Where ya wana go?

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Both great choices.
Western Montana is great. Eastern Montana is basically North Dakota and I despise North Dakota. Great place if you like to fly kites though. We were traveling through there once and I got out the truck at the gas station and the wind ripped the door right outta my hand as I opened it, tweaked it forward. I had to ride holding it closed for about 40 miles until I finally slammed the hell out with everything I could muster, two handed, and it closed. If you offered me ten million bucks to live in northern MN or ND the rest of my life it wouldn't take me ten seconds to think about it and tell you no.
They measure snow in feet, not inches.

Been there done that.
Not a city girl, despite having lived in them at points.
It doesn't bother me, tbh.
Especially when compared to the taxes and culture I'm dealing with rn.
What type of heating do you have? Is it that expensive?
Central (gas). Both electricity and gas are super-expensive down here.

Haven't been able to work due to long-term poisoning and illness, so all my money goes into rent, food, bills and music gear.

It is what it is. I can live with it. I've no choice really. :dunno:

Hey, thanks for asking mate.
I'm looking at Russia or maybe Montenegro, except Montenegro is becoming a dumping ground for western tourist trash while Russia is going all in on an Orthodox Christian revival. St. Petersburg is cold but there is a good arts scene there. Russia is rolling out a welcome mat to westerners tired of the woke. I mean, yesterday I had some supposed conservative here on the forum mad cause I mentioned a few bible verses. There are very few actual conservatives left in the west. Satan's garbage can....

Here's an Orthodox Priest from the USA who moved his family to Russia:

You'll think I being fucking retarded, but hear me out.

Come to the Finger Lakes.
Especially between Canadaigua and Seneca Lakes.

Winter barely exists anymore.
There are gray skies, but the cold and snow hear barely exists anymore.

I grew up in Watertown, that was real snow.

Moved to the Finger Lakes in the late 80's and we would get snow!
I drove tow truck for my father.

The whole El Nino event (forget the year) changed the jet stream and our weather has been fairly mild ever since.

Rare to get plowable snow.

While doing some mild research on my home (built in 1799) I came across an essay from a man who traveled from the city to see the Genessee River.
While he mentions hostiles and few and far between homes as he neared the East side of Seneca Lake, the weather was horrible. When he rounded the north end of the lake, city of Geneva (not a city then) the weather had gotten milder. He traveled past my house and mentions how mild the weather was. This essay was pre-1900.

At the rate people are leaving NYS, I'm hoping at some point it bounces back.
A lot of the snow birds aren't snow birding to FL anymore...
Here's an Orthodox Priest from the USA who moved his family to Russia:
I've watched multiple videos now with Americans who either relocated or are regular visitors to Russia. None of them regret moving, none seem to regret spending time there and some of the part timers are considering making it a full time home. I was watching a woman who was a veteran who had just converted to orthodoxy. Her words was that the US was like a pile of shit covered in gold glitter and that Russia was like a pile of gold covered in a thin coat of shit. She was considering making it a full time home.

They both have problems but you don't see bums and lechers hanging out all over their streets there. You don't see mega obese people there. They are cleaning the place up. They went from 20 percent orthodox to 70 percent in like 10 or 20 years. You don't see tattooed women and heavy piercings everywhere. It's just more normal. I was thinking I could get the ball rolling and then when my pops passes away I'll move there full time. My son needs a wife, good luck finding a normal 20 something white woman with their head on straight here these days. He's mostly dated hispanics cause they have some semblance of traditional values...
Central (gas). Both electricity and gas are super-expensive down here.

Haven't been able to work due to long-term poisoning and illness, so all my money goes into rent, food, bills and music gear.

It is what it is. I can live with it. I've no choice really. :dunno:

Hey, thanks for asking mate.
An old inmate told me that as long as you have a butt you will never be broke… just saying..?

You'll think I being fucking retarded, but hear me out.

Come to the Finger Lakes.
Especially between Canadaigua and Seneca Lakes.

Winter barely exists anymore.
There are gray skies, but the cold and snow hear barely exists anymore.

I grew up in Watertown, that was real snow.

Moved to the Finger Lakes in the late 80's and we would get snow!
I drove tow truck for my father.

The whole El Nino event (forget the year) changed the jet stream and our weather has been fairly mild ever since.

Rare to get plowable snow.

While doing some mild research on my home (built in 1799) I came across an essay from a man who traveled from the city to see the Genessee River.
While he mentions hostiles and few and far between homes as he neared the East side of Seneca Lake, the weather was horrible. When he rounded the north end of the lake, city of Geneva (not a city then) the weather had gotten milder. He traveled past my house and mentions how mild the weather was. This essay was pre-1900.

