Who here has been banned from TheGearPage TGP?

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Like most university level education institutions, I view The Gear Page as a sort-of "training ground" for authoritarian socialism; based on the Soviet and China model.
I don’t have an account there but I do visit once in a while. I get a sense of what you are describing by some of the mod posts. It seems like a very soy influenced forum.
Like most university level education institutions, I view The Gear Page as a sort-of "training ground" for authoritarian socialism; based on the Soviet and China model.
I was booted for a week over a video of Chinese workers killing them selfs. It all started over the anti american guitar experts they have on TGP.
all they do over at TGP is suck each other off every time one's Mommy buys him a new guitar.
Today's youth (and many adults) are borderline retarded. Go look at any number of TY videos. Every reply sings praise to the poster, regardless of content. If someone posts a clip on how to change a car tire, some fool will reply with; "I was driving down I-4 when my tire blew-out. I didn't know what to do, so I looked it up on YT and found this video. I owe you my life!" :sick:
I was banned, at first is was a suspension then IM'd Scott and called him a Bald Headed Chicken Fucker. Thats when the perma ban was sealed.

My main social media gripe is Facebook. I steered clear of it all these years but when one of my good friends passed away, I joined so I could stay in touch with his circle of freinds and his family as that is how they all communicated. I've since joined a few FB groups noteably the Dual Rectifier group, Splawn, Van Halen, and some local campers and nature related groups.

But, FB is worse than Forums as it relates to the dumb questions. People put no effort into their own research or their own conclusions. They are lazy and they just want people to give them the answer.
I just got a 7 day ban for writing what I thought was a completely innocuous post. Then, when I DM'd the mod who performed the ban, and asked why was I banned, and that I feel my post should be reinstated, and that TGP doesn't even make the Terms of Agreement available to view, so how do you even know you are transgressing? Or what? Especially when they can't answer a simple question. Instant Ban for life for 'harrassing a mod' - I can't even access the DM or the posts to show you guys. That place is crazy! I did however find out who owns TGP - it's a guy named Scott, and he owns ALL of the forums (it seems) in musicland, except, apparently this one. But I am super angry, and I am not going to let this drop.
I just got a 7 day ban for writing what I thought was a completely innocuous post. Then, when I DM'd the mod who performed the ban, and asked why was I banned, and that I feel my post should be reinstated, and that TGP doesn't even make the Terms of Agreement available to view, so how do you even know you are transgressing? Or what? Especially when they can't answer a simple question. Instant Ban for life for 'harrassing a mod' - I can't even access the DM or the posts to show you guys. That place is crazy! I did however find out who owns TGP - it's a guy named Scott, and he owns ALL of the forums (it seems) in musicland, except, apparently this one. But I am super angry, and I am not going to let this drop.
Let it go. You're here now. We love you here. Scott can't hurt you here.

Also, Necro. There's a recent thread or few already going on about this.
You should go there and let it all out.
I just got a 7 day ban for writing what I thought was a completely innocuous post. Then, when I DM'd the mod who performed the ban, and asked why was I banned, and that I feel my post should be reinstated, and that TGP doesn't even make the Terms of Agreement available to view, so how do you even know you are transgressing? Or what? Especially when they can't answer a simple question. Instant Ban for life for 'harrassing a mod' - I can't even access the DM or the posts to show you guys. That place is crazy! I did however find out who owns TGP - it's a guy named Scott, and he owns ALL of the forums (it seems) in musicland, except, apparently this one. But I am super angry, and I am not going to let this drop.
Did you have the same user name over there?