What Happened to 3rd Power Amps?

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The 144,00p is not until after the antichrist dude. "Christ's party rooom?" The bible actually gives exact dimensions of the new Jerusalem. Where in the bible does it say to give 10% of your salary to the church?

You rant about "how stupid people can be" yet have demonstrated ignorance. It's funny how you think you know something and developed all kinds of beliefs and ideas based on fiction and fallacy.

Ha ha ha! YOU follow the 10 Commandments? LOL! OK, well perhaps you should learn how to read because I laid out the differences between Christians and Catholics in plain English. But hey, go read your own Catholic doctrine because you obviously haven't, and if you did, you'd know what I said to ve true. Walk into any Catholic church and see if there aren't any idols. Go look up the 2nd Commandment little guy. Next time you vnerate the Virgin Mary, go look up the 1st Commandment. next time you use rosary beads, try to find anything of that kind in the bible. next time you go to confession, try reading the book of Acts or gospel of John.

The question is, where on earth are YOU getting your info? It's funny how uneducated people always think they know something, and no matter how you spell things out for them, they keep thinking they know so mich they can ridicule an educated peraon. It's like you're totally oblivious to the complete nonsense and hypocrisy you just spewed.

You say you follow the same bible? Then try reading it for once. You say you're a Catholic, then that means you've adopted Catholic doctrine. Go read Galatians 1:8.

Sorry but you wouldn't have the capacity to debate me if you studied day and night for 20 years. If you were smart, you'd learn something instead of thinking you know something despite never having made the effort to educate yourself.

Here is the thing... the bible doesn't have to say anything in particular because it can be interpreted so many different ways. As such, living people have abused it's words and the interpretation thereof since the inception of written word. The 10% rule is implied by many cults and organizations and people are guilted into it through the passing around of collection plates in churches or through privilege and other promises. How do you think the Catholic Church is so wealthy? They steal from the poor and work with the rich or the state. There is a system at play and it is as old as the stories you believe. Also please tell me the exact dimensions of Jerusalem and HOW those dimensions will still be the same given that the population has risen well beyond what someone could have imagined over a thousand years ago. So the way I see it, is that my points of view have been proven by countless wars and history as well as what we know about most churches vs YOUR INTERPRETATION of what you think the literature you cling to says is truth. Which is more scientific I wonder? Experience and fact, or story time? There is no way you don't come out as looking ignorant here.

I give you credit for being well read and having spent the time scouring books and religions across the globe, but unfortunately you seem to speak in absolute truths just like every cult or religious leader before you has. You are referencing the bible... once again, a body of work that relies heavily on spoken stories and interpretation. NONE of it can be proven to be the absolute truth. It's value lies in the guidelines it can provide people for living a better and more honest life, not the exact blueprints on how you MUST live that life to attain a very uncertain future which in itself, is a promise based on " faith" vs fact.

Now, please tell me the REAL version of christianity that I should look for. I want you to tell me the name of the denomination, sect, group, etc that I should look for. Then give me an hour or two and I bet I can find members of that organization who were sexually/physically abused, brain washed, or disgruntled because they gave their life savings away to some Messiah who was self proclaimed. I'm ready to receive your wisdom, lay it on me or else you have nothing more to add to this than INTERPRETATION.

At this point, I am guessing you are a Jehovah's witness. Do we have a winner?
Who’s got the biggest bible! I’m not reading that!

This thing is signed by my ancestors. Hope they don’t mind a dirty atheist preserving it.
Here is the thing... the bible doesn't have to say anything in particular because it can be interpreted so many different ways. As such, living people have abused it's words and the interpretation thereof since the inception of written word. The 10% rule is implied by many cults and organizations and people are guilted into it through the passing around of collection plates in churches or through privilege and other promises. How do you think the Catholic Church is so wealthy? They steal from the poor and work with the rich or the state. There is a system at play and it is as old as the stories you believe. Also please tell me the exact dimensions of Jerusalem and HOW those dimensions will still be the same given that the population has risen well beyond what someone could have imagined over a thousand years ago. So the way I see it, is that my points of view have been proven by countless wars and history as well as what we know about most churches vs YOUR INTERPRETATION of what you think the literature you cling to says is truth. Which is more scientific I wonder? Experience and fact, or story time? There is no way you don't come out as looking ignorant here.