At the rate people are leaving NYS, I'm hoping at some point it bounces back.
A lot of the snow birds aren't snow birding to FL anymore...
It’s odd to me that now I know (via the internet) two people from Watertown. Looking at Google Earth it would appear only a couple people live there.
And you also know (via the internet) a guy from Northern Minnesota and North Dakota (I maintain two residences).
I know a bunch of people in real life and via the internet in northern Minnesota. No one in N. Dakota though. Watertown NY though ? Fuck, no one’s ever even heard of the place.
I know a bunch of people in real life and via the internet in northern Minnesota. No one in N. Dakota though. Watertown NY though ? Fuck, no one’s ever even heard of the place.
Me either, but I have driven through and around Watertown SD though. Used to gig at the Sidewinder in Sioux Falls and the Underground in Aberdeen, SD.
I know a bunch of people in real life and via the internet in northern Minnesota. No one in N. Dakota though. Watertown NY though ? Fuck, no one’s ever even heard of the place.
We used to have the Fort Drum field days at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds.
I went straight up in the air and back down in an opened door State Trooper helicopter.
Got to shoot M16, on tripods.

We'd go there every year practically for a school field trip's as well.

I met Lou Ferigno during his Hulk days at those fairgrounds.
Also met Bo and Luke Duke and got a poster of them with the General Lee signed.

I still have a couple KISS trinkets from the local music store that were leftover from the later 70's that I bought as leftovers in the early 80's
I really wanted to leave New York. High taxes and shitty politics.

Thought I was gonna leave but then I got a granddaughter. I'm not leaving. I'll have more Grandchildren eventually as my daughters want kids. I'm not missing out on that. My Mom moved to Florida 25 years ago. My Kids dont really know her. My wife says my Mom must be missing the Grandma chip because how could she do that ? My Brother moved to Florida and then North Carolina 4 years ago. He has 8 grand kids that he never see's. I don't get it :confused:

I'm okay with staying in New York and being around my family. Taxes suck but the Hudson Valley is really beautiful. Everybody wants. to move here for a reason. It's home for me :)
Lots of Wineries and Breweries to gig at as well ?:m17:?:cool:
I really wanted to leave New York. High taxes and shitty politics.

Thought I was gonna leave but then I got a granddaughter. I'm not leaving. I'll have more Grandchildren eventually as my daughters want kids. I'm not missing out on that. My Mom moved to Florida 25 years ago. My Kids dont really know her. My wife says my Mom must be missing the Grandma chip because how could she do that ? My Brother moved to Florida and then North Carolina 4 years ago. He has 8 grand kids that he never see's. I don't get it :confused:

I'm okay with staying in New York and being around my family. Taxes suck but the Hudson Valley is really beautiful. Everybody wants. to move here for a reason. It's home for me :)
Lots of Wineries and Breweries to gig at as well ?:m17:?:cool:
Well if people want to see me, they'll move to where I'm at :D
I really wanted to leave New York. High taxes and shitty politics.

Thought I was gonna leave but then I got a granddaughter. I'm not leaving. I'll have more Grandchildren eventually as my daughters want kids. I'm not missing out on that. My Mom moved to Florida 25 years ago. My Kids dont really know her. My wife says my Mom must be missing the Grandma chip because how could she do that ? My Brother moved to Florida and then North Carolina 4 years ago. He has 8 grand kids that he never see's. I don't get it :confused:

I'm okay with staying in New York and being around my family. Taxes suck but the Hudson Valley is really beautiful. Everybody wants. to move here for a reason. It's home for me :)
Lots of Wineries and Breweries to gig at as well ?:m17:?:cool:
Move them with you.
I really wanted to leave New York. High taxes and shitty politics.

Thought I was gonna leave but then I got a granddaughter. I'm not leaving. I'll have more Grandchildren eventually as my daughters want kids. I'm not missing out on that. My Mom moved to Florida 25 years ago. My Kids dont really know her. My wife says my Mom must be missing the Grandma chip because how could she do that ? My Brother moved to Florida and then North Carolina 4 years ago. He has 8 grand kids that he never see's. I don't get it :confused:

I'm okay with staying in New York and being around my family. Taxes suck but the Hudson Valley is really beautiful. Everybody wants. to move here for a reason. It's home for me :)
Lots of Wineries and Breweries to gig at as well ?:m17:?:cool:
My old man moved to Florida and the rest of the family moved there as well. 4 kids with their families. A couple of us live in TX now but you couldn't pay me to move back up north where I came from. Shitty people, shitty prices, shitty taxes, shitty weather, shitty music scene, shitty politics. Only thing is I miss my old man these days, looking to fix that, but at least I am in dixie.