White Rural Rage

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If you need to pull guns on people for notariety thats a shallow existence.
He's a Lawyer he could just call the cops LOL.
What part of the Missouri Bar Association is the AR-15 ?
Agree Jones is a Clusterfuck but that happened under Lyda K.
Da fuq?

You want this one Bro. Lemme look you in the eye so there's no misunderstanding.
Dan if you want to post pictures of yourself that’s fine. But I don’t want members posting pictures of other members on here. When you post pics of yourself then it’s kind of a green light for people to fuck with you. And use your pictures.
Theyve done it for 15 years, memes what have you what does it matter ?
Ya know the great american RT 2.0 has been about 3 weeks now but texting on forums never really solves anything.
Not anymore. I will delete them and issue warnings. If it continues then I’ll ban them. It’s not going to be tolerated and this section will not turn back into a cesspool. Get along or get along….we can have different opinions and still show some small modicum of respect. No pics, no personal information, addresses, employment…nada…
And also-I don’t really mod this section because I participate in it. However if there is a problem that I notice I will take care of it. The picture and personal info thing was decided upon and announced awhile back when things were really salty. And it’s just in bad taste. IMO…
You realize how much scrutiny comes down the pike when you pull a weapon on someone? I don't think a sissy boy lawyer in a pink polo is pulling out a weapon is doing it for notoriety, lol. Shouldn't you be making sure the beans aren't scorcing or something? If I was working with you and heard you talking this kind of stupid you would be out of clean sauce pans and small ovals on a perpetual basis my man.
Now now Von Jovi. Respectful remember ?
Not really a legitimate source, nevertheless, stupid as it was, those lawyers didn't break the law. Would I have done it, no. I may have had a seat on my front porch with a shotgun across my lap, also not against the law, but confronting an angry mob with no shoes on and with my wife with an inoperable handgun, fuck that. Now they come on my actually property, story probably changes a little.
Have you ever been fired as a dishwasher? I have ?
Sorry for the long reply but:

I actually don't think I have and I have had many dishwashing jobs. Always part time though. I can't stick that as a full time gig, I'd blow my stack. I like to go different places and do different stuff. I was good friend's with one restaurant owners son, we used to party all the time. One day we dropped a "reasonably sane" amount of acid before work. He was a waiter haha. We got found out but if I got fired then owner would've had to fire his own kid. All the staff knew so he was kind of without recourse so it was interesting when dude walked into the back chewing our butts with no real effect while looking kinda like a 250lb grey squirrel in a shirt and tie BAHAHAHA.

There were a couple spots I was just like "screw these people" and didn't show back up but I learned to pull rank cause no one wants to do dishes so I would make threats to walk off if there was any disrespect by cooks, bussers, or wait staff. "You wanna do these dishes motherfucker?" I didn't think so." Piss me off and I'd let 'em pile up sky high "I'm taking a smoke break" and never come back Gotcha! I used to have a lot of fun working summer nights dishing and then getting shift drinks even underage from the bar and skateboarding about six or seven miles home on a long board. Maybe burn one on the way. Summer of 94 it was STP Dancing Days every night on the ride home. Man that is a great memory for me. Stat's Sports Bar had killer management, beautiful waitresses, really good food, and a lot of good dudes in the kitchen....

I have a little extra free time on my hands lately and even thought about grabbing a couple evenings doing it. Saw an opening close to home at a pizza joint. I only handyman a couple half days besides gigs and it's always slow at SXSW time. Other than the first day where you go home and toss and turn all night having lame dishwashing dreams it ain't a bad job here and there. Instead of entertaining people I don't have talk to anyone which is a nice change. Best of all if I get a last minute gig offer if they won't give me the night off I just take it anyways. I know the musician life tactics well my man. So I guess you could say I've done a few dishes in my life.

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Only once did being high in class work out for me. I was stoned as fuck and it was my comparative anatomy midterm...bio 400 something. Bear of a class. I tripped balls and smoked a J to take the edge off before class. After 8 minutes I was done and turned my shit in and the whole time I'm dancing and singing I got an A......everyone laughing at me including the professor. I did...aced it.
In 1982 i was in Mechanic school. there were 4 of us who carpooled it was a long drive.
Every morning someone would fire a doobie and we'd all get ripped.
I did fine in the shop but first thing we did @ 08:00hrs was take a written test.
3 of us our minds would be blank but one guy that rode with us would ace the test every time.
It never got any better with the drugs n booze for me.
Its a terrible way to try and manage Combat Stress disorder and other things.
Sorry to hear. I have heard some find relief with the herb.

Well for me if all you have to day everyday is zone out in a room by yourself you can do that.
But as far as holding a job and interacting / interpersonal relationships it just doesn't work well.
Well for me if all you have to day everyday is zone out in a room by yourself you can do that.
But as far as holding a job and interacting / interpersonal relationships it just doesn't work well.
Dan.. (if that is yore real name) just become financially independent and sit in a room all day, playing guitar.


Well for me if all you have to day everyday is zone out in a room by yourself you can do that.
But as far as holding a job and interacting / interpersonal relationships it just doesn't work well.

Preach it bro…that’s my life. Can’t deal with stuff….people…even family. I hope since I retired I’ll snap out of it but I’ve gotten worse. The wife tells me I’m a rageaholic but I think she’s exaggerating a bit. I also don’t believe in meds or substances for mental health because that’s how I was raised and taught. Might switch gears, I don’t know. Not interested in being a medicated plebe….
I also don’t believe in meds or substances for mental health because that’s how I was raised and taught.
I'll second that. The further I got away from the dirtbags who prescribe that stuff like candy the less depressed I got. Nature provides, big pharma destroys. I never understood why people think talking to some dipshit who gets a nice check for listening to someone's sore vagina would help. Most of those guys were more fukked in the head than I was at the time haha.