Who here has been banned from TheGearPage TGP?

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I was banned years ago for thelling a moderator to F off. then one day after about 3 years I decided to revist TGP and i was no longer one of the unwashed
Monkey Man":1g8bh94e said:
So technically you got banned for saying one word, and an historical name at that. :gethim:

No word exists that could get you the same result here. :lol: :LOL: :rock:

I found out that if you provide actual facts in a dispute that proves them wrong, perma-ban!!!

They can't stand to be shown beyond a doubt that they're wrong. They like to hit mute button and have shushers. Ssshhhh. Nobody heard that.
Markedman":3d0iwwx6 said:
Monkey Man":3d0iwwx6 said:
So technically you got banned for saying one word, and an historical name at that. :gethim:

No word exists that could get you the same result here. :lol: :LOL: :rock:

I found out that if you provide actual facts in a dispute that proves them wrong, perma-ban!!!

They can't stand to be shown beyond a doubt that they're wrong. They like to hit mute button and have shushers. Ssshhhh. Nobody heard that.

True, isn't one of the mods on TGP Nancy Pelosi? Must be as it's run like Dems are fully in charge there.
I got perma-banned courtesy Scott Peterson. You know, the Axe FX shill. Set me up.

I basically posted this article along with the pictures of Springsteen kissing his buddy.

That earned me a one-week ban handed down by Peterson, because the picture was posted by a handle called "Defund the Police". Just the handle was objectionable, not the picture.

When the ban ended, I asked Peterson whether I could just post the article without the picture, because it's a great article.

He said, "Go ahead" and a few hours later, I was perma-banned.

Laughable really. Are you sure they're liberals? I was thinking closet homophobes or racists. No big deal, with mods like that and policies like that, they did me a favour ?
These are all reasons why I never bothered to register there.
Doesn't sound like a lot of fun.
Good info there though.
Their main gear page fills up like 5 or 6 pages a day which is way too much for me.
I like the pace of R-T better. About a page a day.
@nightlight as crazy as that is Brother AJ, you'd no doubt know that that sort of treatment is unremarkable from the perspective of this thread. Ridiculous! :confused: :LOL:

Their main gear page fills up like 5 or 6 pages a day which is way too much for me.
I like the pace of R-T better. About a page a day.
I've noticed two consolidated bumps in traffic, the first since the board upgrade and then again after Game of Groans' removal. I often wonder how much of an effect the "Dark Mode" option has had. I'd like to think it's helped tremendously. These days I'm getting 3 pages regularly, which is great for Rig Talk and I'm glad to see it.

Even if it were to greatly-exceed your preferred, comfortable pace, at least it'll still feel "free", Brother 311. :rock: :cheers2:
This place is mostly pro/semi pro compared to TGP. I have an account there for researching stuff and occasionally posting, but this is where I hang out.
TGP 10 years ago was a different story.

TGP today is like Guitar Center, RT is like Make’n Music. Nero is doing a great job and for the most part practically everyone here is having a good time.

It’s like, you might get some strings or a deal at GC, but you get your “Dream Rig” over here (unless Friedman lol).

Does that make sense?

You guise get it. [copsmiley]
I have been over on TGP for a while.

It is a cyclic forum. When one person wants to bitch about Floyd Roses it seems like you end up with 10 different people all bitching about Floyds.

Not long ago arthritis, neuropathy, golfers elbow, etc was all the rage. There were multiple threads about these topic trending at the same time.

TGP has a very strong "zeitgeist" and it can really make the place tedious.

But as of late TGP has been under a malaise. The threads are overwhelmingly fluff posts. I had been thinking of finding a new forum for several months. Then I used the word "penis" and incurred a 7 day ban (this was not even directed at anyone and was not part of a forum kerfuffle). At that point I found rig-talk and here I am.

