What Happened to 3rd Power Amps?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MistaGuitah
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Guys, stop engaging with this retard. He wants attention. If he’s not trolling, he seriously needs therapy and/or medication.
"Retard?" LOL! Coming from someone so uneducated and to incompetent too until an intelligent argument, that's pretty absurd. The reason you resort to insults and name-calling is because you don't have the intellectual capacity to debate anything that requires knowledge, critical thinking skills, or common-sense. All your disparaging garbage is utterly worthless and offensive to anyone with a brain.
Who would've though that a guy who can't spell "Mr. Guitar" would have so much hot takes on intelligence...

Not even Delissio weekend lifted his spirits, for goodness sake!
You have all those beliefs based on what? You just make stuff up and develop all kinds of hard beliefs, but none of it comes from knolwedge. How can you love life and entrust your eternity in fiction? Consider all the things you do not know...

Where is the cannon of scripture in Hinduism? New 'gods' are still being invented to this day in Hinduism. Where has Hinduism prophesied and been true throughout history? Buddhism was invented by a rich kid who ran away from home. When did Buddhism ever prophesy and come true? Buddah died and was buried in the ground like everyone else. Islam was invented by a guy named Muhammed who was hiding out in a cave 500 years after Jesus Christ ascended. They have a cannon of scripture, but it's based on Jewish & Christian theology. Muhammad never performed any miracles but killed thousands of Christians, and he died amd was buried in the ground. Confucius? Confucius was just a man and he also died and was buried in the ground. Shintoism? Shintoism is a supplementary religion that's practiced alongside Buddhism.

These are all facts you can find directly from their respective religious organizations. Yet, without even knowing the basic facts, you somehow think you have figured it out, so you just lump all religions into one bit fairy tale. How convenient for the underdeveloped mind.

You cannot even define what a Christian is, yet you have much to say about it. You interrogate Christianity with questions you can't even answer, and not knowing your questions wouldn't even be valid of you knew your facts.

Perhaps it's time for you to spend some serious time contemplating how on earth you came to believe the things you do. I'm speaking now on an academic level, not religious, because it's a fundamental mindset of an educated man to consider things by gaining adequate knowledge of all that's involved and related. I cannot speak religiously here but that's not necessary because it's the premise you base your arguments that's at fault. I think if you take an educated mindset then you will explore these things on your own.

I also suggest studying science, like biology and physics. It's in science that the most concrete evidence of Christianity exists anywhere. Science is the Holy Grail, the lost Ark, that instructs us about the creator. If you tried articulating your own beliefs and debating them in your mind, you would come up with no knowledgeable answes. In fact, you'd stump yourself at every turn. So why is it that you think your beliefs are so superior that you cancriticize mine? Unlike you, I don't just make stuff up and go with it, though I used to be like you and the rest of the world long ago. I spent decades studying, researching, traveling the world, sweating and bleeding for answers when did you ever commit to such self-sacrifice to come to knowledge of the truth?

Not sure why you guys are hating on the Mista, it is a well thought out post and actually shows that he has approached the subject from multiple angles while considering multiple perspectives. If you don't cling to your chosen faith, you will actually see that he has made some good points about the glaring holes in what we accept as " faith" outside of logic. Given the flawed nature of humanity ( that's in most books), is it crazy to think that much of what is written cannot be proven in any way? Nikki Sixx tells great stories. Can we prove all of them?
The reason you resort to insults and name-calling is
Because you're a mentally retarded idiot with a bloated but fragile ego.

You can't even answer simple questions let alone form an argument but you're constantly deflecting while sucking your own tiny crusty dick on the internet. It's a never-ending spiral and most people, especially intelligent people, can't be bothered to waste their time with your moronic bullshit, your temper tantrums and your spiritual awakening.
The reason behind this is most christians have not read the bible. I have read it several times. Bring up the old testament, and they tell you the new testament is the "real" one. Even though the old testament has its roots close with islam, which is very similar. The New testament aside from starting with Jesus rejecting all that were not jews see matthew 12:22 and ending with him being the benevolent leader of all men. Matthew 12:22 was a very special passage for me, because it was when I had enough of the bullshit in the book.

Christians in general are often extremely ignorant of their own religion. Most do not recognize the book of matthew when i discuss it with them. I have never seen another group of people send their dumbest to try to recruit, but i guess we know what their market is. It isn't very good for them to have people that ask the hard questions they have no answers for.

Christians also seem to have a deep hate for muslims, and muslims christians, but the funny part is the ignorance that christians portray of the muslim religion. The new testament was torn through by catholics to give the image that showed it in a favorable light to serve their purposes and many gospels were left out that were very contradictory with what made it in or got adjusted in. The muslims also believe in jesus, just that his was not the final gospel, similar to the jews belief. Muslims and christians fight over the same holy land. It is ridiculous.

