Whats up with the eclipse frenzy. Damn people all hyped up

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Hang on a sec Dan...

The moon's more-reflective, isn't it? :confused:

AFAIC it's an argument for design, its being covered in what's basically silicon dust, perfect for providing moonlight.

The Earth does in fact have a higher albedo than the moon. So while acceptance is correct about that, he is still incorrect in thinking that it has anything to do with why there aren't always stars in the background of space pictures. That 100% comes down to the camera exposure and photo composition.
I get not being interested. I wasn’t particularly in 2017. But like I said, it’s just impossible to understand until you actually experience it — the totality with clear skies. I seriously doubt that anyone could walk away unimpressed but i guess it’s possible. Partial at 99% and total makes all the difference. I think I’ve repeated this like twenty times now so I’ll stop 🤣
I saw a vid of what stuff looked like when it was completely covered up and it was pretty crazy looking. I was at like 99% and it didn't get that dark out, sort of like early dusk level of dark.
I saw a vid of what stuff looked like when it was completely covered up and it was pretty crazy looking. I was at like 99% and it didn't get that dark out, sort of like early dusk level of dark.
Cool. Did you see crescent shadows? 99% and 100% are fundamentally different! ...I have taken a bunch of videos and pictures and nothing really captures it though. Even the pro stuff doesn't, while it is admittedly beautiful to look at. It just has to be experienced. The best thing to do is watch videos of people and listen to them. That's the giveaway — can't fake the reaction.
I got a couple of photos of the crescent shadows, but to your point they do not do justice to experiencing it live. The whole thing is pretty eerie when the birds stop chirping and it starts to get dark. Everything went quiet. Then you could see stars coming out. Then a sunset, which I was not expecting because the sun was still high in the sky.
Best of the crescent photos I got attached.

imgur.com sucks right now


  • 20240408_140458.jpg
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what's the latest and greatest for pic hosting?

I used Photofukit back in the day and then they wanted to start charging. Same with Dropbox
Silly call to make really as none of us has seen the earth from the moon IRL. :LOL:
Nobody made of flesh has seen that.

I keep getting 504 server timeout messages on this site. I have to attempt loading pages or "post reply" multiple times especially during the daylight hours. I'm wondering if it's my local area network or something because every other site is working normally. i have zero computer skills so I have no idea why it's happening here only.
It happens mate. The feedback sub-forum has had threads on it in the past.

Like most unsavoury things, it will pass... and then return from time to time.

Doing similar things for me today so it's not just you.

Oh and FWIMBW I guessed that the moon would be brighter than earth 'cause it looks so-bright at night and also 'cause of its colour. I couldn't imagine that the overall-darker colour of earth could compete with that but I'm happy to admit I got it wrong.
It happens mate. The feedback sub-forum has had threads on it in the past.

Like most unsavoury things, it will pass... and then return from time to time.

Doing similar things for me today so it's not just you.
Thanks Monkey. I wasn't sure. Like most things in life it seemed like everyone was enjoying themselves here while I was busy trying to load a page, lol. Kinda like every time I don't have to work everyone is working and every time I have to work everyone is off that day.
Nobody made of flesh has seen that.

I keep getting 504 server timeout messages on this site. I have to attempt loading pages or "post reply" multiple times especially during the daylight hours. I'm wondering if it's my local area network or something because every other site is working normally. i have zero computer skills so I have no idea why it's happening here only.
I'm confident that if it was your local area network, all sites would act similar. I'm also confident that Internet issues will continue and we will have Internet black outs in the future - due to hackers and bad actors.
I guess I am just dead inside.
I was at work, went outside to experience the eclipse, and then went back to work.