No. Not really. They will ban you for things that they do not ban others for if the moderator has a burr up his ass. I got banned for for using the word "penis" in a tongue in cheek way. No arguing, fighting, or name calling was going on. Reason for ban: "Inappropriate conduct: used word penis". What I said in jest to someone complaining about a crooked buyer who he wanted to run off was: "well, you could always ask his penis size...".
After the ban was over, I contacted others who I had seen use the word penis in similar ways. They were never banned or warned. For that matter the rules at TGP are to "keep it PG-13" since 13 year olds and older can use the site. The word "penis" is used in PG-13 movies routinely (so are drug references BTW).
What you have to be on TGP is boring, plain, vanilla. If you say anything that a mod decides that they don't like, the will ban you... and you have no recourse. If a mods buddy wants to take a shot at you, their mods will run you out of town... and that has been verified in multiple instances.
If you have not run afoul of the mod squad on TGP, you are lucky. You either are being really dull or you have not been there long enough.
I can see what you're saying. I bet some of the mods have missed others' posts over at TGP saying the 'P' word. It's a huge forum so it is probably difficult monitoring all posts. You shouldn't let it get to you. Take a break from the computer & spend some more time with your pet doggy because if you don't then you will even forget your own name.