I give you credit for being well read and having spent the time scouring books and religions across the globe, but unfortunately you seem to speak in absolute truths just like every cult or religious leader before you has. You are referencing the bible... once again, a body of work that relies heavily on spoken stories and interpretation. NONE of it can be proven to be the absolute truth. It's value lies in the guidelines it can provide people for living a better and more honest life, not the exact blueprints on how you MUST live that life to attain a very uncertain future which in itself, is a promise based on " faith" vs fact.

Now, please tell me the REAL version of christianity that I should look for. I want you to tell me the name of the denomination, sect, group, etc that I should look for. Then give me an hour or two and I bet I can find members of that organization who were sexually/physically abused, brain washed, or disgruntled because they gave their life savings away to some Messiah who was self proclaimed. I'm ready to receive your wisdom, lay it on me or else you have nothing more to add to this than INTERPRETATION.

At this point, I am guessing you are a Jehovah's witness. Do we have a winner?
You give this asshat way too much credit, he’s a fucking retard, and that’s doing some serious disservice to mentally challenged human beings the world over. Fuck him.
Back to 3rd power.

I have to say that the build quality of those amps is very, very good. Top notch components too! Like I mentioned, Dylana knows what components to use and where to put them. The only thing I noticed and can't account for is the overall polished tone. The amps are not quite as raw as i prefer. It's my tone challenge with a lot of builders. But more people seem to prefer the slightly polished tone. I have the same beef with Friedman, Bogner, Soldano, and PWE.

Too polished...
My experience also.
I also lost my underwear in resale, brutal.
The functions in the amps were somewhat odd & seemed “divided”.
I also did not care for the aesthetics & the
vibe from the looks of the amps after a while.

Btw, if I want to polish my tone,
I’ll use my guitar controls and feel
coupled with the adjusters in the amplifier.
Give me all the pleasantries straight from the transformer,
-uncooked & unseasoned.

I bet my Lenz amps would blow your mind.
Never have heard or felt the Marshall sound
done so well.
Everytime I play it, it’s gets my appetite rumbling
for bacon., I’M SERIOUS!
He is VERY talented at what he does.
Sounds fantastic with Greenbacks, H30’s and
melts with V30’s, ANY worthwhile speaker will
do fine because the sounds coming through the cones will overlap any inherent bad sounds.

Oh, btw,
If God can move mountains….,
-then we better bring our shovels.?
I'll be honest with you guys.. with all these killer modded amps around, the one I know will always deliver and upon which I base all other comparisons, is a Superlead or a JMP/800. I feel like I see more people moving these gained out or boutique amps weekly vs Marshalls which seem to stick around longer and always make the short list.
They used to make a channel-switching amp with ni e cleans, crunch, and high gain that I liked a lot but can't remember the name of it. Did they go out of business or halt production at some point? I got very close but never pulled the trigger on one because they didn't seem to hold their value or trade real well. Didn't they make some kind of weird triangle shaped cab when they forst started? I don't know much about them but they not only appear to be operating but are making some very expensive pickups.

By the way, it seems rather presumptuous to sell pickups at top-dollar without any prior establishment. As far as I can tell, they're not offering anything extraordinary to justify the prices they're charging. Perhaps I could be wrong but that's just my perception from what I've seen.
By the way it's spelled "first" as in an event that happened prior to another in chronological order......
Bro, he’s one of God’s Chosen ones, this is a FACT, gotta watch out before his all-loving God smites thee, makes you kill your brother, pimp out your children or just erupts a volcano next to you.
Hes just an asshole that comes here to beat his dick acting smart and superior to people. This is a cool forum. We dont need a cocksucker like this rubbing his balls up on everyone.
Not reading thru 14 pages..

Did we ever find out what happened to 3rd powder amps ?

Yeah for sure...see the above picture. I picked this up locally a week or so ago, called 3rd Power re a possible update to the current circuit at appx 5:00 pm PST, left a message, got a response the next morning assuring me anything I needed could be done to the amp, nothing but total courtesy to a caller that had bought a used amp. In the niche its filling for me, its every bit as nice as my Wizard or Soldano are in their respective categories and maybe even a bit more forward thinking with regards to the features. This amp is awesome.