Now we know that Mista guitah keeps the Lord's counsel, so he knows the truth.

one funny thing is they did a study by religion and sector and measured their IQ's. Atheists were the highest (no surprise here), as you went down from taoism and other more philosphies down to babtist, the drop was dramatic, but the more fringe and cult like, such as mormon you got, it got pretty low.

I was a former teacher of systematic theology.

I'd be more than happy to discuss any of your assertions above privately. I would like to suggest that your data is incomplete. Also taught apologetics and world religions.
The sad thing is atheists are generally the truly moral people.

Yes, they can be. But here is the rub:

I was an atheist for many years. Materialistic atheism cannot account for or justify ethics/morality. If all we are is matter in motion, there is no morality. This is often pointed out as the "scientific fallacy" by atheist themselves. Atheism leads to the philosophical destruction of any epistemological justification for anything...
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Yes, they can be. But here is the rub:

I was an atheist for many years. Materialistic atheism cannot account for or justify ethics/morality. If all we are is matter in motion, there is no morality. This is often pointed out as the "scientific fallacy" by atheist themselves. Atheism leads to the philosophical destruction of any epistemological justification for anything...
lmao. Well the lack of God somehow doesn't change the atheists I know. Ben Franklin suggested Christianity as a good way to control the masses. I think the more intelligent people are, the more moral by default. You have some greedy or otherwise shitty people out there atheist or not. But in general, a lot of religious people imagine that atheists would just do what they want with no God to fear, while it is like being a kid vs an adult. If you were raised right then you act right. God is santa clause for adults that don't outgrow the need for something more powerful than themselves. I am not a follower. And I don't give two shits about Santa.
I was a former teacher of systematic theology.

I'd be more than happy to discuss any of your assertions above privately. I would like to suggest that your data is incomplete. Also taught apologetics and world religions.
I would agree with you that my data is incomplete. I can only handle so much of the bible, tbh. The fact that that much is more than most "Christians" will ever read is amusing as an aside.
lmao. Well the lack of God somehow doesn't change the atheists I know. Ben Franklin suggested Christianity as a good way to control the masses. I think the more intelligent people are, the more moral by default. You have some greedy or otherwise shitty people out there atheist or not. But in general, a lot of religious people imagine that atheists would just do what they want with no God to fear, while it is like being a kid vs an adult. If you were raised right then you act right. God is santa clause for adults that don't outgrow the need for something more powerful than themselves. I am not a follower. And I don't give two shits about Santa.

You didn't understand what I was trying to convey. I'm not referring to the actions of atheists. I am pointing out that the materialist-atheist world view cannot support the concept of "morality" "right", "wrong". These concepts have no meaning if all we are just collections of atoms roaming around.
I would agree with you that my data is incomplete. I can only handle so much of the bible, tbh. The fact that that much is more than most "Christians" will ever read is amusing as an aside.

I agree with that. It was very frustrating as a teacher to see so much ignorance inside and outside the camp...
You didn't understand what I was trying to convey. I'm not referring to the actions of atheists. I am pointing out that the materialist-atheist world view cannot support the concept of "morality" "right", "wrong". These concepts have no meaning if all we are just collections of atoms roaming around.
I understood what you were getting at. I just kind of ignored it. I don't know any material atheists. Just plain old atheists. Don't need science to help me feel good about atheism.
I agree with that. It was very frustrating as a teacher to see so much ignorance inside and outside the camp...
Well, you are very rare. In my experience, the most knowledgeable are often the ones that struggle with faith the hardest. The best description I have heard of the old testament is Al Pacino in Devils Advocate. Reading the old testament alone could shake anyone's faith with half a brain. Shit..Leviticus alone is a fucking shambles.
Ignorance is bliss, I guess for you.....lol...
I assume you misunderstood me. Science has been unsuccessful in disproving God. Doesn't mean I discount science. Just that I don't need to run to it for my lack of believing in the Easter Bunny. If my ignorance is the rest of the bible that I missed, yes; ignorance is bliss. I am sorry that you are so sad about my being an atheist, but I suggest you strike my name from potential souls to save.
Well, you are very rare. In my experience, the most knowledgeable are often the ones that struggle with faith the hardest. The best description I have heard of the old testament is Al Pacino in Devils Advocate. Reading the old testament alone could shake anyone's faith with half a brain. Shit..Leviticus alone is a fucking shambles.

I struggled for many years moving from atheism to Buddhism to agnosticism to Reformed Christianty. Obviously, I would disagree with you that Leviticus is a shambles. You are always welcome to pm me with any questions or concerns about any section of the bible....
I struggled for many years moving from atheism to Buddhism to agnosticism to Reformed Christianty. Obviously, I would disagree with you that Leviticus is a shambles. You are always welcome to pm me with any questions or concerns about any section of the bible....
I learned a lot from Buddhism. And Christianity. It isn't all bad. I appreciate the offer for a theological discussion. Just not really interested. I am mostly trolling everyone in this post. I am not THAT big a Satan worshipper. He is more a quiet friend.