religions, even Satanism (which is really just Humanism but no one reads Lavey’s intro in that bible). In the end, I find it far easier to do my best at treating everyone around me precisely how I want to be treated and just that eliminated 98% of bullshit or negativity from my life. I’m far from perfect and catch myself being short with people at work or lighting up the occasional internet dolt, but life is merely continuous work in progress.
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Until it turns to Vinegar.

I’m catholic, and we follow Ten Commandments like all other Christians do. I have absolutely no idea where you get your info from…but I’m thinking you are trying to start a cult of some kind.

That way, your utter nonsensical drivel makes sense.
Ahh the entertainment….MG, keep on keeping on. I’ll just continue to laugh at your posts.
I think you are supposed to drink a special Kool-Aid and the mothership then picks you up.
Kinda weird if you ask me... :loco:
Someone needs to copy and paste this complete thread on TGP. There’s no telling how many members would literally die before they erased it. I would but I still buy and sell too much stuff there.
No shit. Complete meltdown :lol:

I think you are supposed to drink a special Kool-Aid and the mothership then picks you up.
Kinda weird if you ask me... :loco:
Oh cool. Now aliens too.
