Strandberg Junkie
Comedy is comedy people. Can't be an easy life, I don't know how my nephew to niece is doing it but if she's happy, that's all that matters. It doesn't make them of any less value because of their life choices. We shouldn't forget that regardless of the jokes.
Awesome words brother!

And for the record, you could never win a gay joke contest with an actual gay person.
It'd be like a little leaguer pitching to Aaron Judge - no contest.
Like you said, comedy is comedy.
FTR, Dylana might even be better at straight up blues rock that 80s shred. Extremely well rounded player.
I first heard 3rd Power stuff through Mike Britt's Kemper Profiles of them.
He'd tour with the Kemper through the PA and a 3P half stack on stage for himself.
She owes him a lot for really getting the 3P name out there early on.

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