The reason behind this is most christians have not read the bible. I have read it several times. Bring up the old testament, and they tell you the new testament is the "real" one. Even though the old testament has its roots close with islam, which is very similar. The New testament aside from starting with Jesus rejecting all that were not jews see matthew 12:22 and ending with him being the benevolent leader of all men. Matthew 12:22 was a very special passage for me, because it was when I had enough of the bullshit in the book.
Christians in general are often extremely ignorant of their own religion. Most do not recognize the book of matthew when i discuss it with them. I have never seen another group of people send their dumbest to try to recruit, but i guess we know what their market is. It isn't very good for them to have people that ask the hard questions they have no answers for.
Christians also seem to have a deep hate for muslims, and muslims christians, but the funny part is the ignorance that christians portray of the muslim religion. The new testament was torn through by catholics to give the image that showed it in a favorable light to serve their purposes and many gospels were left out that were very contradictory with what made it in or got adjusted in. The muslims also believe in jesus, just that his was not the final gospel, similar to the jews belief. Muslims and christians fight over the same holy land. It is ridiculous.
Now we know that Mista guitah keeps the Lord's counsel, so he knows the truth.
one funny thing is they did a study by religion and sector and measured their IQ's. Atheists were the highest (no surprise here), as you went down from taoism and other more philosphies down to babtist, the drop was dramatic, but the more fringe and cult like, such as mormon you got, it got pretty low.
To expand on what Smashedguitarist laid out (no matter in earnest or jest), observers should know that anyone can read the bible a hundred times, but only those who have been chosen can understand it. The bible can only be understood by spiritual discernment that is administered individually by the Spirit of God, and only to those with the seal of God. No one can just read the bible and understand it as it has purposely been designed so that it cannot be understood by mere intellectuality.
It is written that scriptural wisdom is a gift given only to those who have completely set aside their own hearts, understandings, and desires to accept the truth of therein - no matter how it may contradict what they think or want to believe. That is what is called total submission.
As Smashedguitarist mentioned, ignorance of the bible is too common among 'Christians,' yet it is the channel in which GOD has chosen to speak to Christians. However, as Smashedguitarist alluded to, I will expound upon more directly.
First, most 'Christians' are not Christian but an offshoot of Christianity. Smashedguitarist mentioned Catholicism, and that's the most glaring example but certainly not the only one. There are no denominations of Christianity even though the world at large has come to believe that. As I mentioned, Catholics are - in fact - not Christians according to official Catholic doctrine and spoken from Vatican authority.
This may seem a shock to most people, but one thing to understand is that true Christians have only one library, the single authoritative source by which all belief is derived without deviation, and that's a library of 66 books known as the bible. Therefore, any religion that follows a different doctrine or extrabiblical doctrine is not Christian.
If someone follows a different doctrine than the bible then they follow a different Christ. Catholicism, for example, traditionally follows a different bible called the Douay Rheims. The 10 Commandments, for example, has been altered to be only 8 commandments. If you read Vatican literature, you'll find that the reason was based on conflicting religious practices of Catholicism. Idol worship contradicts Commandment 2, and Virgin Mary worship contradicts thr first Commandment. Not only that, among hundreds of things and a vast aethenaum of extrabiblical doctrine, the Catholic hierarchy supplants Jesus Christ and assumes ordained power to absolve sins.
Therefore, anything that deviates from Christian doctrine is not Christian. Almost all denominations have, in fact, deviated. Thus, the true Christian church is but a remnant among a whole world of so-called Christian religions.
The bible itself says that true Christians are but a small remnant, a handful of humanity. In the book of Revelation, Yeshua (Jesus) rebuked 5 of the 7 churches as MOST churches are corrupt. Saint Peter instructed that corruption be cleaned up first in the churches. Therefore, scripturally, no one can contest the facts I laid out. Anyone who tries must account for the contradictions and discrepancies of extrabiblical religious doctrines.
One thing that marks a true Christian is that we live and breath scripture every day and night - as the bible instructs. Note: I'm purposely leaving out tons of scriptural references in order to discuss this academically and not a religious discussion per se. No true Christian ever, in any way, deviates from scripture and sound doctrine. In fact, true Christians do not necessarily regard their own personal beliefs and perceptions to be truth because all of our perceptions are derived from biblical precepts. Anything that we realize does not align, we discard in favor of biblical truth.
Lastly, endless ignorance stems from ages of false academic instruction and indoctrination. One of the most glaring examples is how Christianity has been judged by people and events of the Crusades and Dark Ages. Put it this way, many people wear crosses around their necks but have no idea what it means, nor are they authentic Christians. To judge Christianity by artifical believers is the greatest error of all time, and also the prime reason for the rise of world religions.
To consider it historically and factually, no real Chrsitian would burn someone at the stake, murder and torture people, or commit any of the atrocities that so-called 'Christians' have done throughout history. The fact is that they were never Christians. Yet this monumentally dumb belief is most widely held worldwide among non-Christians, and to varying extents, many who call themselves Christians as well.
What the world has done is errantly judge Christianity by the historical actions of imposters and infidels claiming to be Christians but never were at all. When you consider this, the absurdity of such a commonly accepted belief, and officially accepted historical account in academia becomes apparent.
Most people on the entire planet cannot define scripturally what a Christian is exactly, even most 'Christians.' Therefore, consider the utter stupidity of academia, government, and society at large, ascribing all atrocities claimed in GOD'S name to Christians though they have no credible definition of what a Christian is - which really have always been historically only a small remnant on the earth.
I'll conclude with a single concrete example everyone should understand. There are no "three wise men" in the bible. Every Christmas, we hear "3 wise men" repeated endlessly. Yet the bible makes no mention of 3 wise men. Some ignorant people went and deducted that because "3 gifts" were given to Yeshua in infancy, then there must have been 3 wise men, or 1 gift per person. In fact, December 25th was a pagan holiday, and Yeshua was not born anywhere near that date.
So I always urge people to consider what they believe and how they ever came to those beliefs. Most people on the planet believe adamantly things that have been either ignorantly assumed, made-up, or absorbed through worldly osmosis. There is no truth in it. The craziest part of it is that this includes the world's smartest people, world leaders, and almost all academia.