What is the best modded plexi style amp you've ever played?

Mark Cameron told me a couple of times specifically that it is very difficult to mod a Marshall and make it sound better than just hitting the front of a stock Marshall with an SD-1 or TS-9. He felt most guys who modded Marshalls didn't achieve that and that is what my experience tells me too. Again, this is for what I want to hear and feel when I play.
After owning MANY Marshalls and moded Marshalls, I would say that nothing beats my stock ‘77 JMP 2203 with either a klon KTR or old Ibanez Super Tube.
I had a vintage Marshall amp Mark A modded. I got it from Steve K. It wasn't close to anything VH. All of the clips Mark posted sounded good because of his playing and the added things he was using during the recordings... like the 4X12, variac, room, etc.

The closest VH mod I played was from Michael R/T. But I've heard a LOT of negative things about him.
Here's an RT modded 1976 Marshall Super Lead....Out of all the gain mods for Marshall's that I have tried out... including the Mod 5, this RT mod gets the closest to my actual variaced 68 metro plexi, the same gain and feel but with a master volume. I installed the mod myself so I didn't have the build issues that RT Mike seems to have.

Here's a 50 watt Granger M50 amp with the RT mod into an 1x12 isolation cab with Creamback 12M 65 watt.
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I have owned a few modded Marshalls including 3 or 4 Cameron modded Marshalls. The Camerons are killer but to my ear and the way I play, I prefer a stock Super Lead circuit and I "mod" it with a Boss SD-1 or a Boss OD-1 or a Boss GE-10 or an MXR 6 Band EQ, or a Tube Screamer or with a strat I "mod" it with a DOD OD250. Every single one of them has a slightly different flavor of modded Marshall sound to them.

I had a more modern built "Jose" modded amp that came from another country and the owner is the nicest guy in the world so I won't say what brand, but I could not get rid of that thing fast enough. The diode clipping sounded so synthetic, like the distorted sound a kazoo makes when you blow into it hard. I messed with it for weeks and it would give me ear fatigue within about 15 minutes every time I played it. I could not sell that thing fast enough!
Love my Killer Kali++
I'm about to get molecular....
Or AH 100 next....

Or that JoeJoe...

Cannot decide currently.
Yall seem to have very sharp ears. If anyone has any experience may I ask how the synergy syn50 with a plexi module sounds comparatively? I heard a back to back clip and it did a great job copping the tone.