White Rural Rage

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I guess maybe I should make my stance clear? I would not have done anything they did in that situation. Don’t worry about what I would’ve done.

However, they did it and they are legends and I got a pic with him! I am proud of that!
I guess maybe I should make my stance clear? I would not have done anything they did in that situation. Don’t worry about what I would’ve done.

However, they did it and they are legends and I got a pic with him! I am proud of that!
Me and thump looking for some Mesas and Marshalls...
I guess maybe I should make my stance clear? I would not have done anything they did in that situation. Don’t worry about what I would’ve done.

However, they did it and they are legends and I got a pic with him! I am proud of that!
It's a whole different thing, being in a subdivision and that happens.. vs. being very rural, living on acreage and that happens.

Look Chris, when we are crusing down 255, I gotta be the wookie
Dude, I go all the way down to Cairo when going east so I only have to be in Illinois for about 45 seconds. If I’m cruising down 255 something very bad has happened.
Castle law is a nice thing but be familiar with it in your area. It’s not a license to kill. Well it kinda is. Key word is “threat “…I.e.-I felt threatened….second key word is location. Someone standing in your driveway or on your sidewalk is a no no. Here it’s on your front porch or entryway.
Also here castle law also applies to when you are in your vehicle. If you’re in your car and someone is brandishing a weapon and threatens you or punches you then technically it’s go time.
Castle law is a nice thing but be familiar with it in your area. It’s not a license to kill. Well it kinda is. Key word is “threat “…I.e.-I felt threatened….second key word is location. Someone standing in your driveway or on your sidewalk is a no no. Here it’s on your front porch or entryway.
I tried to explain this to my neighbor about a dispute he was having with another neighbor. He claims he'll just say "I feared for my life cause he was on my property after I told him never to come back". I'm like dude it ain't that simple. But he's pretty high strung, I don't think it got through to him how much getting in that situation would wreck the remaining years of his life, and finances, even if he were justified. Everything will be under extreme scrutiny in those situaitons.
I tried to explain this to my neighbor about a dispute he was having with another neighbor. He claims he'll just say "I feared for my life cause he was on my property after I told him never to come back". I'm like dude it ain't that simple. But he's pretty high strung, I don't think it got through to him how much getting in that situation would wreck the remaining years of his life, and finances, even if he were justified. Everything will be under extreme scrutiny in those situaitons.
Absolutely. You really need to educate him. That’s also the whole reason why I have a throw away gun also…what….???
About three years ago I could have killed two people. Two separate occasions. Good shoots…but I didn’t because the situation wasn’t right. And I’m not a murderer. Would have been good clean castle law shoots also. I didn’t because they were not true threats. If they were I wouldn’t have hesitated. They were dumb ass crackheads who didn’t realize the seriousness of the situation. They both wound up dead by their own hands later. Sad really.
Absolutely. You really need to educate him. That’s also the whole reason why I have a throw away gun also…what….???
I been trying.

He's pretty hot tempered at times and always tightly wound. He screams profanities into the phone when he gets spam calls, curses democrats and says they all need to die while he watches news, lol. He is about 20 years my senior and I think he sometimes views my advice through that lens a little. I kept trying to tell him about him not gonna be wanting buckhorn pullback bars on a Harley he ordered and he swore up and down he wasn't changing anything. He finally gets the bike and is like "you were right". I just laughed. Heck just this week one of his bikes wasn't idling right. He's like "I want to get a new carb if you can't fix it". I'm like "if you are going that route heck with crappy CV carbs, get and S&S or a Mikuni. NO I WANT TO KEEP IT FACTORY. Ordered a new CV. Yet last year I tuned his S&S equipped bike to perfection and he's like "man you really did the job on that it's my most reliable starting bike"

He is my neighbor so I love the dude unconditionally but yeah he can be hard to reach in that regard.
Even if you’re justified killing someone is a life altering event and will cause you hardship. It should be a last resort. Many times I could have justified killing someone, but if you can extricate yourself from the situation, you should.
About three years ago I could have killed two people. Two separate occasions. Good shoots…but I didn’t because the situation wasn’t right. And I’m not a murderer. Would have been good clean castle law shoots also. I didn’t because they were not true threats. If they were I wouldn’t have hesitated. They were dumb ass crackheads who didn’t realize the seriousness of the situation. They both wound up dead by their own hands later. Sad really.
The orthodox tell me it's better to be killed than to kill and that utilizing self defense and castle doctrine is for when someone non-orthodox is under attack because they are not yet guaranteed to enter the heavenly realm. I have had a harder time with that one but it's slowly sinking into my thick skull that it probably right. Good on you. Grievous harm is best avoided when possible, you got self control. I once booted a dude square in the face after knocking him down with about five or six punches. I thought I might'v killed him and bolted for the woods. There was heavy conflict in a party pad and he was always trying to bully and intimidate me. Except he was real drunk the night I had finally had enough. Kinda regret that though. He wasn't a bad dude unless he was drinking, except he was always drinking.

Close quarters doesnt require 3200fps, just [.2]

Wadda u expect from a card carrying Union Meat Cutter ?
U dont need a pink polo or a .223 to be lethal.

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