I agree that the pace is much more enjoyable here. I also really dig the "More chix less 'tics", underboobs, "practical explanation about next life", and "NJ legal weed" threads. Those would never fly on TGP! Also the classifieds here are more my speed: Ibanez, Charvel, Jackson, etc. Really liked that Tangerine Charvel, would have been in line to buy it... if I could post in the freakin' classifieds... but at least this post moves me one closer to it.
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I think if I wanted to hit 50 posts quickly you could start a thread a Off Topic and just keep posting in it. Do you have to have 50 posts to create a thread? I don't think so. But that idea is better than the dude that bumped the top 50 posts in our main forum and kind of screwed up the flow :LOL:
Typical thread titles and other isms you would likely see at TGP:

I'll go first,

-They just dont make 'em like they used ta
-This is why Jimi was the best!
-Whatever happened to these old jazz cats from the good ole days?
-Hey check out this guys tone! (Its basically a tone that you can achieve on literally any combo of gear, nothing special, some boomer as fuck kinda playing).
- What is your favorite "XXX"?
- Help me choose my next "YYY"?
- What is the best "ZZZ"?
- Reverb seller are greedy
- Reverb buyers are cheap tire kickers
- I hate Reverb
- X vs Y
- How important is X

I could go on...
This place seems really laid back.

Seems like you'd have to try really hard to get banned here.

Reminds me a little of HC back in 2000's before they were taken over. I don't mean that in a bad way. I really enjoyed HC back in those days.
- What is your favorite "XXX"?
- Help me choose my next "YYY"?
- What is the best "ZZZ"?
- Reverb seller are greedy
- Reverb buyers are cheap tire kickers
- I hate Reverb
- X vs Y
- How important is X

I could go on...
Lmao holy shit.

Every month there is a new thread titled "is vinyl making a comeback"?
This place seems really laid back.

Seems like you'd have to try really hard to get banned here.

Reminds me a little of HC back in 2000's before they were taken over. I don't mean that in a bad way. I really enjoyed HC back in those days.
There are a lot of soy boys here though and they will tattle on you if you hurt their feelings.
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I like TGP...it is a very big forum compared to here. You obviously have to avoid politics and religion because you get enough of that on Faceless Book and other sites. Just use common sense when posting on TGP...it's really not that hard.:thumbsup:
It’s like a bunch of internet bullying on TGP. The mods are the trolls. I know they never lived life before the internet. Nothing but a bunch of brainwashed kids and skinny jean wearing old farts that never could never be socially accepted.
I like TGP...it is a very big forum compared to here. You obviously have to avoid politics and religion because you get enough of that on Faceless Book and other sites. Just use common sense when posting on TGP...it's really not that hard.:thumbsup:
No. Not really. They will ban you for things that they do not ban others for if the moderator has a burr up his ass. I got banned for for using the word "penis" in a tongue in cheek way. No arguing, fighting, or name calling was going on. Reason for ban: "Inappropriate conduct: used word penis". What I said in jest to someone complaining about a crooked buyer who he wanted to run off was: "well, you could always ask his penis size...".

After the ban was over, I contacted others who I had seen use the word penis in similar ways. They were never banned or warned. For that matter the rules at TGP are to "keep it PG-13" since 13 year olds and older can use the site. The word "penis" is used in PG-13 movies routinely (so are drug references BTW).

What you have to be on TGP is boring, plain, vanilla. If you say anything that a mod decides that they don't like, the will ban you... and you have no recourse. If a mods buddy wants to take a shot at you, their mods will run you out of town... and that has been verified in multiple instances.

If you have not run afoul of the mod squad on TGP, you are lucky. You either are being really dull or you have not been there long enough.
You think they're bad, try SSo_Org. they are the worst. (Well, they at least allow politics).

They are a bunch a lefty butt hurt bandits who do their best to make sure that anyonr who doesn't agree with them, stay out. They tolerate neutral opinions, but no one from the right lasts long there. SSO are CHAZ

Hey buddy...long time no see!!! I dig your Mike Lindell (My Pillow guy) avatar. I was wondering what happened to you over at SSo_Org...you get mentioned over there many times on occasion. You are now a legend and a martyr and your spirit shall linger amongst the vegan Millennial seven-stringers whom you have traumatized.:cry:✊
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