* velcro-fly *
Well-known member
Splawn is a company of better values and moral character
Splawn is a company of better values and moral character
Everything you just said you said in total ignorance. Yeah, what a stupid comment. Stop embarrassing yourself.What?????
Seriously?? On what basis do you make this claim? Because Scott puts bible verse locations in the chassis?
Going on quite a judgemental limb here, buddy.
On a tonal basis I’d easily take a 3rd Power over any of the sterile, flat sounding Splawns I’ve tried in stores. In fact, it’s not even close.
They used to make a channel-switching amp with ni e cleans, crunch, and high gain that I liked a lot but can't remember the name of it.
Since you're such a stickler for literacy, which is it? Have you actually tried one or not? Your posts have 'hidden agenda' written all over them.In any case, I have no interest in 3rd Power Amps. Maybe their stuff is good but it's overpriced, pretentious, and doesn't really bring anything new to the table except different cosmetics.
Everything you just said you said in total ignorance.
I could do what that preacher did with one optimally delivered fart
You're a clown..nothing more, nothing less. Clown.Everything you just said you said in total ignorance. Yeah, what a stupid comment. Stop embarrassing yourself.
No, I said Splawn is a company of good character because I've dealt with them several times and know them to do honorable business. Not only that, they don't get caught up on political crap. They just do good business and make a good product.
Therefore, spare me your hair-brained presumptions because you went straight from 0 thinking to 60 stupid assumption in .25 seconds. Instead of thinking about things and what they might mean in the broader sense, you just jump to the dumbest thing you can come up with huh? Do you always assume everyone is of as shallow character and feeble intellect as yourself?
Oh yeah, and I'll tell you another thing, I don't care who quotes bible verses or claims to he a Christian because none of that matters. Just so you know (so you won't continue to speak in ignorance) the bible says none of that matters because only those with the seal of God are saved - and that's very few of us. So if you're going to say things about the bible or faith then at least know what you're talking about.
Two things I can't stand is ignorance and illiteracy. You really irritated me with such a stupid, pointed comment. I have ZERO respect for you because I cannot respect anyone who runs their mouth so brazenly and without consideration. Yeah, in fact, you made your retarded comment just to insult me and try to make me look bad. Too bad it backfired because you only showed how incapable you are of common-sense. What a crappy thing to try and do. It's pathetic and I'll never respect you because of what you just did.
As far as pricing --What's overpriced??
Yeah, more mindless babble behind a keyboard, having a snowflake meltdown because she can't handle an opinion. You can't respond intelligently so you resort to petty insults and name-calling. You have a foul mouth. Nothing you say deserves respect from a person of any respectable degree. All you've done here is give me substantial reason to regard you as worthless. Whatever it is you think you accomplished here means absolutely nothing to decent people. Maybe you can score a point with some brainless internet mob that can't discern good behavior from bad or decent from vulgar, but in the end end, it does absolutely nothing to increase your worth as a person. On the contrary, you diminish yourself tremendously by your own behavior. There's no decency in you so I have extremely low regard of you. Before you try to puke out your vulgar, hateful drivel towards me again, understand that I don't respect you enough to regard your opinion whatsoever.Hey dipshit, i thought you were a busy professional who couldnt find the time to google the company, but yet here you are posting still.
Anyway, 3rd power makes excellent pickups. You havent tried them but seem to have an opinion about them not being “great” - thats definitively ignorant. Also their amps do bring a lot of new shit to the table other than just cosmetics. Footswitchable bias settings, hybridmaster, a blendable vox/fender channel, not to mention their amazing stereo cabs. What the fuck is any other of the hundreds of amp companies bringing to table thats new? This has to be a troll post or youre the dumbest motherfucker ive ever seen on here. And what the fuck is the controversy? Seems like Dylana is just living her life. Is she trying to force her opinions and lifestyle on you or something or is it you trying to make it controversial? I hope your post brings some attention to 3rd power because Dylana is a genius and her company has the best customer service in the business. Wizard charges over $5k for his amps and doesn’t even include a manual or a footswitch thats worth a shit, and he puts the wrong fuses in his amps. You wanna talk pretentious? Fuck off
I save lives, protect people, contribute good things to the world, and am righteous in the eyes of God. I'm a decent, law-abiding person who is well-educated and well-established. Yet, who are you? Who are you in life, outside of an internet forum, to call me a clown? Why on earth do you think your ignorant opinion is even valid? What gives you moral superiority over me that you can judge and condemn me? Sorry, but in the end, you're nobody. You get yourself worked up into delusions, but for what cause? Because you're little sensibilities are offended because I don't conform to mob opinion?You're a clown..nothing more, nothing less. Clown.
And, I'm damn sure you're the same imaginary tough guy jackass that threatened another RTer years back, to 'kick his ass on a golf course'....same Bogner fanboy and writing style. You got banned...and the way you're going, I'll give you another couple weeks.
Have a good night Jagoff.
Wrong again. You think far, far to highly of yourself. It was nothing more than simple benevolence and mercy on my part to edify you and make you aware of your folly and error by speaking the truth.Obviously im something to you if you bothered to respond.
And yes you gave an opinion that makes you out to look like one dumb motherfucker.
am righteous in the eyes of God.
Oh yeah, that sure made your case. LOL!You’re so stupid, you don’t even realize youre stupid.
What would you know about God? I know Him. When you insult me, you insult Him. If you knew him, you would be able to discern that I am His. Be circumspect and make sure your judgement is sound.Dude, it's your type that's been giving God a bad name these past few years.
I know Him.
lol, what a load of pretentious bs. You got your knickers in a twist because some guy is now a gal and is open about it on his personal IG profile and when somebody calls you out for your bs you throw a temper tantrum and experience a spiritual awakening.I save lives, protect people, contribute good things to the world, and am righteous in the eyes of God. I'm a decent, law-abiding person who is well-educated and well-established. Yet, who are you? Who are you in life, outside of an internet forum, to call me a clown? Why on earth do you think your ignorant opinion is even valid? What gives you moral superiority over me that you can judge and condemn me? Sorry, but in the end, you're nobody. You get yourself worked up into delusions, but for what cause? Because you're little sensibilities are offended because I don't conform to mob opinion?
Understand this: You are nothing to me. You are not worthy of standing in my presence. Whatever you think you are because you can garner the echoes of a few vulgar sycophants on the internet is not even real. Understand that in the real world, you are nobody. You are not more decent or moral than me. You are not smarter or stronger than me, nor will you ever be. You have absolutely no righteous standing whatsoever to judge and condemn me or anyone else. So next time you go off running your mouth and disparaging others, just remember that you have ZERO qualification or credibility to do so.